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Just read Battle For The Cowl - The Underground

It follows what the villains are up to in Gotham seeing as Batman caught a nasty case of the dead.

It was alright but one thing annoyed me a lot, Harley Quinn looked like a 40 year old secretary dressed up like her...




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#4 came out a few weeks back, so #5 is


A) The next issue


B) Probably out in a few weeks.




And.....I totally read more of The Sword today. Issue 15 is sick. As in horrible. Theres one moment at the end which has to be one of the most gruesome and visually horrible things I've ever seen in a comic. Its sick!!!

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I've just spent the last while collecting together all the New X-Men issues I have, I want to reread them, I loved so much. (Effectively the start fo E is for Extinction until the end of Xorneto's reign of terror.


Only thing letting it down is Igor Kordey. Comic art doesn't usually detratc from a story, but his does. I actively dislike the story because of the art. Sometimes it just makes a bd story worse, like that awful X-Treme X-Men shit, The Arena, where Storm takes part in what I remember being some undergriunf fighting club with pointless glowing tattoos and costumes. That was shit.


I remember a few X-treme X-men stories being shite® because of the art. The Shitty tie-in to X2, with Stryker and Deathstryke...that one where Rogue meets that girl with the eyepatch...?


I mean, going from Salvador Larroca to Igor Kordey..UGH!

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X-Treme was, on retrosepctive, utter toss. It started so well with psylocke being murdered and the hunt for Destiny's diaries. Sage, too, was awesome. It was like the x men had gone techno thriller or something.


then there was an alien invasion. Completely shat the story/tone/pace/ characters royally. What the fuck was that?

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X-Treme was, on retrosepctive, utter toss. It started so well with psylocke being murdered and the hunt for Destiny's diaries. Sage, too, was awesome. It was like the x men had gone techno thriller or something.


then there was an alien invasion. Completely shat the story/tone/pace/ characters royally. What the fuck was that?


I know. It was like they had such a good idea/plotline (that had been mentioned for a good while previously - Way back to when Kitty found the first Diary in Mystique's house), and then the Alien Invasion (hardly the worst storyline it had, but slightly random). I did like the few issues after that though, where they're dying in the hospital/recovering with teammates.


However, it was clear Clarmont was stalling for time as the title was selling well. The isse where they're recuperating and Jean makes the case for everyone to return home, they really should have. But the last panel is Storm saying like "No, we have MOAR TO DO OUTSIDE THE MANSION!" or something equally pointless. Cue shit storylines/art. I never read the title to the end. Think I got to the return of Bogan (with Sunspot in it? Can't remeber.) The art honestly just put me off reading it.


Sage and Emma Frost were the two best character revivals of that era. Brilliant.


And while I loved Psylocke, at least her death was pretty major. It wasn't like Thunderbird dying (he was shit).


Oh yeah, I think they had potential with Lifeguard and Slipstream, but then they just fucked off.

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...pretty much how I felt.


were you buying Essential then? I remember reading Morrison and thinking 'holy fucking shit!' then going in to X-Treme and just thinking 'Jesus keerriisit!'


I'd also argue for Beast being one of the best characters then (and in Whedon afterwards). I loved how they wrote this brilliant scientist who was terrified he was becoming more animal than man. Fabulous.

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...pretty much how I felt.


were you buying Essential then? I remember reading Morrison and thinking 'holy fucking shit!' then going in to X-Treme and just thinking 'Jesus keerriisit!'


I'd also argue for Beast being one of the best characters then (and in Whedon afterwards). I loved how they wrote this brilliant scientist who was terrified he was becoming more animal than man. Fabulous.


Yeah, I'd got Essential since Issue 38, 1998. I was 7. It really opened my eyes up...the issue Sabretooth breaks out, rips Psylocke's guts out, the blood splattering over Boom Boom, and then the original X-Men have to track him down, but not before he injures Caliban and rips apart Angel's wings.


Loved it. :)


Wish I'd kept it going, but I moved to a less easy to get to stop from my newsagent, and then it closed down. I had only subscribed to Spider-Man, so I effectively stopped X-Men at the end of Planet X or whatever Xorneto was. Which was a shame. Always liked it best of all, was just too lazy.


Beast was great. I liked how Essential knew what little stories to include too, I remember they put in an Unlimited story about Beats thinking he'd found a mutant to relate to, until Jean told him it was jus ta mutated cat. Some sad bits/art in that story.


I thought it was a shame they didn't show ANY of Uncanny X-Men. While some of the storylines from that were dubious too, a few could surely have replaced the shite X-Treme ones. I personally quite liked the first two arcs of Uncanny (for what they were). And I liked Husk and Juggernaut being on the team etc.


After I stopped collecting I got the first Whedon arc, and then a single issue of Danger, then stopped until I collected some of the Shi-Ar war thing ages later. And a few issues with Rogue's team.

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I've not read anything past the end of Whedon's run. Once you're out the loop, X Men is just disgustingly complex.


I remember that Sabretooth issue. Man it was awesome.



I started collecting way back with the Age of Apocalypse run. Man that was sooooo good.

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In those costumes. Looking stunning.


I think I'd want a different team for my other faves, like Emma, Beast, Psylocke etc. Northstar almost made this one. But I quite like this as a flagship team.


EDIT: OH I want Marrow as well. In my comic Iceman gets mortally wounded, letting Marrow replace him, m'kay?


Edited by Paj!
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I have to say I *really* liked those black and yellow leathers they had. Cassiday's 'back to super heroes' worked really well too- especially Cyclops and Beast. Wasn't as keen on Cyclops though- seems almost nobody can redesign the man since the 70s.


edit; well, mostly


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I kind of wish there wasnt so many X-Men books, I only really read Uncanny these days and I always feel like im missing out on some of the other characters I still like.


As for costumes, for Cyclops i'll always love his 90s one. I think its because of the 90s cartoon.

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