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Football Season 2007/2008


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You talking about yourself now, laddie? Because it's true.


The idea that violence and homophobia not taking place in british football is laughable. Racism, probably that as well. If it doesn't happen, why are there campaigns to stop it?

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The idea that violence and homophobia not taking place in british football is laughable. Racism, probably that as well. If it doesn't happen, why are there campaigns to stop it?


Homophobia you have a point...


As for Violence and Racism they haven't apparead in football many a year now...


Of course some people relate tongue-in-cheek chants to violence :blank:

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Homophobia you have a point...


As for Violence and Racism they haven't apparead in football many a year now...


Of course some people relate tongue-in-cheek chants to violence :blank:


Re: violence. Ant they happened in Germany just last year!! Rioting, hooliganism by English (and other nations) fans! Near where a mate of mine used to live there was a brawl between Chelsea and Spurs fans with several being taken to hospital. How can you possibly say that violence doesn't happen any more in football?


There are campaigns to stop racism all over the world. Not just here.


All that proves is that there is racism in football all over the world.


Homophobia goes on in Rugby too though!!!


I beg to differ. And if it does, no where NEAR the amount that happens in football. This isn't about rugby anyway.

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You mean "you saw them ON saturday"...


What do you do when people around you swear at the Ref, in chants and that then? Do you say, "Excuse me Sir, I find your language unbearable - please hush your mouth!!!"


No but it does annoy me, i can't see why people can't keep their feelings to themselves over the tiniest little thing. For instance a reading player obviously fouled a everton one and the ref then got a barrage of hate even though I’m sure everyone could see that it was a foul.


o yeah just cause i don't like swearing dosn't make me posh or is this what england has become?

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Re: violence. Ant they happened in Germany just last year!! Rioting, hooliganism by English (and other nations) fans! Near where a mate of mine used to live there was a brawl between Chelsea and Spurs fans with several being taken to hospital. How can you possibly say that violence doesn't happen any more in football?


Because it doesn't, like it used to thats just an iscolated incident, no different to when a gang of people on a night out have a fight....


No but it does annoy me, i can't see why people can't keep their feelings to themselves over the tiniest little thing. For instance a reading player obviously fouled a everton one and the ref then got a barrage of hate even though I’m sure everyone could see that it was a foul.



Football Fans are biased, they willl get behind their club through thick and thin, right or wrong : peace:


What you just said shows you lack of understanding for the game my friend

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agh screw this i'm bailing out


i'll be back to bask in the glory of reading beating bolton haha easy win


Can I just say those who are raising these anti-football points, what are they trying to achieve in a football thread where every single one of us follows the sport and will contine to do until we snuff it?

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The scenes of Mass-Brawls and rioting that plagued the English game in the past, simply rarely happen these days. Football related violence really is at an all time low in this country.


And IMMY I really dont understand how any fan could not be able to say "Fuck OFF" if a decision like Mr. Rob Style's took place against your team. I dont care if you are a saint...


If you think that mass brawls and rioting don't hapeen these days you really need to open your eyes mate. A week doesn't go by without a fight, brawl, stabbing in some part of European football, and yes that means in this country too.


The argument that fights after a football game are just like fights on the street is bollocks. Why don't you get fights after thousands of people leave Wimbledon? Or a rugby match at Twickenham?


I probably will end up watching this film sometime, even though it'll get me angry as fuck. Bearing in mind this happened just a year ago:



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Can I just say those who are raising these anti-football points, what are they trying to achieve in a football thread where every single one of us follows the sport and will contine to do until we snuff it?


i'm not anti football dammit,


i play for a sunday leuge team


i follow my local team


i play foootball everyweek with my mates



i just don't like swearing for no real reason ok!

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Can I just say those who are raising these anti-football points, what are they trying to achieve in a football thread where every single one of us follows the sport and will contine to do until we snuff it?


Not really sure to be honest. It does feel like I'm a Liverpool fan walking into the (I dunno...) Chelsea stand? Luckily in the virtual world, I can at least get out alive ;)


Heres one Video in the pub yesterday




I screwed up on the Best Midfield in the world song because someone said "Best Central Midfield Options in the world" instead of the right words...




Thats Passion Motion and Immy it's Football


Inspired camera work there Ant ;)


I don't think anyone would argue that your level of passion is brilliant. Well, except Hobbz maybe lol

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A. Football is by far the most popular sport in Europe and this country


So what? You can still compare a 82,000 seater full Twickenham with a 90,000 or whatever seater full Wembley. Popularity makes no differences in those instances.


B. The money pumped into the game, makes winning more important then ever - thus putting on mounds of extra pressure on supporters, as their teams cannot afford to lose and they cannot afford to get the stick they will get all week long. This gives games extra intensity and the money pumped into the game, makes stadiums bigger - drafting away from the family atmosphere you get at the Rugby due to its smaller grounds...


What does the importance of winning have to do with some supporters stabbing each other around Europe?


C. Prices for a ticket are higher then ever. So you dont go to sit smiling, you go to get behind ur team in anyway possible and make the most out of ur cash.


When I can pay up to £65-70 for a single international at Twickenham, I expect results and get behind my team just as much. That doesn't mean I tell opposition supporters to "Fuck off down to your own fucking end" ... although the fact that 82,000 supporters are mixed together at Twickenham means that I'd never have to ;)

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But it's only different teams.....and attitude of some fans...


