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Marvel announces Season One graphic novel line


To help celebrate its 50th anniversary next year, Marvel will publish a line of graphic novels featuring current creators retelling classic superhero tales. Called Season One, the initiative marks the company’s first entry in recent history into original graphic novels.


“We’re hoping to introduce folks who have never read any of these characters to these characters in this format, and also provide an interesting and illuminating story for people who have read a lot of Fantastic Four and Daredevil,” Tom Brevoort, Marvel’s senior vice president of publishing, tells USA Today. “If you want to dip your toe in the water and find out the essence of what Marvel is all about, here is a nice place for you to start in big, sizable, meaty chunks.”


The first wave will feature: Fantastic Four: Season One, by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and David Marquez, due in February; X-Men: Season One, by Dennis Hopeless and Jamie McKelvie, in March; Daredevil: Season One, by Antony Johnston and Wellinton Alves, in April; and Spider-Man: Season One, by Cullen Bunn and Neil Edwards, in May. A second wave will debut soon afterward.


Season One isn’t a relaunch or an Ultimate Universe-like initiative — “”Everything you know about them, everything that’s existed for the last 50 years still exists and is still there,” Brevoort says — but neither is it a mere retelling of the characters’ origins. “These are individually new stories,” he says, “even though they’ve got bits and pieces of old and formative origin stuff in and around them, as well.”


Visit USA Today to see a preview of Fantastic Four: Season One.



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Whats All Star about him?


Throwing a fire truck on top of building and having Batman moaning about his ring lighting up the place which only reminds me of a scene of All Stars.


No more solo comic for Booster Gold and time travel? :sad:



Jeff Dzurovcak Will Booster still work with Rip in the timestream post Flashpoint?

Dan DiDio Jeff, after Flashpoint, the Timestream is closed.




DC 52 Previews


Wonder Woman #1


In her panties again. :hmm:


Aquaman #1



Batman #1





Batgirl #1



Batwoman #1


Edited by Dante
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As in sets? Any details? I'd probably murder someone for a Lego Gotham.


Theres been two years of LEGO Batman already (Arkham Asylum, Bat Cave, and lots of vehicles etc).


No other details yet, but its (very?) unlikely that the minifigure scale figures there will come without a set. No idea what they'd be yet. Green Lantern with trans green jet would be.....gaaahhhh.

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dunno why I said Marcos Martin, it's actually Paolo Rivera :)


starts with Daredevil crashing a mob wedding and stopping a kidnapping, then it moves to him as a Civilian where he's trying to hide his secret identity again by denying he is Daredevil, but the other lawyer manages to get Matt taken off of the trial because of the Daredevil issue. He then gets some info that his client had trouble getting a lawyer before he took the case so he sets out to find out more and then the issue ends with Captain America's shield heading for Daredevil



oh and Marcos Martin does a backup story and variant cover, so that's where I got his name from ;)

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SDCC11: Grant Morrison

- Batman: Leviathan begins in January 2012.

- You will cry, you will cry alot promises Morrison.

- Freddy Freeman, Mary, and the lieutenant Marvels will be in Multiversity.

- Grant: "I do have ideas for Wonder Woman. When I wrote Supergods and got into what Marston was trying to do, I didn't understand it, but I'd like to find some way to update it."

- New Gods are reborn in Earth 51 which also shows in Multiversity.

- Morrison has a Flash story in mind he wants to tell, he had talked to Dan Didio about doing Earth One Flash, but it's a single story, grounded and it's about 1 thing happening to 1 person or so.

- Once Cameron Stewart is done with the single issue of Batman incorporated he's moving onto Thunderworld, the "All Star Captain Marvel" issue of Multiversity.

- How does Morrison get inside the heads of freaks like Pyg? We all have that dark side in us he responses, kinda true when you think about it.

- "Professor Pyg I though, all these Batman rogues are supposed to be crazy, but I wanted him to sound ACTUALLY schizophrenic." - Morrison

- How did Morrison come up with Simon Hurt? His response: Morrison "I wanted to see Batman against the Devil, didn't have to be literal, just the idea of a devil. So it started out with Batman beats the Devil, then I created the lore behind him."

- Simon Hurt will NOT make an appearence by Morrison in Inc/Leviathan, he's told his story with him.

- No All-Star Superman follow up planned, but Action Comics has some of the same chords as thats showing us how Superman becomes a great hero like he was in All Star

- Regarding Action Comics: "They're playing up more of the Kryptonian stuff at the other title, but mine is about the farmboy in the city, and Clark Kent is doing as much work on fighting social injustice as Superman is."

- Superman will never be as brooding as Batman for Morrison. Superman has lost billions of people and he still smiles today. Batman's still crying for his mommy and daddy.

