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What a disappointment that was.

They just deviated from the source material far too much, I could see the cracks last week when they disposed of the potion and made Hyde triggered by love, but it all really fell apart with the finale. Hyde is love, what a load of bollocks, and I just hope the bit with his mother at the end doesn't mean there'll be another series.

Eugh, that ending was terrible!!


How did those kids stay alive with no air for that long!!! >:


They weren't even gasping for air when they came out.


The finale was a bit bad though,pretty anti-climatic I was hoping for something much better.Then Hyde,who was cool and evil was because of all this love stuff.



Missed both the last episodes. Sounds like it wasn't that bad missing them.


There were some good moments, but ultimately the crappy 'twist' ruined things.

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