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Read Ultimate X-Men so many times (up till I stopped getting the actual comics, just before Magnetic North). I since read it all and was like "..." at the end. What the fuck was the final arc? (Before Ultimatum) I hate shit. Kirkman's stuff was unmemorable but I should give it another read I think.


It's still cool after Millar leaves, for all the Immonen-drawn stuff and New Mutants and stuff. Just tails off when Kirkman joins.

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I'm really looking forward to reading that. Although its been a much broader story than the first(s...ish) installment of Young Avengers, it has been awesome! A shame the costumes and such aren't upto date, but its a minor detail I guess. Hope that the thing that happened last issue is permanent. I mentioned that before though. It would be cool if he took on a new identity as a hero.

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I only read the first issue but will read it once it's all out (in like 70 years) or however long it'll take.


My mum bought me Secret Invasion trade today as a present/to go on 'holiday' (we're going to Orkney...) with. Never read a word of it except for a few of the tie-ins in other series like Thunderbolts.

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Im actually not a massive fan of Yu (lol). I think hes obviously talented but its more just me not gelling with the style.


My problems with it were mostly just the "Anyone could be a Skrull" marketting and then pretty much nobody apart from Spiderwoman being one.


Also having the Avengers stuck in the savage land for most of the book killed most of the pacing.


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I genuinely lol'd. I love how they have that female presenter to balance out the general "..."-ness of the average comic book reader they'd come across. And even she sounds like she has some kind of psychosis.




Eternal question:


Blue Team or Gold Team?




(I love how one is literally everyone with a personality/is a really cohesive team and the other isn't.)

(And you can tell the Gold Team have nae chat. Storm and Jean just end up going off together to talk, while the rest kinda awkwardly stand around.)

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After reading Children's crusade and Academy this month, I'm starting to think Bendis isn't the right man to really helm the Avengers ship now. He really worked for the New Avenges launch, Dark Reign etc, but I'm feeling that his character work is slipping.


Take, for example, his Spider-Woman. She was amazing in the original New Avengers launch, and her solo series (tragically short lived) was great. Now, though, he seems to have reduced her to another talking head in the background.


And I really don't like his handling of Protector. He's supposed to be a super intelligent alien diplomat of some kind, and one of the most powerful members of the Avengers and he's frequently being written as an 'I no understand!' comedy foreigner. Think about that: a diplomat not understanding or engaging with foreign culture. Makes absolutely no sense.


And just...generally. His style doesn't fit the scope of the Avengers anymore. I like Bendis, but he's at his best doing 'low concept' stuff like Daredevil. Gage is doing much better work on Academy because he has a better grasp of team books, Avengers history and a cleaner approach to character voices.


I genuinely lol'd. I love how they have that female presenter to balance out the general "..."-ness of the average comic book reader they'd come across. And even she sounds like she has some kind of psychosis.




Eternal question:


Blue Team or Gold Team?




(I love how one is literally everyone with a personality/is a really cohesive team and the other isn't.)

(And you can tell the Gold Team have nae chat. Storm and Jean just end up going off together to talk, while the rest kinda awkwardly stand around.)


Gold has way more stun. Come on Jean, come on Bishop. Hey Storm.


I don't think I ever read any of the original Archangel stuff. Was he written as he is now with a whole split personality theme? Warren is easily one of the most interesting X-Men written this way but I'm not sure about historical precedent.

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Ive been sick of Bendis on Avengers for a while now. The stories are ok but his dialogue is just too similar for every character. No matter how theyve been written previously they all just end up with sarcastic humour. None of his characters feel like they have their own voice.


Also you are right about characters just being stuck in the background. We had all those issues of the original New Avengers and now the new stuff and certain characters still feel pointless on the team. Take Spider-Man for example, probably the most popular character they have yet after all this time there hasnt been an issue showing why he's on the team or what he brings to it, he just ends up fighting in the background.

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Gold has way more stun. Come on Jean, come on Bishop. Hey Storm.


I don't think I ever read any of the original Archangel stuff. Was he written as he is now with a whole split personality theme? Warren is easily one of the most interesting X-Men written this way but I'm not sure about historical precedent.


No. After his initial transformation back in the 80's he was all aggro and had to be kept in check (not as !!!! as now though), but by the 90's he was just moody. When I started reading (Just before Onslaught) he was already becoming bit of a background character. He kept being all emo with Psylocke when she started going dark and talking in metaphors and melting into shadows and stuff. Then ages later (they'd both left the team) she found feathers in their house and randonly one day his natural wings burst out from under the steel ones and he was all happy again. They'd been growing back the entire time or something. Then years after that he lost his blue skin when Black Tom (in tree form) sapped his life force. He coincidentally got his healing powers around this time too. [/brief history]


Female presenter? Disgusting. (Thats Dragon's "daughter")



No...in that video you spoilerbox'd...

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Ive barely read any of 80s/90s X-Men, I always really want to but its hard to get hold of. Thats why im looking forward to the Claremont/Lee Omnibous.


My only real exposure would be the 90s X-Men cartoon, which along with the Spider-Man one will probably always be my favourite animated comic shows.

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