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Dragon Quest IV, V, VI: The Zenithia Trilogy


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Well I'm about 34 hours in, and it's supposed to be a 20 hour game :p Although I have spent a long time just levelling, in the casino (got the two best items, the Metal King Sword and the Gringham whip), exploring and generally being lost.


I really like the story, really quite different. The Hero is probably the most unluckiest guy ever though.


I haven't managed to recruit many monsters, although I prefer the human characters.


Is Bjørn(Scandinavian letter :P) some evil side quest boss or do I have to beat him? He is kicking my ass left and right.


You have to beat him.

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I was the same level (Hero at 30, the rest between 27 - 29) although I used


The Hero, Son, Daughter, and Sancho




My general tactic was to attack with the Hero, or have him heal, and use support spells with the others (kabuff and oomph and insulate). If Bjorn uses buff, use the Zenithian sword to remove it.


If you can, bring some Ygdrassil leafs and plenty of MP restoring items.


Just try and keep your health up and you should be ok. Multi heal will probably help.


The son learns it at level 30 if you can level him up.




He's a pain to beat though.

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I married Debora too, but she did nothing but verbally abuse me, so I reset and married Nera instead.


Yeah she has a bit of 'tude but I went for her anyway, and I'll treat her well. It was pretty inevitable tbh. :hehe:


Since the wedding I've been saving my progress in a different file, so I can pick it up from there again and marry Bianca and Nera later on. It felt like the game really wanted me to marry Bianca and I feel slightly guilty for not seeing as we adventured as kids and got the water ring. Still, its all about the Debz.

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I got a Cure Slime (which is hard to recruit) but soon afterwards I married Nera and realised she's a healer too. My party is Hero, Nera, [spoiler=]Saber

and Metal Slime the metal Slime is unstoppable with it's huge defense stat.

By the way make sure you buy and check the Big Book of Beasts cos that tells you which Monsters are recruitable and which are easiest/hardest to recruit.


Revisiting the towns and using the Party Talk feature is fun to see how your Human Party members react to what the NPC's say.Try Visiting the Castle with Bianca where earlier in the game you defeated the ghosts with her, alot of her comments are hilarious.

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I got a Cure Slime (which is hard to recruit) but soon afterwards I married Nera and realised she's a healer too. My party is Hero, Nera, [spoiler=]Saber

and Metal Slime the metal Slime is unstoppable with it's huge defense stat.


Congrats on recruiting a metal slime considering they have a 1/256 chance of joining, plus they tend to run away.

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I played a bit more last night and reached Battenburg. To be honest with you, a snowy area was just what I needed to see. I thought the bit with the Faeries at the beginning would be the only snow and after going through the desert bit, winter was just what I needed.


I'm really enjoying Debz company with everything. :heart: Her attitude ain't that bad and she definitely shows signs of being a sweetheart under that steel-like exterior. She's been instrumental in hauling my ass back to get resurrected on numerous occasions already!


The party I've settled on for the time being is Steven, Debora, Moggy (the Sabre Cat!) and Goodian who is a Slime Knight. I've been enjoying the monster aspect and have slotted different ones in from time to time, my main back-up being Drongo a Drag-goof.


I've beaten Metal Slimes but none have joined me as yet. :heh:

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Slime Knight's are awesome early on maybe too awesome cos it felt a bit easy once you've levelled it up it's strong ally to have. I think I used to use a Rotten Apple aswell and then [spoiler=]Harry



What I did when I got the Metal Slime is got the Edge Boomerang which attacks multiple enemies what's great about the Metal Slimes aswell as the high defense they have very high AGILITY so they usually attack first, it makes the constant random encounters a bit more tolerable and shorter.

Those Metal Slimes are in groups in the cave in [spoiler=]Whealbrook

when you're an adult, I got mine in 1 or 2 random enounters with them after leaving my DS on standby overnight.

