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Can't believe I forgot Morning Glories, yeah I read that, it's one of my most looked forward to comics of the month at the moment. I pick up most of Nick Spencer's stuff




oh and some comic related TV News


Bendis and Oeming's creator owned series "Powers" has been greenlit for a pilot

link here


It's a comic that would work really well in a TV format, so hopefully Fox don't fuck it up!

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Morning Glories is solid but I hate things with this much mystery. Still its got incredibly attractive school girls and IS solid like I said...so I'm certainly sticking with it.


I'm glad to see that the Dynamo 5 (Vol 5) tpb is the same design as the other ones. As the design of the monthlies changes a little (and logo) with the first mini series (Sins of the Father).



P.S. I still encourage the reading of Dynamo 5. :p


P.S.S. I really want to catch up on Savage Dragon. Its so annoying trying to fill in singles. :/ But I'm at least very close now.


P.P.S.P.S.S.S. I finally started Y The Last Man last week. Volume 1 was good! I assume it picks up and gets better though. Still, definitely enjoyable and issue 1 is awesome obviously.

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I still need to read Powers. I always look at the trade in Waterstones but its one of the more expensive ones so i tend to leave it.


I've been reading it in the oversized Hardcovers which cover 3 trades each, so makes for better value for money, and doesn't mess up my shelf by changing from Image to Icon halfway along ;)


P.P.S.P.S.S.S. I finally started Y The Last Man last week. Volume 1 was good! I assume it picks up and gets better though. Still, definitely enjoyable and issue 1 is awesome obviously.


Y: The Last Man has a good start, great middle, poor end in my opinion. Just felt like the ending was a bit weak compared to the rest of the book. Still very good overall though



Oh another Image book that I've been reading is Sweets by Kody Chamberlain, it's a crime story set in New Orleans about a serial killer who always leaves sweets behind (ironic title eh?). Think it's 1 issue away from ending as well but I'd recommend it :)

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Rumour has it


They are amalgamations of super heroes


Hulk and colossus mayhap?



Oh and everyone needs to check out secret warriors 25 this week, all of the series secrets are going to be revealed, and there's still three issues left :D

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Jesus, Secret Warriors 24 was pretty fucking immense. I love how it opened with Nick Fury standing where he was standing, but then Hickman is such a good writer that he makes you forget that by the end and the reveal and you have forgotten and you're like "Oh shiiiiii"

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My Superman Secret Origin HC arrived today, I think this time I wasnt as focused on Superman being drawn like Christopher Reeve so I could pay more attention to the art and there is some really nice work in that book both drawing and colouring. Im still slightly iffy on Gary Frank's faces but only in certain panels.

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Everyone stop what you are doing and read the latest issue of Invincible Iron Man. I don't want to over hype it but it is one of if not the best SINGLE issue of Iron Man, I've personally ever read.


I am slightly biased but once again, Matt Fractions PROVES through and through that he is the best (or joint best with Jason Aaron) dialogue architect in the business and arguably of all time. His dialogue is so fucking natural and unbelievably witty, it makes 95% of other writers, including my favourites look like fucking playschool attendees.


Artwork is great too. Fucking love the armor design so much. It made me think about how SICK IM3 would be if he moved to the Resilient armor.

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so who thinks this will ship on time then? ;)


Oh you know, Rob doesn't do well with creator owned series...it doesn't pay enough for him.


A single issue of youngblood was nine months late!


Its enough to make Joe the barbarian look monthly! (final issue was six months late)


And don't get me started on Batman inc quartely

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Well, Uncanny X-Force is pretty amazing. As good as expected really - however the artwork is pretty much phenomenal. I assume the guy isn't permanent or monthly, because he seems too good, and these days there seem to be very fucking few amazing artists who can pop it monthly, consistently.



Sarvador Laroca (sp) springs to mind as one that can.


Did I mention on here that the latest issue of Iron Man, for me, is one of the best issues of Iron Man I have ever read. The dialogue was fantastic, good action and a really really great story, and the relationship and dynamic explored of the two characters (Iron Man and the other guy - won't spoil it if you don't know) is incredibly solid.


<3 Kev Walker. This is how you fucking do comic book covers.



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I can't?


Anyways, Batman Inc Quarterly is out tommorrow (today?) despite having seen the art months and months ago I remain somewhat interested.


By the by, did anyone notice that Green Lantern was top of the best selling list this month. Great and all, but the amount sold was shocking. I can remember when the first issue of Secret invasion sold 250,000 copies. This Green Lantern sold what barely 70?


I don't help matters by downloading and such. But even with DC's 2.99 line things are worsening.

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