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Anyone else read Grant Morrison's run on Doom Patrol from the late 80's? Just started it and it's as fantastically surreal as I expected. Tonnes of strange, mind-boggling philosophical concepts all over the shop, and a few hermaphrodites for good measure.

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^ About to read it. Though I've not been following Second Coming elsewhere.


Has anyone read Brightest Day 1 yet? The links on that site so far don't work for me (the files can't be read).

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Hmm. I'll try again then.


RE: Uncanny. I knew that would happen, must have read it somewhere as an unintentional spoiler...


Sad, because...

He was one that wasn't really "expendable". And Storm's little bit at the funeral summed up why. They could have expanded a little on the funeral..he's been an integral part of the X-Men mythos as much as Storm, Wolvey etc. When Colossus "died" he got a whole issue dedicated to Kittty scattering his ashes.

Also suprised Rogue didn't say anything. seeing as they're effectively related. But then maybe she will later (she's in Legacy atm isn't she? I don't read that).


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Read Zero Hour, thought it was ok but didnt really get started until Paralax turned up. Kind of felt like they should have played more on the fact that Extant used to be Hawk. Everyone kept mentioning how Hal Jordan used to be a hero but never him.


Anyway the next trades I wanna try and get my hands on are The Final Night and Emerald Twilight. Unfortunately both are really hard to find.

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Read Zero Hour, thought it was ok but didnt really get started until Paralax turned up. Kind of felt like they should have played more on the fact that Extant used to be Hawk. Everyone kept mentioning how Hal Jordan used to be a hero but never him.


Anyway the next trades I wanna try and get my hands on are The Final Night and Emerald Twilight. Unfortunately both are really hard to find.


Maybe Collectormania eh. :D

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Ive just started putting money aside for that so they better have some good stuff for us! I usually just end up buying a big comic image which then never gets put up anywhere.


Im looking forward to it. Will be good to see you guys again, and I'm hoping to hunt down a lot of Savage Dragon. :D

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Will you be bothering to actually meet any of the "celebs"?


I doubt it very much. Well....I say I doubt it, but I mean "no"


A) Usually not that good

B) I don't want to pay £25 ish just to meet someone and have their squiggle on a photo. Unless its Kirkman, Ottley etc. :p


I'll be quite content to look over the crowd and spot their face (as I did with Brandon Routh when he came. Being straight I was worried by how sexy I found him :|)

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Yeah ive only ever met two, Summer Glau and Jewel Staite. This of course was because they're hot and im weak.


I did however get an evl from Ben Browder when I passed him in the corridor then double taked when I realised who he was. Did Goafer ever tell you about his experience with Nick Stahl at a Collectormania?

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favourite moment of this weeks comics has to be the reveal at the end of Batman & Robin

Joker, I did not see that coming, although I didn't even know his current status in the DC universe



Secret Six continues to be one of the best comics on the shelf, War of the Supermen (without having read any of the buildup) was pretty good, Uncanny X-Men was really well written, Brightest Day was quality (plus raised more questions than it answered)


plus my LCS got Invincible this week, tight issue, with a lot of setup for what's coming ahead, with a nice setup for a Robot/Monster Girl story.

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I realised the reason why the design of the modern Supergirl annoys me is because her dress is blue.



The traditional red dress version of the costume worn by almost every other incarnation strangely makes the figure appear so much more assertive and dominant. I don't like how this modern one is so "girly". The all blue doesn't contrast and so doesn't stand-out, and she's drawn consistantly all slight and doe-eyed. I appreciate that they actually have diffrentiated her from the previous Supergirls, but the design just really irks me.


I guess the fact her belly is on display pointlessly sexualises it too. It all just reeks of a fanboy re-design.


That said, I've never read any of her comic, so can't talk on that front.



Virtually up to date with Batman And Robin now, kinda interesting where it's going. Reading Morrison's Doom Patrol still, and now catching up with Buffy Season 8. I'm a few behind with Walking Dead, but I need to get back into the swing of things with that.

Edited by Paj!
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He's an

amazing assassin, although a lot of his description is told from the point of view of Scarlet (Red Hood's "Robin"), and it's all about how he's the personification of death etc, which is interesing. He seems to be just some uber-assassin guy, he very easily takes on Red Hood, Scarlet, Batman AND Robin all at once, even paralysing Robin. He's eventually dumped off a building, but his body isn't found so presumably he survived. (He survives loads of gunshot/knife wounds IIRC)


He also never speaks. And is insane/killed a pink plane-ful of strippers, after eating their faces. :o


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