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I just tried to find a Liefeld picture of someone smoking a cigarette.


I thought I found one or two, but I was stopped by a few obstacles;


1) I couldn't identify if the objects I thought may have been cigarettes...were actually cigarettes or not.


2) I couldn't find the SOURCE of the smoke in....well...any of them.






After catching up on Uncanny yesterday, I'm doing X-Men today. It's actually really quite good - feels a bit fresher than Uncanny and despite the obvious 'me too!' element to it, the vampire story was really well handled. Some great action, some cool story, nice little twists and a quality finale. Can't say fairer than that.


Art is boss, too. It's sometimes a little too smooth for me, but the action is top class stuff. Really clear, solid framing and really good motion.

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Was listening to the comic geek speak podcast yesterday and they brought up a good point about the new DC Universe Presents book that will be coming out in the relaunch. Its supposed to be a book to showcase the lesser known or used characters in the DCU which I think is a really good idea, its one of the reasons I enjoyed the 52 story so much. Anyway, the first story is going to be 5 issues long and if it stays like that then we'll get to see maybe 3 different characters a year. This is one of those books which would be perfect to go back to one issue story telling, 2 at the max so we could actually get to see other characters. Having long arcs in a book like this is a mistake id say.

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Agreed. 5 issue arcs in comics are MASSIVELY over used anyway. Look at the Viltrumite War. It was 8 issues long, the last was an epilogue and you could argue that issue 1 was a prologue. For the biggest storyline that the entire series has built upto.


Yet, crappy reboot/one off/boring/not important stories like on Avengers and New Avengers are common place to be 6 issues.






You guys seriously need to catch up with Haunt. This storyline has been awesome and this issue was wicked. Especially the last page. It wasn't a reveal or anything, it was just "LOL next issue will be bad ass". And it contained one of my favourite pieces of dialogue in recent times.


Those assholes can suck on my comically large penis.
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Hmmmm. Just read Avengers.


Definitely good...and better than last issue but it raises a few questions/it has mild half-mistakes probably/myearh.


I won't discuss in depth cos' I can't be bothered but;


A) It might have been cooler if the Avengers tower fell in the main Fear Itself book.




B) If it was just drawn better in this. Should have been a big cool double spread. Or couple of double spreads. Wasn't quite as clear cut the way it was laid out and it could have been more epic.


C). Yeah. etc

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Didn't the tower fall before? i'm sure it did... and I liked the tower, better than that mansion anyway.


I loved the issue, Romita was on top form and the battle was seriously immense. I know Rulks not dead but seeing Ben destroy/kill things was epic as it was heart breaking


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I really liked the art in Avengers. I think Romita really has a handle on the Red Hulk (Who I really like, despite it all) and having him smash around with Ben was awesome. It looks and feels like two super strong characters knocking the fuck out of one another. Which is a plus.


Almost caught up with all things X now. Uncanny X-Force continues to be the best of the bunch, but it also feels weird. The stuff they do doesn't really justify their covert nature from the other X-Men. Planning to assassinate Apocalypse was a maybe, but they only found out he was still a child part way through- until then there's no reason Cyclops and the rest wouldn't have gone after him too.

The other stuff I don't think really justifies their separate existence - particularly the Dethloks. It's just not like it used to be where they were out to straight up murder the shit out of evil bastards. Those were the days...


It's fucking brilliant anyway. Who cares?

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I absolutely adore Deadpool in Uncanny X-Force. Remender's doing a fucking amazing job at humanifying the guy. Seriously....the one just after the Apocalypse arc. Where its revealed he hasn't been cashing his cheques after Wolverine ribs him and he storms off. Love. It.


Paj, you up on Vince yet?




No negative opinions on Beyond the Trailer at least;


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If up on Vince means the one where

Las Vegas is blown up



then yes.



Tonight I'm gonna catch-up with Adjectiveless X-Men and Astonishing (I forgot it existed).


EDIT: HOLY FUCK Serve and Protect is pencilled by Bachalo? I love it.




Ok well To Serve and Protect is probably one of my fave story arcs in ages! Just back-to-basics superhero-ing, without it feeling like a backwards step or somehow innapropriate. Great writing too, got the team sounding like a team in their interactions, Spidey was done very well, and loved how it felt like a sequel to last year's (?) Lizard story in ASM, with Bachalo back drawing the scaly beasts.


Also -





But yeah, VERY GOOD, after the meh-in-my-opinion Curse of the Mutants.

Edited by Paj!
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To tide yourself over while you find out why don't you catch up on GL, Chew or start Dynamo 5. Make reading Dynamo 5 my christmas present from you. :p




And I gave up on my comic guy getting my missing Skullkickers, so just bought them from eBay (weren't even remotely hard to find)....o___0, so I now have the run (my 1 is a third printing so I need to try and find a cheapish first printing. All because my comic guy forgot to order it) ://.


Anyway, may read tomorrow or this week sometime. Soon, definitely, just might be a touch of busy/bothered.

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