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Thanks for the info- I might head back to that cave and see about recruiting a Metal Slime then. Even if it takes a little while, you get bucket loads of exp for mowing through them so it'll be worth it!


I've been playing some more... and really enjoying it.



***Spoilers ahead for Gotha***


I did the Riteof Passage and became king! :grin: Can't think the last time I became a king or anything in an RPG and its a really good feeling. Kind of like Skies of Arcadia!


The Riteof Passage was tough enough actually because with Debz out of the party, due to... pregnancy :hehe: I slotted in the Drag-oof who was actually pretty weak for going through that cave, lol. But pregnant eh! And there we thought it was just altitude sickness (in Battenburg) and fatigue setting in a wee bit.


She had the babies... thats right, not just one but two! The way the scene was just like the opening of the game was really cool. I couldn't help but to pace back and forth just the way Pankraz did at the beginning when I was being born. Debz allowed me to name the kids and called them Josh and Abigail.


The sad thing is, just when good stuff starts to happen, thats when you let your guard down. It looks like the chancellor is a scumbag and he's kidnapped Debz. I'm not best pleased at all so I'm about to head out of the castle, track him down and give him the beating of a lifetime!


I've missed having her with me cos having only monsters, there's no-one to talk to. :(

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Get used to not having her around, you won't be able to user her shortly for a while.


If your metal slime hunting, they appear around the mini medal place, they're a bit easier to find around there plus you have easier access to a place to heal.

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I see what you mean with Debora not being around much now, Ike. Here's more of what I've been at in it cos I can't seem to put it down tonight- only breaking to watch Liverpool vs Sunderland. I bought Trackmania DS today and I want to try it out tonight... damned Dragon Quest. :p


I scaled that tower near Northminister quite a few times. I kept getting cursed and people (monsters) killed so I was making frequent exits to get healed and rested up. I didn't even level up that much in there, if at all. What happened when I reached the top of the tower, took out the three bosses and rescued Debz was quite heart wrenching.


Some guy swept in, spouted some pretty broken English and turned us to statues. :o I couldn't move obviously so I had to sit and watch as those two brothers came up and trailed both Deb and myself off. Gotha had no idea where I'd gotten to so they didn't get there in time to meet me/ find me. So these brothers took us and auctioned me off to the Porgie family and kept Deb for their own pleasure!! :angry: Sitting watching the years and seasons pass by from the Porgie front yard was quite cute (little Georgie taking his first steps) but then that made me think of my own kids who would be taking their first steps and everything over in castle Gotha- twas quite sad that Debz and myself couldn't be there. :cry:


After a while Sancho and the nino's happened upon me, managed to turn me from statue back into a person- thats my Abigail :grin: -and I've currently left it in Gotha where my two kids have just joined me, wanting to get out and find Debora.


Like I said, I want to play Trackmania, but I also want to find Debz and murder those brothers for the years of violation they've been subjecting her to. :(

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The final dungeon is so unfair. I was expecting a save points somewhere along the way, but after two hours I met what I thought was the final boss without ever finding a save point. I had just been hocus pocus'd and lost all mp and the fight was unexpected(I saw the sprite, but since I hadn't found a save point yet I figured it was a mini boss and thought I could handle it by switching some characters or use only one mp item) After he was done with his final boss rant I instantly used three of my five Elfin Elixirs and later used one of my tree Yggdrassill Leaves. I should have seen it coming when I played so many jrpgs, but when the real final boss appeared I freaked out. I had already been on gamefaqs and knew how high is HP was(wanted to find the recommened level) and to start all over with half of my items gone, not fully upgraded equipment(couldn't bother farming when I was so close...) and possible underleveled I lost on purpose. Lost 22 000 gold as well.


Has anyone beaten the game yet? My characters

Hero, the son and daughter(used the default names Parry and Madchen) and Goolian the Slime Knight are between 33 and 37. Nera is at 29 but doesn't have any good equipment and the other two monsters I change every now and then for no good reason so they are underleveled and has no equipments to speak of. So a back up party is out of the question. I need to rely on my main party. I have the Sands of Time and the Sage's Staff.




