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Zelda Wii: Not anytime soon!


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Showing a Zelda at E3 '08 doesn't mean it has to come out anytime soon! Could come out 2 years later, which I thought might be the case! But seems they're not even thinking about Zelda right now.


Twilight Princess launched close to a year ago now in Japan, and seeing as that game was probably ready to launch around a year earlier, had they not waited ages to re-configure it and launch it for the Wii, there could have been an indication of Zelda Wii at next years E3!


But anyways, the Mario's, Zelda's, Metroids etc... are what I buy Nintendo's consoles for, so maybe I'm just a bit more dissapointed by this news (that it's not even really in any planning stages yet!) than others!


Saying that though, I'd much rather they took their time and produced something truely outstanding with each installment! It's just a bit depressing to actually hear, that's all!

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The first post suggests that it IS in planning stages...
Well ok yeah...


We do have some ideas in the works, but I can't say for sure because none of them have been approved and we're still very much in the planning process,
But that's it really, in other words they are right at the start of anything.
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Anyone remember that comment from Aonuma in 2005 when asked of Zelda Wii (before anyone knew of Twilight Princess's Wii version)?


"We are really far into development" was included. Twilight Princess was intended for GC, therefore not Zelda Wii. I know he's worked on a lot of recent Zelda games but to be honest, he thinks he's God, for instance, contradicting Shigsy's version of the Zelda timeline, who MADE the franchise.

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Anyone remember that comment from Aonuma in 2005 when asked of Zelda Wii (before anyone knew of Twilight Princess's Wii version)?


"We are really far into development" was included. Twilight Princess was intended for GC, therefore not Zelda Wii. I know he's worked on a lot of recent Zelda games but to be honest, he thinks he's God, for instance, contradicting Shigsy's version of the Zelda timeline, who MADE the franchise.

Yeah I made this thread in December when news was coming through that Zelda Wii had been in development for over a year!




Ah well!!

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I don't mind if we don't see another Zelda game for at least 3-4 years. I know that sounds a long time, but that is roughly how long Twilight Princess was in development for.


Looking at the line-up of games for the Wii coming out this year, we won't be getting bored for a long time.

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I think I know now what they mean by 'last Zelda of its kind'.


Last home console Zelda.


What, that makes no sense at all. Zelda was one of the driving forces at the Wii launch, Nintendo knows the franchise means a lot to its Hardcore base, I don't think they're gonna start making it exclusively for handhelds anytime soon.


And the console Zelda games are better than the handhelds by far.

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What, that makes no sense at all. Zelda was one of the driving forces at the Wii launch, Nintendo knows the franchise means a lot to its Hardcore base, I don't think they're gonna start making it exclusively for handhelds anytime soon.


And the console Zelda games are better than the handhelds by far.


It sold poorly in Japan, they won't consider another one on the Wii if the spoilt Japanese carry on moaning. Not when they can sell millions of Brain Training.

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It sold poorly in Japan, they won't consider another one on the Wii if the spoilt Japanese carry on moaning. Not when they can sell millions of Brain Training.


That's rediculous to presume just because Japan don't like Zelda as much anymore Nintendo are going to stop making console Zelda games.


Twilight Princess still did sell around 4 million copies, a number which any company would be proud of for an exclusive game.


If Nintendo applied that logic to all their games then Metroid would be long dead.


I'd prefer it actually if Nintendo layed off Zelda for a while, we don't need a new one anytime soon, maybe they could make the next one a launch title for the next Nintendo console and make truely epic. (Finally next gen graphics and orchestrated music lol).

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Yeah I understand what you and McMad are saying about it selling well outside of Japan, and I don't want to be the voice of doom or anything (and I'm not trying to be an idiot or harassing you McMad, it's just my opinion, so calm it down a bit), but Zelda IS a Japan developed game. It would make no sense for them to continue releasing home console Zelda games when the sales dwindle from game to game. I think TP may have been one of the lowest selling Zelda games in Japan. Something's going to happen.

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Shigsy himself said he doesn't think people want large epic games anymore, basing this on Japanese sales figures for Twilight Princess.


Fuck Shigero Miyamoto, just because the casuals who buy Brain Training and Nintendogs out-number the hardcores who would love to buy a new Zelda or Metroid he thinks there's no audience for epic games anymore.


It's foolish to think from one simple quote that Nintendo are going to stop making console Zelda's, one of Nintendo's biggest franchises that has kept them going through the years.


If Nintendo were ready to give up on a huge franchise like Zelda then they probably would be way too scared to risk making new IPs that might not be successful.


Then there's the western audiences that still love epic games too, and the Japanese will always love RPGs, Nintendo need to make epic games or they will slowly start to lose their core audience.


I think instead Nintendo are going to re-imagine Zelda to make it appeal to more consumers in the future, so the hardcore would still be happy and to give the franchise a new lease of life after Twilight Princess proved that the 3D Zelda formula is starting to age.


If Nintendo stopped making Zelda console games they'd probably lose a significant amount (maybe 500 000) of their core userbase.

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I don't think you realise how big an influene Shigsy is within Nintendo. If the man said "The next console will make toast" then by god, it will make toast.


I think E3 is the best example to use here. I quite enjoyed the conference, but it was proof that Nintendo are slowly trying to shake off their "hardcore" audience. We predicted Smash Bros, Metroid, a new Zelda, Kid Icarus, Animal Crossing Wii, Tingle Goes To Space, and what did we get? WiiFit. That was the hook of the speech. Please prove me wrong but to be honest, I think Nintendo no longer care about making the traditional games that made them famous. Innovation, women and old people are the way forward now, and if franchises that don't perform as well as they used to do, like Zelda, stand in their way, then they will not hesitate to remove them.

