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very nice :)




so this weeks comics


Green Lantern and Blackest Night - since they're basically one double issue ;)

thought it was really good, some nice comedy moments with Agent Orange, the Lantern Corps leaders all uniting and all the oaths, along with something finally being brought into play at the end of BN, plus the art from Reis was top notch as usual


Image United

tough first issue of a big event book, seemed more of a setup for the following issues, at least Larsen does the layouts for the remaining issues, still enjoyable enough, although Fortress (the new character) is really annoying so far



Only really picked this issue because I love Mike Oemings art style (plus Bendis writing is usually a good sign) turned out to be a really cool comic, enjoyed it enough to go and get the first volume hc ;)


Ultimate Avengers

Dan is right Ultimate Cap is a total badass, and Millar knows how to write him. Shame the rest of the story seems to be moving rather slowly.



another series I've just started reading, think Brubaker is my favourite writer at the moment. This is a top quality crime comic book and the gritty art style really contributes to the feel of the book, current arc is only two issues in but it's been enough to hook me totally :) probably gonna get the 3 trades out for it now (or the deluxe hc ;))



new arc started along with the return of an old face (with a new face ;))

total buddy cop issue and great art throughout


plus there was also Iron Man (great), Thor (good, but not really giant sized, but worth it for the backup original Thor story ;)), Uncanny Xmen (Land's art wasn't that bad this issue)

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I might start up a new blog soon and I was thinking about reviewing various things when they come out and I was planning on doing comic reviews every week as well. Just wanted to see if any of you guys would be interested with helping with that, will make it easier if I could split up the reviews each week.

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I know you all laugh at me, but I dunno how to work Myxsssxs without just trawling through page after page hoping to find what you want? The search doesn't seem to find anything I want. Is there a site that tells me the dates comics were released at least? That would help.

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Chew was so fucking awesome. 9.5/10 IMO.


it was indeed, easily my favourite book atm


Paj you can check most of the release dates on the official sites, there are some forums that collect the lists for that weeks comics (I know Mark Millars forums do complete listings) but don't know how long the posts stay up, but I'm sure the search function can be your friend there :)


Happenstance, I'd be up for reviewing some books, would sure help me work on my writing skills ;)

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Yep. Vince was out last week.


Uncanny X-Men was out this week too


the Myxxs release threads are all date stamped, Paj. All you need to do is scan the first post on each to find out what's out that week. You can even use CTRL+F to quick scan through each page. I can get through a whole month of releases in about 5 mins that way,


not hard. Man up :heh:

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