Played the game for 25 hours.

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Completed the game last night at 40 hours, final boss wasn't too tough, it didn't help that 2 of my characters were in yellow health when the battle started but I managed to heal them before they got killed.


I'm currently going through the bonus dungeon.

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Nice going Ike.


Returning to Tales question about people joining your party... I've got some guy Tuppence in mine. Did you get him? If so how and are there any other (maybe optional) party members you can get?


I got him. I think he joins around the time

your wife gets kidnapped.




I didn't know I had him until I needed to organize my party which wasn't very often.

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Makes sense. He was there waiting to be chosen the second time I spoke to Patty. I took him with me to Lofty Peak and he said some amusing things in party talk but I ditched him again when I recruited a golem!


The past few days I've been trying to get a Metal Slime- seriously, I've tried for hours! The extremely low recruit rate of them is killing my patience... that and the fact they run from battle all the time! So many times have I been confronted with six Metal Slimes only for all of them to run from battle before anyone in my party even gets to make their first move. Grr! Any of them that I've managed to kill have been good for exp which has helped level up my babies.

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Speaking of metal slimes, a SE developer is hunting for a liquid metal slimes and is keeping a blog which is updated every day as he tries to recruit one. There are already 3 updates. Be warned though, the blog contains spoilers.

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Makes sense. He was there waiting to be chosen the second time I spoke to Patty. I took him with me to Lofty Peak and he said some amusing things in party talk but I ditched him again when I recruited a golem!


The past few days I've been trying to get a Metal Slime- seriously, I've tried for hours! The extremely low recruit rate of them is killing my patience... that and the fact they run from battle all the time! So many times have I been confronted with six Metal Slimes only for all of them to run from battle before anyone in my party even gets to make their first move. Grr! Any of them that I've managed to kill have been good for exp which has helped level up my babies.


Sands of Time could be useful for you. It resets the battle when it is used. I think I got it at the third board game.

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OMN gave DQV the score it deserves (unlike Ngamer) 90%.


Pros and Cons:

+ Massive, intelligent story

+ Countless clever innovations

+ Excitement at every turn

+ Best Dragon Quest around

- Losing favourite characters (huh ?)


Pilfered from gonintendo.com.

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What I did when I got the Metal Slime is got the Edge Boomerang which attacks multiple enemies what's great about the Metal Slimes aswell as the high defense they have very high AGILITY so they usually attack first, it makes the constant random encounters a bit more tolerable and shorter.

Those Metal Slimes are in groups in the cave in [spoiler=]Whealbrook

when you're an adult, I got mine in 1 or 2 random enounters with them after leaving my DS on standby overnight.


So I'm coming to hate you and your luck in easily recruiting a Metal Slime. I've been patrolling round Dominicus Dominion for almost a week and I'm still to get one. :( On the plus side I have got a Cureslime, but my patience is being worn down.


Speaking of metal slimes, a SE developer is hunting for a liquid metal slimes and is keeping a blog which is updated every day as he tries to recruit one. There are already 3 updates. Be warned though, the blog contains spoilers.


Nice find. I've read the opening entries and its gonna be interesting to see how he gets on!


Sorry, I forgot :P


"Forgot." :indeed:

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Maybe the odds increase later on in the game I dunno? You should have Liquid Metal Slimes by that time but they're equally as hard to recruit, apparently it's 1/256 or 0.39% chance of them joining.


I got lucky with that but I have awful luck in the casino.

Edited by The-Ironflame
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A nice surprise came today in the post, my Dragon Quest VIII soundtrack and Dragon Quest V Symphonic Suite CD's arrived!


I didn't even expect them to ship, as the site said "7- 14 days" and they came out in 2004 so I thought there was little chance I would get them. They were sent on Monday as well, and I heard Yesasia was slow.

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