Man Utd Fans couldn't walk through the Kop


Liverpool Fans couldn't walk through the Stretford end...


However Wigan Fans or fans from smaller clubs could..


It's about rivalry I mean I could stand a Wigan fan singing about Dave Whelan, but not a Man Utd fan singing "Glory Glory" hence the reason I would not want to sit anywhere near them. But with my own and sing Liverpool Songs...

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So you don't agree with what I just wrote up there then ^


And can you not see that no matter what 'I' say you will always find a way to disagree?


Ant, I hear what you're saying. I guess I just like the rivalry amongst rugby fans too much.

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I heard a nice story from yesterday regarding George Gillet


Mr G and having a meal and was approached by a reds fan for a chat. The reds fan was invited to sit at their table and they proceeded to chat about Liverpool. The reds fan then got on his mobile phone to tell his mate who he was dining with. Refusing to believe his friend, Mr G then got on the phone and spoke to his mate for 20 minutes or so.


After the phone call ended Mr G pulled a twenty pound note out of his pocket and gave it to the reds fan to pay for the call. The reds fan refused the gesture as he was just made up to speak to him. However, Mr G unmoved pushed the twenty pound note into his hand. The reds fan then said "I'll only take it if you sign it". Mr G then promptly signed the note, and it now has pride of place in a picture frame in the reds fans house.


One thing that came from the conversation, Rafa has been instructed to put the Premiership at the top of his agenda, Europe would be nice, but it's the league that everyone wants. Mr G and Mr H are constantly being told this by fans they meet at the match and out and about. And those views have been taken on board and passed to the manager.


And another story


A car pulls up to get into the Main Stand Car Park.


"Where's your pass"


"Haven't got one"


"Then you cant come in"


"Don't you know who I am"


"Yes, and you still cant come in"


Person gets out car and walks.


Who is this person...

Steve McLaren...




Ant, I hear what you're saying. I guess I just like the rivalry amongst rugby fans too much.


I like my rivalry with Man Utd as well, but I just wouldn't like to be near them not in fear of my own safety, because I couldn't sing my songs....

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Instead a bunch of Arsenal fans started chanting and throwing abuse at the Newcastle manager saying that they wish he'd died a few years back when he had a tumor in his brain? Calling him tumor boy etc?


Don't fucking dare pin that shit on us. Arsenal fans pride themselves in being a friendly bunch. Most would claim because we're too quite in our libraries :P but theres never any aggro with our fans.


I've probably missed this ridiculous argument that motion likes to present every 3 or 4 months. But each time its the same old crap, same old made up rubbish. Football violence has decreased a lot, I often chat with opposing fans on the train home with no grief. Chants are banter, there for a laugh, lighten up. And Rugby, well some of the people I know who go to watch Rugby are couch potatoes who aren't likely to open their mouth let alone get behind their team. See that there, yeah thats right, thats the same level of ignorance you just showed by judging all football fans.


Nice one, good game. End.

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Why don't you get fights after thousands of people leave Wimbledon? Or a rugby match at Twickenham?

Because such pursuits are enjoyed mainly by boring, middle class, public school knobheads who are too busy drinking Pimms, eating prawn sandwiches, and worrying about their plans for next year's Henley Regatta to be able to inject any passion into their sport.

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Because such pursuits are enjoyed mainly by boring, middle class, public school knobheads who are too busy drinking Pimms, eating prawn sandwiches, and worrying about their plans for next year's Henley Regatta to be able to inject any passion into their sport.


Aw Fields, I love you man :heart:


Don't fucking dare pin that shit on us. Arsenal fans pride themselves in being a friendly bunch. Most would claim because we're too quite in our libraries :P but theres never any aggro with our fans.


"Pin that shit on us"? I'm only reporting what I read about what a bunch of Arsenal fans started chanting. I know nothing about which bunch of supporters is supposedly friendlier than the other.


And Rugby, well some of the people I know who go to watch Rugby are couch potatoes who aren't likely to open their mouth let alone get behind their team. See that there, yeah thats right, thats the same level of ignorance you just showed by judging all football fans.


When did I judge 'all' football fans may I ask? Oh that's right, I didn't.

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Don't fucking dare pin that shit on us. Arsenal fans pride themselves in being a friendly bunch. Most would claim because we're too quite in our libraries :P but theres never any aggro with our fans.


I've probably missed this ridiculous argument that motion likes to present every 3 or 4 months. But each time its the same old crap, same old made up rubbish. Football violence has decreased a lot, I often chat with opposing fans on the train home with no grief. Chants are banter, there for a laugh, lighten up. And Rugby, well some of the people I know who go to watch Rugby are couch potatoes who aren't likely to open their mouth let alone get behind their team. See that there, yeah thats right, thats the same level of ignorance you just showed by judging all football fans.


Nice one, good game. End.



I was going to pick up on that too and you beat me to it :P. I mean, our home (when we were in Highbury) wasn't known as the 'Highbury Library' for nothing. And its true, you can talk to fans easily once heading back to your own home (accept West Ham fans, seeing them on the tube kind of scares me as well as other passengers).


But I see (especially from an outside POV) where your judgement would come from motion.

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