- "So my Superman will be a pro-active, young, powerful guy. It's Action Comics, so Superman has to be doing stuff!"

- "He's only darker in the sense that he gets stuff done. he's no longer a friend of the law, he stands for Justice, and that may conflict with the law sometimes."

- Fan asks if we will see more of Scarlet, Morrison's response was that he won't be writing her atleast.

- Morrison feels the Damian and Dick dynamic should have lasted longer, but they're making the departure and Dick going Nightwing into something that works and is believable.

- Batman: Leviathan is about Bruce and Damian, Morrison once again promises that you will cry, alot.

- Regarding Batman and Action Comics: "Batman's kinda a puzzle book for me. I set out to tell puzzle stories with secrets and solutions. Action is more about forward momentum."

- "It always starts with something, like the Ouroboros in Batman Inc, and it spins out into different things."

- Action Comics is set in the past for 6 issues, in #7 we get back to "modern" and then at times it jumps back and forth in the timeline.

- Morrison really likes the Batman the Brave and Bold spin-off comic.

- Action Comics is more about the tone of Golden Age era heroes without any specific storylines from then.

- Fan asks Morrison's thoughts on why Batman films > Superman right now, his response: Morrison "Batman's cooler and has money and is around femme fatales. I certainly think the anti-authoritarian Superman is coming back, we might see a Superman that's a bit more relatable."

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Today’s Batman panel at SDCC


Today’s Batman panel at SDCC showed you exclusive first looks at the interior art for many of the books in the Batman family of DC Comics-The New 52, including BATMAN, BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT, BATMAN AND ROBIN, BATWING, BATWOMAN, CATWOMAN, DETECTIVE COMICS, NIGHTWING and RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS. Below, click through the gallery to take a look at the art we revealed.











You’ve already read the exciting news that broke during today’s DC Comics-The New 52 panel at San Diego Comic-Con about the release of T.H.U.N.D.E.R. AGENTS #1 this November.


In case you weren’t able to make the panel, be sure to check out some of the new artwork that was shown. Below, you’ll see art from upcoming titles such as WONDER WOMAN, JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL, STORMWATCH, GREEN ARROW, CAPTAIN ATOM and LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES.





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The Batwoman art looks stunning.




Read We3 and All-Star Superman.


The former is great. Really compact. Quite sad. So much packed into so little. Will probably be thinking about it more.


I loved All-Star Superman. A series of joke stories. Felt really interesting and fun; I wish that were the real Superman universe. I love Frank Quitely's art too. Lois Lane having a stunning face.



Also in the middle of reading X-Men: Supernovas. Rogue is fierce as fuck. Chris Bachalo is my best - I love how you have to study the page, because so much is going on. Kinda hate the feeling of the villains, but it's fine, because the X-Men team is stunning. Iceman/Mystique: YES. Northstar/Aurora feel a bit shoehorned in / a bit "...", obviously just finding a way to revive Northstar. And I love introducing Karima and Lady Mastermind, but then barely using them. Because really, why would you, when we're more stunned by Rogue/Iceman?


I feel the issue where Serafina lives 20 years inside Cannonball's head would be the greatest thing, if it were drawn by Chris Bachalo. Clayton Henry's work is the most uninspiring thing, to the point that it makes the story/dialogue feel worse than it actually is. Like, I don't understand what Marvel were playing at... I don't understand why you'd have stunning art, then the most boring facile piece of shit next issue? Literally makes no sense.

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Yes. Lady M is my. You need to read Blinded by the Light (which I don't have and is out of print for some reason I think - the prices are extortionate. I just *read* it *elsewhere*. I'll guide you to it when you're ready.) and then Messiah CompleX after that.


It just proves how visual a medium comics are - the art can change the story. It can make a story seem better, darker, lighter etc etc.


Bachalo probably works quite slowly I'd think, they often shove fill-in artists in when the good ones aren't fast enough. (I hate)


Greg Land is so popular (at head office) because he must be so quick (for obvious reasons).


Northstar/Aurora feel a bit shoehorned in / a bit "...", obviously just finding a way to revive Northstar.


I read this before the Wolverine Omnibus (the one you picked up the other day and I told you to put down lol) and assumed he was meant to be dead and then just was 'comic-book revived', but in Wolverine, he's killed, turned into a Hydra agent, and then is never actually killed again, just restrained in high-security awaiting the day he would eventually be healed/cured. So it's fine.


Mike Carey probably didn't want the only relevant gay X-men character relegated to obscurity. Karma is barely relevant and you can tell she's a lesbian to seem cooler. And no one likes or cares about Anole.

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