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Football Season 2007/2008


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My point is, passion in football goes too far. Yes taking the mick out of opposition supporters is funny, but once again... some fans take it too far and it crosses a line.




When fans are kicking seven shades of crap out of eachother thats the line crossed, and when some more provokative chants are made then you have a point.


But I am talking about real football fans, people who can sing the song, and take it for what it is...But for a real football fan passion has no limits and It shouldn't do it's how you display it that matters...

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If it was "Die Terry Die" then you would have a point, but it's not...



Sadly, I wouldn't be surprised if there are many idiots out there who do chant about such things.



I was just merely stating a point, it may of been tense on the pitch :heh:


Also what about You'll Never Walk Alone, I Would love my kids to hear that


Football is about Passion, different fans express their passion in different ways, the majority now in my eyes express it through humour, loud chanting. Especially on the Kop


Yes Football songs contain swearing, but so what? It's humour it's wit, it's about time people removed the cotton wool off their eyes and accept football for what it is, yes you do have the un-savoury incidents and you cannot defend such beheaviour, but they are then banned from Football Grounds...


All I'm going to suggest is people who are offended by the John Terry chant should get off their high horses because this stuff is nothing but humour, tongue in cheek and the kind of wit that is seen across the Country in your local football ground.


That's cool Ant, and I hope I'm not coming across as some grumpy fella who can't laugh or take a joke. As I said, I jsut think some fans go too far. I watched bits and pieces from a one hour film on the Germany world cup and the English hooliganism that took place. I literally watched about 40 seconds of it skipping ahead to various points in the film but what I saw disgusted me. And this was just last year for christ sake. I'm debating whether to watch the whole thing or not...


Ant I would LOVE to take you to a rugby game, one with lots of rivalry like Bath v Gloucester or Leicester v London Wasps. 5 pints before hand, a pasty or hot dog, banter pre-match on the terraces. A fantastic hard match full of pride and passion, chatting and piss taking with opposition supporters all around you. Then a post match piss up where we all buy each other a pint and chat about how awesome that game-winning try was.

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Aren't you the pampered little boy?




Well if I wasn't going to be the one teaching my kids swearwords, then who?


Swearing and cursing is part of the English language, get over it for fucks sake!


Oh dear. I'd rather not reply to that.


When fans are kicking seven shades of crap out of eachother thats the line crossed, and when some more provokative chants are made then you have a point.


But I am talking about real football fans, people who can sing the song, and take it for what it is...But for a real football fan passion has no limits and It shouldn't do it's how you display it that matters...


I agree with all that.

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Swearing and cursing is part of the English language, get over it for fucks sake!


I know from video games, to music, from movies to your own front room...


It surrounds us, Football is no exception to that rule but that doesn't make it a bad thing otherwise so many people around the world would not go to a match?

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Hearing the odd swear word at a football game, really isnt going to have a diverse effect on their up bringing.



There's a difference between 'the odd swear word' and saying that John Terry's missus 'likes the Scouse cock' over and over.

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LOL at the John Terry chant you listed. Cannot say I wud join in on Terry bashing, although I HATE Chelsea he is prolli one of the only players of theirs I actually respect. Just an old fashioned center back, who always gives his all. Frank Lampard? Well thats a whole different story :D


I totally 100% agree their I have alot of respect for him but I joined in anyway because it was abosutely hillairious...

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When fans are kicking seven shades of crap out of eachother thats the line crossed, and when some more provokative chants are made then you have a point.


But I am talking about real football fans, people who can sing the song, and take it for what it is...But for a real football fan passion has no limits and It shouldn't do it's how you display it that matters...


I can see your point but I still think they should tone it down slightly by banning it in certain parts of the ground or somthing along those lines that way kids will be able to enjoy it safely

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There's a difference between 'the odd swear word' and saying that John Terry's missus 'likes the Scouse cock' over and over.


And the difference is light hearted humour...Thats all it was People need to relise that like the majority of Football Chants which contain such vulgar language....


.End Of

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It surrounds us, Football is no exception to that rule but that doesn't make it a bad thing otherwise so many people around the world would not go to a match?


It doesn't surround us at Wimbledon, Twickenham or the Oval. I don't hear people telling a stranger that their missus likes Scouse cock on the street, at the beach or at the cinema.

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QFT (sorry I had too) :D


lol but Immy that is a retarded suggestion mate. What you gonna do zip people's mouths up and say ur banned!?


I know it's not a real solution I’m just saying they should at least try to make a better atmosphere for people who don't want to hear that sort of language.

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I can see your point but I still think they should tone it down slightly by banning it in certain parts of the ground or somthing along those lines that way kids will be able to enjoy it safely


Define being safe? Because You cannot be more safer in a place with 40,000 of your own folk


I personally feel the most safe on a football terrace and have done ever since I have been at a football match...


I mean an example is in 2001 when Liverpool were losing the FA Cup Final I was 10 at the time and I was in tears and 3 lads infront ofme started cheerin me, joining in on the songs I started , and they put me in their row because it was the first one on the 2nd tier. We won 2-1....

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QFT (sorry I had too) :D


lol but Immy that is a retarded suggestion mate. What you gonna do zip people's mouths up and say ur banned!?


Football desperately needs to clean up its image and what goes in inside its grounds. But telling people to shut up or you're banned is probably not the best way to do it.

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Define being safe? Because You cannot be more safer in a place with 40,000 of your own folk


I personally feel the most safe on a football terrace and have done ever since I have been at a football match...


I mean an example is in 2001 when Liverpool were losing the FA Cup Final I was 10 at the time and I was in tears and 3 lads infront ofme started cheerin me, joining in on the songs I started , and they put me in their row because it was the first one on the 2nd tier. We won 2-1....


i meant "safely" as in not hearing bad language and the like

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It doesn't surround us at Wimbledon, Twickenham or the Oval. I don't hear people telling a stranger that their missus likes Scouse cock on the street, at the beach or at the cinema.


You Wouldn't though would you?


Unless of course their was x Amount of Liverpool fans and John Terry


i meant "safely" as in not hearing bad language and the like


Kids will always be subject to bad language no matter where they go, Football Matches are no expection...

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Define being safe? Because You cannot be more safer in a place with 40,000 of your own folk


But that's the point. Most of the time you only feel safe with your own supporters. It's a good chunk of the opposition who would quite happily beat you up after a few pints that's the problem. You said it yourself, you can't bring children to some football matches.

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Football desperately needs to clean up its image and what goes in inside its grounds. But telling people to shut up or you're banned is probably not the best way to do it.


FIFA have got better things to sort out than people swearing at a match.


Racism, for example.

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Racism, homophobia and violence. I agree... swearing is something you'd expect the football fan to be able to control.


Oi, it's the Johnny Foreigners doing that. Not us!


We don't do vile monkey chants at Nedum Onuoha and Ashley Cole! Or any other black players!

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Oi, it's the Johnny Foreigners doing that. Not us!


We don't do vile monkey chants at Nedum Onuoha and Ashley Cole! Or any other black players!


The ignorance is astounding.


And I'm talking football in general, not just football on these shores.

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