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Its a shame his run seems to have ended so quickly. I was never reading Flash when he was first on the book with Wally instead of Barry but ive always heard it was a brilliant run so I would have liked to see him stay on this one longer. I guess it all depends on where all the characters are after Flashpoint anyway I guess.


I would like to see Geoff Johns write a Justice League book with the big seven, that book should always be one of the big books for DC but it hasnt for quite a few years now.

Edited by Happenstance
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I can't imagine a good Justice Leauge comic. I don't always understand DC. Basically if they got someone like Geoff Johns on Justice Leauge, and attached a AAAAA+++++ artist, and releaunced it, made the logo not look FUCKING SHIT....




And give it a solid and important storyline, with a good cast of sometimes rotating characters (Batman, Superman are too busy with their own shit to be in it all the time. Hell Supermans presence would ruin it anyway. They should only call him in for the big stuff) then yeah. Amazing.

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I thought that it was being annoucned on the 11th of June at a comic-con? Bleeding cool are leaking the news maybe?




The Flash: Rebirth


Went in to this having read the main Flash series by Geoff Johns, I read somewhere that the two weren't tied together that much. I think that was apt, it has Flash villians, minor ones that react to Barry coming back alive, it was nice and it showed how widely impacting the return was. Minor niggle was that introducing the villains breifly seemed to set up later issues, which isn't happening because Johns is not continuing his run.


I really liked the book though, it was awesome in the sense that it had many powerful moments, and a very personal feud at the heart of the book. Its easy to see Johns continuing the beats of Rebirth in Flashpoint, Rebirth sets the foundations but only if you started Flashpoint, otherwise it is a standalone story. Which is unusal for Johns and very nice too. I think if it was around I would have read Wally and Barts flashes, such is the likableness for the characters that Johns gave you.


I think it is actually very memorable series, it doesn't alter much to the flash mythos as it does reveal things you didn't know about the flash mythos even after some fifty years. Very impressed actually.


tl;dr : Score 9/10

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More questions to Rob Granito


Also, the first part of Bleeding Cools possible spoiler filled post Flashpoint articles (im gonna put them all in spoiler tags from now on:


Flashpost: The Issue One Renumbering Of The DC Universe


In September, all the DC Comics published set within the DC Universe will be renumbered with new issue ones.


Every comic continuing from September will be relaunched with a shiny #1. Every. Single. One. With no current plan for the renumbering to reverse to any so-called “legacy” numbering.


And with those issue one renumberings, will come a new rejigged status quo. And yes, characters will be changed. Some may no longer exist. There will be new books, new creators, new teams, new characters and new… new. With no current plan for the new status quo to be undone or reversed.

The current Flashpoint story running through the DC Universe and ending in August has rewritten the history of the DC Universe. How much of it, if any, will be reflected in the September titles?


“The first rule about FLASHPOINT is, don’t talk about what comes after Flashpoint” quotes Chief Creative Office of DC Geoff Johns. And I think we can take that literally. DC creators have been asked by their editors to sign rather restrictive NDA agreements to continue working on titles.


But Bleeding Cool hasn’t signed anything. More today on what this might mean for specific books. Some of it will be accurate. Some of it will be warped in the telling. And some of it will have changed…




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Sounds cool. I'm still waiting on Flashpoint #2. I preordered it so I didn't have to remember when it came out. Is it out yet?



Does that mean they are going to re-origin everything? Guess we'll see.

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#2 comes out tomorrow and because of the bank holiday comic shops arent getting stuff in today.


I dont think we'll be seeing a load of new origins myself. Will have to wait for more articles throughout the day but im expecting a lot to actually stay the same. They wouldnt just drop bigger storylines like the Green Lantern War or Batman Inc so I expect changes in the characters we havent noticed in a while or whos storylines finish in August and they dont have an overarching one that will keep them going.

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Won't they just wrap all the arcs up by August? I haven't read up to the current Batman Inc but I can't imagine that'd be too hard.


Seems a bit strange they are doing this at all. Things like Batman Beyond don't have anything to do with the current continuity. They should just let it run.


Having said that, Black Adam seems pretty cool. Wouldn't mind seeing him more.


Eh, I dunno.

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Flashpost: Geoff Johns And Jim Lee’s Justice League #1


In September, Bleeding Cool has been told that DC Comics will publish a new Justice League ongoing comic book by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee, the first title these two have worked together. Even if it’s been a while coming.


It will feature Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and several other characters following the current Flashpoint crossover. It’s the return of the World’s Greatest Superheroes to the book for the first time in years.


Geoff Johns is the Chief Creative Officer of DC Entertainment, a Co-Producer of the upcoming Green Lantern Film and the writer of many of DC Comics bestselling titles of the last five years, including Green Lantern, Blackest Night, Brightest Day, and the Flashpoint event.


As well as being Co-Publisher of DC Comics, Jim Lee is best known for revitalising the X-Men for Marvel and co-founding Image Comics in the nineties, for his Batman work for DC in the noughties, and designing the DCU Online MMORG right now. While his comics work has been sporadic, it remains some of the best selling in the industry.


And it looks like he might have been spending some time preparing this comic. I first reported its existence over two years ago, well before Geoff Johns and Jim Lee had been promoted, and have been keeping up with it since. So if nothing else, Jim Lee’s had some lead time.


Not International. Not Dark. And also not Of America. Just the League.


More to come…





Its like they read our conversation!


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Hahahahah, what the fuck. Thats some psychic power shit right there.


As for some Flashpoint predictions -


- Clearly explains why Sinestro becomes green again I think. Especially having seen the preview of the Abin Sur comic.

- I reckon Abin Sur will come back.

- Batmans dad will survive somehow (i.e. be folded into our U). Interesting because on the one hand "How the fuck can they bring back Bruce's parent" but on the other hand - completely changes Batman, or rather Bruce Wayne's complex possibly down to the roots. Proper mind fuck for him.

- Cyborg etc.

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Hahahahah, what the fuck. Thats some psychic power shit right there.


As for some Flashpoint predictions -


- Clearly explains why Sinestro becomes green again I think. Especially having seen the preview of the Abin Sur comic.

- I reckon Abin Sur will come back.


Well apparently 2814 will be getting a new Lantern watching over it and one of the theories at the moment is its gonna be the Flashpoint Abin Sur.


Bleeding Cool has already talked about the Dark coming to the DC Universe after Flashpoint, including something called Justice League Dark.


But Bleeding Cool hasn’t, until now, said anything about the Edge.


No, not the fellow from U2. Something else. From DC. Post Flashpoint. What, I haven’t a clue, I only have a noun…


Okay, okay, not every post-Flashpoint story can be fully fleshed out. Those September solicitations can’t be far away…



Not the most interesting obviously, hopefully the next one will be better!

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