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OWAW Supes is legendary in the Heroclix world. The first UBER piece.




Apparently (Says GJ via Twitter) they are pushing for a Blue Beetle live-action TV show for the lulz. He says there's a screen test already, and he wants to take it to SDCC.


I like the character in terms of design, which is all I know about him.

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Paj you make me so fucking sick for buying Ultimatum (proper) seriously don't give them any more money for that shit, they'll think its okay.


I didn't!


I just suddenly felt like I needed it if I were to buy Spider-Man: Ultimatum and then presumably the X-Men one when I eventually work my way up through the Ult. X-Men trades. I realistically won't end up buying it cause I need to save my pennies.




Thoughts on various things

- The new art style on Ultimate Spider-man isn't as horrific as Happenstance warned me (or I don't hate it as much), but I kinda wish Immonen or Bagley were still on it...the book feels different without them. HOWEVER I LOVED when they acknowledged my only major gripe with the art - Peter's hair. It was ridiculous.


- Ultimate Comics: Avengers Vol.1 was very fun. Especially after the Ultimates were tarnished in Ultimates 3. I've started New Ultimates too by Jeph Loeb and you can tell it's really "...". It just feels like it should be a 616 story. It's all too bad for me. I like the inclusion of Valkyrie in concept, but there's no need. I don't see why New Ultimates as a book even exists. Do Marvel really like Loeb that much? The ultimates team is continuing fine in Avengers.

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I love Yu. <3 Have since I first saw his stuff in X-Men, but he's better now.


And Ghost Rider is blowing me. I'm so intrigued by the guy in the airport.


I like how Millar is mixing both original and established Marvel characters.




My graphic novels in a horrible phone photo;



In order from the top:

Dark Avengers: Assemble

X-Factor: The Longest Night

All-Star Batman & Robin, The Boy Wonder

Animal Man vol. 1

Ms. Marvel: Civil War

Ms. Marvel: Best of the Best


New X-men: Ultimate Collection vol. 1

All-Star Superman Vol.2

All-Star Superman Vol.1

Ultimate X-Men Volume 13

Ultimate Spider-Man Volume 21

Marvel Comics vs. DC Comics

Mighty Avengers: Venom Bomb

Batman: Terror

Batman: Featuring Two-Face and The Riddler

Batman: Thrillkiller


The Astounding Wolf-Man Vol.1


Astonishing X-Men: Gifted

Uncanny X-men: Dominant Species

Uncanny X-men: Hope

JLA: Year One


Teen Titans: The Future Is Now

JSA: Ghost Stories

JSA: Mixed Signals

Arkham Asylum: Living Hell

Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again

Batman: Child Of Dreams

Batman: Harley Quinn


Batman: The Scottish Connection

Batman: Knightfall, Part One: Broken Bat

Batman: Contagion


I also have Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, The Killing Joke and The Dark Knight Returns, but they're being loaned to people atm.


Might Avengers ruins the feel being really cheap looking gold. But then I got it in Amsterdam. Maybe it's different there. Or they just changed the Marvel sign back to Red and White on their Hardcovers by the time they released Dark Avengers.

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BATMAN in September



It’s terror in the third dimension starring Batgirl, Supergirl and Dracula…and Dracula, and Dracula! When Supergirl decides to get away from it all and visit Stephanie Brown on the campus of Gotham City University, a quiet, relaxing weekend turns into a monster movie mash-up! After a science experiment goes horribly wrong, 24 black-and-white Draculas are brought to life, and Batgirl and Supergirl are forced to become vampire hunters in order to stop an army of the celluloid undead!



BRIGHTEST DAY in September


GREEN LANTERN comics covers look great


Full DC Comics Solicitations




Edited by Dante
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Walking Dead I assume? The hat looks ridiculous, but then again I guess that's what they look like in real life.




Been reading Ultimate Fantastic Four today. I started it years ago but only got mid-way through the Nihil storyline. I've enjoyed it. Greg Land needs to die though. It's not EVEN the tracing that annoys me. It's the bizarre facial expressions. Half the time they don't convey what is intended. The splash page at the end of one issue (just before Tomb of Namor) with Sue going "Mom?" is ridiculous. How could ANYONE think that her expression conveys shock/suprise? It's clearly from porn, some bimbo doing a fake stupid face. And the stupid faces he tries to use to suggest "shouting!" and "awe", with the puckered lips. It's so awful. He's actually much better these days. In terms of getting the story to flow. Less of a discrepincy (sp?) between his traced work and his own work. too. UGH.


Especially after the gorgeous artwork of Jae Lee in the Think Tank story, and Kubert before that.


However, I enjoyed the series. Not as good as Mark Millar's Ultimate X-Men, but a sufficently enjoyable retelling, and I like how they aren't superheroes, just joke adventurerers if the situation calls for it. I also though the Ultimate Frightful Four was a stroke of genius, an element I really loved actually. Not sure why.

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I thought it was alright...they clearly wanted to get off to a quick start. However the team just reminds me of crap.


I wish Marvel had some sort of standards...whoring out Wolverine feels rubbish. Spider-Man is technically the same, but he's entertaining. Wolverine as an Avenger is the most ridiculous idea. He's actually in a wetworks/black ops team whose purpose is for undercover killing, as well as the X-Men and the main Avengers. It's STUPID. Spider-Man should be the same, but at least it's less idiotic.


And of all people, why would you invite The Thing? He adds nothing. Cage, Ms. Marvel, Spidey and presumably Jewel all are super-strong already.

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Sorry, but...




Brightest Day this week had nothing of note happen really. Apart from the first appearance of the new Aqualad. *yawn*


I got bored of catching up with Ultimate Fantastic Four after Millar's run. God War was too long and uninteresting and I hate whoever did the art for Devils. Also skimmed through the Silver Surfer arc and the one after that (again due to the art/lack of interest).

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Just read the end of Shed and start fo Grim Hunt too.


I might go back and read all of The Gauntlet, it feels stun.


I love Arachne getting her day in the sun. Poor Mattie. I remember her from the horific Mackie/Byrne Spider-man stories of the late 90's/early 2000's. With her haircut that I'm sure Byrne thought was "spunky!", but in fact made her look awful.



Is there a reason she couldn't use her powers to escape? I know I missed her and Madame Web's capture, but you'd have thought.


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Feels a bit "..." considering the fact Mattie is a well of untapped power or something (and actually has NOTHING to do with spiders. She just loves the concept.).


But then at least her character has a resolution now and can be thrown in the metaphorical bin.


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OK, that was pretty good. Just seshed a bunch of favorites- Captain America, Spider-Man, Black Widow, Iron Man, Walking Dead, New Avengers, Dark Wolverine, X-Men.




Awesome set. New Avengers is off to a good start, too. Anyone else grab it?

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