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Are the Xbox 360 / Playstation 3 holding the industry back?


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Yeah, but failure insinuates that it failed on every level, when it clearly didn't, it had some immense game on it. Wii, is failing so far as I'm concerned, ie, as a core gamer, it's just not appealing to me on any level...


I guess it depends on what you mean by failure. I think if you could probably say all three systems are failing, in some way or another.

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I played SSX Blur once, the day I bought it. I have not played it since. Biggest dissapointment ever, I loved SSX, SSX Trick & SSX 3 too. Its definetly going to be traded in at some point!


Play it again. Until you get the controls down.


Honest, it gets fun.


On a side note, why do so many Wii games seem to be like this? Excite Truck, Sonic, SSX, etc.

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Play it again. Until you get the controls down.


Honest, it gets fun.


On a side note, why do so many Wii games seem to be like this? Excite Truck, Sonic, SSX, etc.


ExciteTruck wasn't difficult to get into...not at all. It was more a case of: pick up controller, do!


You have to adjust to the sensitivity, but its a matter of minutes, I think. If that.

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I'm just gonna ignore everything that's been said above, as it seems to have turned into an 'I'm right because I'm right' argument. That said, I'll offer my two pennys.


Now, the idea of 'holding the industry back' does not imply physically moving backwards, but merely standing still; not moving forward. In short, stagnating. Now, in any industry, stagnation is bad. A company that stagnates and stays the same will be overtaken by a younger, more innovative one. For previous examples, look at SONY completely decimating a stagnating Nintendo and Sega. Or Google overtaking Yahoo!. Failure to innovate will eventually mean that death of the company.


Note that I said the company. The industry will always move forward - there is always new blood willing to take the risk. So no, I do not think that the 360/PS3 is holding the industry back. I do feel, however, that SONY and Microsoft (SONY especialy, they're making a loss in too many departments. They literally only turned a profit this year because of Spiderman 3) had better pull their thumb out soon or they might find themselves having to pull out of the industry in 10 years!

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