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Hm how to describe it without spoiling it... It's a revenge story about immortal demi-gods and focused around a mystical sword.


That's the loosest possible explanation though- the rest is just really worth reading yourself - i really think the storycraft in the book is the best I've read in years. Beyond the premise though, it's just a fantastic character drama with brilliant, brilliant art and pace. It's easily in my top five. Only 24 issues too so it's very easily obtained in full.


edit: damn it Rez, you make it sound shit!

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What was the first comic everyone here read? By comic, I mean comic book, not like Beano or anything.



Changed my life. Or rather, influenced it.


So traumatising as well, first time I ever see/hear of Psylocke, and she "dies" in the same issue. :(



It's fine though, the Crimson Dawn gives her a new lease on life/tattoo over one eye.

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My proper one was this, when I first started getting properly into comics over a decade ago. (Although it was the UK reprint)






As such I have a fairly soft spot for Marrow.




I enjoyed Sonic The Comic as a kid too. :) I made my own series of it, with just one front cover and one page of story per issue (I just liked doing front covers lol) I did like 150, all stapled and such. A crying shame that I no-longer have them.


In fact one day soon I'll write up some of the details and try and find some of the sketches I did from a few comics I designed/did history of characters of in school (with aquafire, @PajChair) All pretty cliched but some not so much and some fairly interesting. :D

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It was an issue of Spiderman where, as usual he's crotch thrusting, he's chasing after Mary Jane through the streets of New York trying to kill her. He has no control of his body and he keeps shouting at her to run for her life while trying to kill her.


It was awesome.


I only read that one issue. The cover was awesome but I can't find it.


Next up I read Spawn. The issue with Houdini.




It was beyond fucking amazing.

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Have both of those Spider-Man issues you two mentioned! I started way before you then ReZ! How weird's that? Cause that Marrow one is in Astonishing Spidey 90 something, and my first issue of that was 38. :p (though I then got back issues including the one Daft mentions, where he's like "Run Mary Jane! RUN FROM ME!")






I love.

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Rez I had a load of those Sonic comics as well (found them hidden in my cupboard recently), a fair few of them have stories written by a certain Mark Millar!


I can't remember buying any issues of Marvel or DC comics from before I started collecting last year though, my first issue then was



but I had bought several trades, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen :)

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Sonic The Comic was amazing.


I just loved how they had a well-established story/set of characters, and it was so much more engaging than the games themselves. I also enjoyed how loads of different art styles were featured.


Did anyone read the Chaos storyline? The one around when Sonic Adventure camer out on Dreamcast? Johnny the Rabbit died! So shocking. Genuine horror. :(


I miss those comics. No idea where they are now.

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Yeah I loved the metal squirrel in Sonic The Comic. Can't believe its written by Millar...thats brilliant. You reckon you can get some pics of them up gmac? I'd go bat shit for that.


Okay I just double checked, and I actually started properly getting Astonishing from this one.




That was when I first moved to Chesham in 2000......BUT I bought an issue just before then when I lived in Romsey, because I remember I bumped into two of my sisters "friends" and they practically bullied me, scaring me and standing in my way on the way home, so I walked another way and they were miraculously there too, scaring me. :(


Anyway.....(I think) it had....a black haired woman in I think a purple leather outfit, I remember a picture of her diving across and a shot being fired with Spidey in. Agh. I dunno. Do you know what that is Paj? Dalia is a name I'm remembering. Dunno if that was before or after Marrow though, I could be getting confused. Annoying. Anyway I'm only 6 months or so out.

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The first 'american style' comics I bought for myself I got from the Islands of Adventure part of Universal Studios, I remember looking for ages cause I couldn't understand why there were so many different Spider-Man ones, I think I ended up with Spectacular Spider-Man and some Wolverine one and a few others, I bet I could find them somewhere.


When I was a kid (pre-teens) I used to read the Asterix graphic novels, man they were amazing, they had nearly all of them in my local library, I would love to own them myself. Anyone remember them?

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Kirkman bemoans superhero violence


Robert Kirkman has said that he thinks violent mainstream comics are damaging the industry.


The Walking Dead and Invincible writer spoke to GQ about how comics writing is ageing with its current readership and leaving popular titles inappropriate for new, younger readers.


"When I was reading comics when I was 15, Superman didn't deal with rape so much, you know? There weren't a lot of dark elements to mainstream superhero comics," he said. "I think that it's pretty obvious that one of the things that's hurting comics is that the subject matter is so inappropriate for a mass audience.


"You know, Marvel just did an intercompany crossover which was supposed to be something all of their readers can read, and it had guys ripping each other in half and intestines were flying all over the place. That's not the kind of thing that's going to get Billy down the street off of his Xbox."


Kirkman went on to point out the value of creator-owned work.


"I think part of the problem is that the writers and artists that are doing these books want to write them for themselves, instead of for the audience they should be writing to," he said. "And I think that's a real problem.


"And I don't fault them for it — I think it's cool to see superheroes rip people in half. Because if superheroes really had superpowers, that's the kind of s**t that would happen, just on accident, you know? And so I created a book called Invincible that isn't meant for a younger audience, and has superheroes ripping each other in half."


Its funny, I was thinking about just this thing the other day. Im not really gonna complain myself as it means a lot more comics feel like they are aimed around my age but I dont think big crossovers like Kirkman mention should be having blood and guts in. I was really suprised when I saw it in Siege.

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The full interview is good, fyi. And online.


Yeah personally it doesn't bother me at all- in fact I'd rather see more of it (as long as it has attached consequences) but I see his point about young readers.


It's a complicated issue, I suppose- though there's far worse problems in comics like the routinely and industry wide degrading portrayal of women, for one.

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The biggest problem with the industry is the comic book universes have been going on so damn long and are so fucking convoluted it's nigh on impossible to know where to start. It's a massive effort. I probably wouldn't have bothered with it had I not had about nine people helping me.

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