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Fuck Shigero Miyamoto, just because the casuals who buy Brain Training and Nintendogs out-number the hardcores who would love to buy a new Zelda or Metroid he thinks there's no audience for epic games anymore.

Don't make me German Suplex you.

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I think E3 is the best example to use here. I quite enjoyed the conference, but it was proof that Nintendo are slowly trying to shake off their "hardcore" audience.


So they're shaking off their hardcore audience by not making games for a franchise that has sold over 4 million copies in just over half a year?


Wii: Twilight Princess: 3.41 (million)

Gamecube: Twilight Princess: 1.17




Tellyn what you're suggesting is rediculous, it would be like Square Enix cancelling the next Dragon Quest game, Miyamoto has little involvement with Zelda nowadays, the series belongs to Aonuma instead so I'd believe his word more over Shiggy's:


"I can't say, but I guess for now, maybe, yeah [laughs]. Not to say that it's going to be the final game. There's still a lot of potential with the Wii so there's still a possibility that there could be another Zelda for it. We do have some ideas in the works, but I can't say for sure because none of them have been approved and we're still very much in the planning process, so I hope you look forward to whatever comes out."


There's one coming, it's just not coming for aaages.

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I don't think you realise how big an influene Shigsy is within Nintendo. If the man said "The next console will make toast" then by god, it will make toast.


So what? This is the guy who is also making Super Mario Galaxy. Don't see anyone complaining about that..


I think E3 is the best example to use here. I quite enjoyed the conference, but it was proof that Nintendo are slowly trying to shake off their "hardcore" audience.


E3 is the only event in the entire gaming calender where Nintendo are given the opportunity to make a presentation to the mainstream media. The mainstream media don't have a clue what Metal Gear Solid, Metroid Prime and Halo 3 are. Something like Wii Fit is simply going to steal the show for them, and that's why Nintendo used E3.


We predicted Smash Bros, Metroid, a new Zelda, Kid Icarus, Animal Crossing Wii, Tingle Goes To Space, and what did we get? WiiFit. That was the hook of the speech. Please prove me wrong but to be honest, I think Nintendo no longer care about making the traditional games that made them famous.


I'm sorry but look at the line up. In a 6 month period we're getting:


Super Mario Galaxy

Metroid Prime 3

Battalion Wars 2

Fire Emblem: Godess of Dawn

Mario Kart Wii

Super Smash Bros Brawl


Nintendo chose to show off one game we already pretty much knew about, and that means they've stopped making the traditional games that fill pretty much 90% of their upcoming line up?


Innovation, women and old people are the way forward now, and if franchises that don't perform as well as they used to do, like Zelda, stand in their way, then they will not hesitate to remove them.



Zelda: Phantom Hourglass has been the fastest selling Zelda yet, and Twilight Princess has still sold better then any Xbox 360 game to date. Nintendo are getting new markets, sure, but are they forgotting about their old core userbase? Hell no.

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Nintendo is not going to stop making Wii Zeldas - Twilight Princess is selling 3:1 for every Wii out there, and that number is getting pretty huge. Thing is, they're not making a Zelda now - seems to me they want to make a Wii Zelda a Wii Zelda; that is an experience that differs from the last games and is only possible on Wii, much like what Phantom Hourglass is for the DS.


I think we can expect this Zelda in 2010. It'll probably be cel-shaded.

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Shigsy quote about possible future Zelda games such as Link being in the contemporary world was quite interesting.


Link in the contemporary world, heres a suggestion from yours truly. Project Hammer appeared to have very similar mechanics to Zelda, I could see the next Zelda being based in the future in United States just like Disaster and Hammer where right from the start Ganondorf appears, unleashes havoc and he using power in order to take over Hyrule, he takes the easy road and ELIMINATES Link by transporting him to another world, in this case the future in the contemporary real life world. But Link needs to escape from the modern world in order to fight Ganondorf and restore peace in his REAL WORLD being Hyrule. He gets caught up amongst crimes taking place in the city like bank robberies and getting in the way of these guys results in guns being fired at you, and because its the contemporary world, one to two gunshots can kill Link. As you're name spreads in the city and you help people, you make contacts and through these contacts, you are ultimately introduced to an acclaimed scientist/inventor that is working on a concept time machine that is able to transport Link back to his REAL WORLD, but you're life is at increased danger as you're reputation increases as crime syndicates (shown through cut scenes) are feeling the pressure of killing you to prevent from their plans being foiled by the great hero. Not only this, but throughout the game, the time machine needs adjustments and at times, malfunctions occur and it transports Link to various time periods. Prehistoric times, having to fight HUGE dinosaurs, cavemen, medieval times, having to fight with armys on horseback and even in the year 3000 with star wars like cyborgs, super clones and super bacteria particles that can form lifelike size foes. Imagine using your sword and weaponry to fight city crime and having specific special items according to the time period you are in... In prehistoric times, you'd have specially carved spears and wooden clubs, in medieval times, specific uniform to indicate the army in which you are fighting for with specially shaped swords and shields with full KNIGHT ARMOUR and in the future having ultra high tech weaponry such as disintegration beams. Now that would be a radical change in the series and would tailor to people that want freshness and increased difficulty while retaining the fundamentals that makes the series the legendary series that it is...

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