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Why the controler is so cool.


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Video games have always been about evolution to me.


I grew up in the NES days (I can't even remember a time without video games...). Obviously I had tons of fun with my NES, but when the SNES came out I couldn't wait to get it. It was so different. Sure the basics were the same, but there was so much added. Bigger worlds, story-lines. The graphics were better, just for the backgrounds. Video games became more alive on the SNES. Then when the N64 came out, I couldn't wait to get one. Mario 64 was amazing. It was an actual world. It wasn't 2D Mario going from one end of the level to the other, it was a full 3D video game world. Mario was alive now, he lived in his own world. When PS2/Gamecube came out, I really didn't care that much. I thought it was nice looking, but it was the same thing on my N64. Now Mario has a waterpack. There was no evolution. It was like putting on glasses, sure everything looks better / but your seeing the same things you saw before.


Enter the Revolution controler. Things have changed again. With the add-on shell controler things can stay the same, but with the new "magic wand" things are going to be totally new and refreshing. Video games have evolved again, and I personally cannot wait to get my hands on this thing and shoot up some Metroids. It's going to be awesome.

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That's exactly how I feel, theres some great games for the cube, but they havent interested me as much, I thought it was cause I was getting older and just bored with games now, but then the DS came out and I love the innovation. The revolution looks incredible I just cant wait, god I hope we dont have to wait over a year to get one!!!

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Hey you've just summed up how I feel exactly, even though I wished they'd showed some games (I can't wait for rev Resident Evil).


Likewise after watching the demo demonstration of the type of games, i think resi has the most potential. Even though nintendo were hinting at luigis mansion i think it would work tre cool with resi. Cuz come on how creepy can nintendo ghosts really be. RESI game example; first person u navigate through a house/town/forest n in certain areas where its dark u can turn on a flash light attached to ur gun. u aim with remote n move with the anolog stick. If Capcom dont realize this they are idiots.

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the health issues playing with this thing are going to be be sky high, rsi etc etc


and no im not talking about masturbation


That's bullocks, rofllmaowtfzorrrr... :P

This is very healthy for people being used to sitting on a couch all day tapping their buttons. here you actually move.


you obviously don't know what this whole thing is about :P

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I work in a videogame store. So after a hard days work i cant even touch a controller.. Even good games like God of war and the new FF games sounds dull to me.

Nintendo is resurrecting Gaming for alot people.

yeah and now "next gen" dosnt seem so next gen. its like they all updated from the N64 era for too long. it should be a leap like SNES to 64. there are actually 3 current eras to the game console.


First: NES + Grafix = SNES


Second: SNES + Innovation = N64


Third: N64 + Grafix = GameCube


then it should be


GameCube + Innovation = Revolution.


but sony and microsoft are just adding more grafix and not following the pattern. IMO

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First: NES + Grafix = SNES


I disagree with that. SNES was more than a more graphically powered NES.


If you compare games like Zelda and A Link to the Past, or Metroid to Super Metroid there's just soo much more.


The worlds became more real (for the time). They could even pull off 3D (like Starfox and Stunt Race FX).


I wouldn't say it's more like NES + New Possibility = SNES

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I disagree with that. SNES was more than a more graphically powered NES.


If you compare games like Zelda and A Link to the Past, or Metroid to Super Metroid there's just soo much more.


The worlds became more real (for the time). They could even pull off 3D (like Starfox and Stunt Race FX).


I wouldn't say it's more like NES + New Possibility = SNES


i second that post

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i had the same feeling when going from 64 to gamecube and its going to be the same for sony/microsoft fans. The reason being that most people who own a PS2 owned a PS1 only the previous generarion (X-Box owners had nothing) therefore the PS2 was the first chance many of them got to play complete 3D games e.g. look at the leap from GTA 2 to GTA 3. Thats why i think more and more peole will eventually turn to revolution after maybe a year or so after PS3 launch

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