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Just finished reading X-Men Schism #2, still not really sure about this series. Also I hated the way Cyclops was drawn in the issue, he looked really skinny and weak.


EDIT: Also, as much as I love Ottley I wish he would figure out how to draw Eve right now theyve had her put on weight, she doesnt look right half the time.

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I laughed so much at this panel from the latest Uncanny:



Oh Greg Land. He was mostly tolerable visually this issue though. Apart from the same old 'I've seen this pose before' feeling I get whenever I look at his art.


Need to read Schism 2. 1 was good.

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I loved Schism 2 tbh. Really enjoying this so far - woud rather have seen more stuff like this than what has been going on in Uncanny of late.


And Happenstance, Cyclops being thin is actually a welcome visual - there's a reason he was called 'Slim' - just most artists throughout the decades equalled superhero and superteam leader with musclebound strongman. Last person I recall who drew Cyclops looking not like an Abercrombie Model (LAND) was Frank Quitely. But then Quitely is perfect and never does anything wrong so of course he'd get it right. :)


I like Cho's art as an aesthetic - the copious excessive cleavage is kinda "...", but you have to deal. Like why would Domino fight like that? And though a small panel, he seemed to have given Dazzler a new costume with a boob window and 'flashes' over her boobs and crotch. Seems kinda "..." too. But anyway. I appreciate that he made Cyclops thin.


I think it's been well-written so far. I'm getting a Morrison vibe from the whole affair, not in style, but the Hellfire kids, the reappearance of Kid Omega etc etc.

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Uncanny X-Force was decent too.


But such a case of the art affecting yoru perception of the book. If this was drawn by Opena, I'd think it had inherent stunningness, but the art is generic-good, so it feels a bit *shrug*. Nothing wrong with it though, interesting cliffhanger, nice relationships and had me genuinely thinking about the possibility Wolvie proposes.

...that Jean could come back with him to 616.


Though I know it won't happen as there'd be fanfare/promotion/they'll bring that character back when they feel like it, and it will the original version, not AOA.


The Black Legion was the classic case of too many cooks. Iron Ghost, White Cloak, Grimm Chamber and Beta Red seem cool, but with too many indescriminate shits/references to 616 characters they lost all cool factor.

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I still don't think I'll have it lol. Also....balls...meant to ask for Schism #2. Guess I'll have to buy it from online. Anyway he is delivering today - yay. Invincible timez. I saw (but didn't read) the preview.


Page 2.


I want FCO back. ASAP. Like right now. Please. Hurry. We miss you.




Thought Invincible was great this week. Lots of developing subplots, and I was very happy to see that small inventor plot from last issue picked up on straight away....and the very special cameos!!!!!! :D




Ultimate Fallout #3 was cool too, I like the Tony Stark development a lot!




Just reading The Boys Volume 8 at work. Not happy that it is still 4 months until The Boys Volume 9 comes out! Ages away.

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I'm not sure I know exactly what you mean. She has always looked a bit wrong since being









And having said the colours were shit earlier, apart from that one page they were actually not bad at all. I still want FCO back...but yeah. Ottley said the last page of next issue...well he said "I can't wait till you guys see this".

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Well FCO's twitter says he'll be back after this arc, I assume it'll be after Cory's couple of issues. The current colourist don't bother me that much I have to say :)


LoEG: Century 1969 was awesome, just hope the conclusion doesn't take 2 more years to come out :)


oh yeah, I agree with Happenstance, thought the way Cyclops was drawn in Schism was a bit weird, he did not look well at all

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I'm going to be in town tomorrow (Well I live in town, but I'd have to get a bus to go get comics) right near the comic shops so will pick up some stuff tomorrow I would normally read in *other ways*. :) Yay. Not actually sure what I need. X-Men Legacy, should have waited for the other X-stuff...not reading adjectiveless X-Men atm, not sure where Astonishing is up to, read Invincible etc etc. Spoiled myself. I do need to catch up on Batman Inc.


Before I went to uni I was reading Hulk/s and Justice League. And Avengers too, but I got lost with them and haven't bothered to catch up. Well I tried with JL but it fucked up. Not bothered bout Hulk/s but maybe Avengers....has Avengers/New Avengers been any good?

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Avengers I have enjoyed but because of some iffy inking JrJrs art hasn't been it's best at all. The first 2 arcs have been prett good I think and the Fear Itself tie ins are ok so far.


New Avengers first arc was good if you enjoy the more magical stuff. Second arc however was a pretty big letdown with 1950s Avenger stuff mixed in with a dull Hammer raid. Their Fear Itself tie ins have been pretty similar to the normal Avengers ones.

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well I like the writer and the artist, so I'll give it a shot, never really read any Hulk yet, hopefully it'll be a good jumping on point.


Looking forward to Rucka's Punisher #1 that's out next week, will be interesting to see how he writes Frank Castle, again another character I've not really read.

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Ordered myself some Avengers trades now they are both out in paperback. Nearly ordered all of Knightfall as well as they had all 3 trades back in stock but I didnt want to waste that much money in the end along with these 2.



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Went to the comic shop today - they didn't have X-Men Legacy! Filth. It's fine. I bought myself Batman Inc 7, Astonishing 39 and Ultimate X 5 (lol). I need to catch up to Batman Inc by other means though.


Would have bought Ultimate Fallout 3 if they had 2 in stock. :/

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