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No no, its actually explained quite well. The skin/shrivelled shit was taken in by Shield and she re-awakened or something. As comic book death cop outs go it was more than tolerable.


Im pretty sure thats wrong and she was basically just the Carnage symbiote mixed with the DNA it took from Gwen, nothing to do with the original body it left behind. Shes seperated from Carnage now though.

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Oh....lol. My bad. To be fair it was like....*no excuses*






I totally forgot to say. The Spider-Man cover is absolutely SHIT. They made it out to sound amazing.


Official Press Release



Marvel is pleased to unveil the special variant covers to Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1, Ultimate Comics Avengers #1 and Ultimate Comics Armor Wars #1 utilizing the brand-new Foilogram cover treatment! Part foil, part hologram, these reflective covers will jump at you from shelves! Watch as Spider-Man's webbing catches the light! Examine the intricate technology of Tony Stark! And, yes, that's Captain America's shield shining back at you!


"This is Marvel doing the nineties right," explained David Gabriel, Marvel Comics Senior Vice President of Sales & Circulation. "We're taking two of the most popular cover treatments of all time--foil and holograms--to create an all new kind of cover, as a 'thank-you' to fans who've been demanding this kind of variant! Retailers and fans don't need to worry. We're only doing this on a limited basis. You won't see one on Ms Marvel #46 or Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #4. We're using them to mark very special occasions...such as the launch of Ultimate Comics line."


As the Ultimate Comics line launches with Marvel's top characters and top creators, you can't miss the star-studded Ultimate Comics Avengers #1, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 and Ultimate Comics Armor Wars #1, now with Foilogram Variant Covers! Fans, speak to your retailers now about how to secure one of these variant covers!


And it looks absolutely fucking shit. Its literally just foil and crimped foil. Its flimsy, and its pathetic. Looks so shit, I was like "WTF".


It is JUST foil. The most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. So I didn't buy it obviously.

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I adore how Matt Fraction writes realistic battle dialogue. No long monologues that make no sense in the sense of the time it would take to say them and what's going on in the page, just short sharp phrases.


Lorelei, being sucked in Cloak's Cloak "No No no-"

Cloak "Yes. Sorry."


That's perfect.


mm, quite. Fraction et al are all notable for their lack of exposition mid fisticuffs. It's been a long time since anything like that has been commonplace. The only thing I can think of is Claremont's X-Men Forever which is either enjoyably retro or insufferably old hat, depending on your outlook.


edit: should be going to town later so it's TWD day!


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mm, quite. Fraction et al are all notable for their lack of exposition mid fisticuffs. It's been a long time since anything like that has been commonplace. The only thing I can think of is Claremont's X-Men Forever which is either enjoyably retro or insufferably old hat, depending on your outlook.


edit: should be going to town later so it's TWD day!



I got X-Men Forever 1, then realised I hated Claremont's modern writing mostly, and that the art was annoyingly nodescript. So I haven't read it since.




I'm loving Utopia so far, although I couldn't get my hands on Chapter 2. Doesn't seem like much happened though, except, I assume, the team being introduced.

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TWD is absolutely sick this month. I can't wait to see where this is all heading (naturally, I envisage the future in relative casualty figures etc) LOVED Dale's little outburst.


Deadpool is typically awesome this month. His version of 'laying low' as per Bullseye's instructions is just...man it's awesome.

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Phenomenal stuff.


"First: you join my crew. As navigator". Hahahaahahaha. His map was incredible. And the russian boat guys! hahaahaahahaha!



God I love Deadpool. It's just...genius. Must be hard as hell to write though- making things seem random when, really, it's all very carefully orchestrated.

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If I want to get into Batman comics, like the issues, anyone know where the hell I would start?


Well...Batman just died, so...::shrug:


There's like a zillion different bat titles out there, from the main continuity ones, to various ones just about Batman adventures. My way of thinking is going into the shop/wherever you'd buy them, and just choose ones you like the covers of. However, the front of comics often tell you if they're part of a story arc, so I like to get the start of an arc.


I just started on the new title, Batman And Robin by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. That's set in the present though, so no Bruce as Batman.

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No, it died. However, the universe was revisited a few times in the awesome Justice league Unlimited series. (cartoon series)


Grant Morrison wrote Arkham Asylum, and he's writing the Batman issues I currently get, so yeah, they're good. :) Don't get Detective Comics or any other batman comics, dunno what they're like.

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Batman #688 is basically the start of the new Batman so that might be a good place to start. Reading Battle for the Cowl might help aswell but as long as you know that Bruce isnt Batman anymore then its not required, I only read the first issue of it.


And as Paj said, read the new Batman and Robin series aswell. Those two series are the main two and should keep you up to date.

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Agreed -


Battle for the Cowl

Batman #688-onwards (only upto 689)

Batman and Robin


and I recommend the son of Batman story arc, cos it's awesome. Probably in TPB form now but it gives a bit of history towards the current ongoing stuff.


Honestly though Daft, theres so many better comics that the ongoing Batman stuff. (Although Batman and Robin is very good)


Try Chew. Its brilliant.

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I havent actually let ReZ know yet that I read the first issue of Chew, thought it was ok but not one I was interested in continuing reading....im expecting a possible end to our friendship over it


You expect correctly.






Issue 1 is a master piece. Give issue 2 and 3 a try if you wish to rebuild our bond.

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