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Football Season 2007/2008


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Sorry Ant but it constantly amazes me how dads have no issues with bringing their young kids to a football match if things like that are being spouted.


They're gonna hear swearing wherever they go. They'll hear people in the streets say it, people on telly saying it. Believe it or not, people at a Rugby match will even swear if their team concede a try or whatever, and there's bound to be some little kids there.


Why do you have to go and single out a football match as if it is the only place a little kid will hear swearing?

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They're gonna hear swearing wherever they go. They'll hear people in the streets say it, people on telly saying it. Believe it or not, people at a Rugby match will even swear if their team concede a try or whatever, and there's bound to be some little kids there.


Why do you have to go and single out a football match as if it is the only place a little kid will hear swearing?


Funny, I don't walk in the streets hearing people shouting that some innocent woman 'loves the Scouse cock' 3+ times. The occasional fuck, or shit is fine by me, that's the sort of stuff you hear in the street, on telly, at rugby matches etc... not the stuff you get in a lot of football chants.


football fans are idiots, thats disgusting.


It is disgusting and disgraceful.

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Sorry Ant but it constantly amazes me how dads have no issues with bringing their young kids to a football match if things like that are being spouted.


Motion it's tongue in cheek, it's just wit it's nothing violent


Don't pick holes in it motion lad, I know you like Rugby an all bit if you actually understood the wit and the context it was used you will understand.


Like alot of Football songs....




And how the fuck is that disgusting Immy?


It's humour


It stems from a rumour than John Terry's Mum gave Carra's brother a blow job...


Jesus it's not racism it's actually freaking hillairious and only someone with a bar up their arse would not understand the humour it represents...


At least we aren't singing about people dying etc etc

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Funny, I don't walk in the streets hearing people shouting that some innocent woman 'loves the Scouse cock' 3+ times. The occasional fuck, or shit is fine by me, that's the sort of stuff you hear in the street, on telly, at rugby matches etc... not the stuff you get in a lot of football chants.


It is disgusting and disgraceful.


You are such an uptight old woman. It's unbelievable.


Football fans are the most passionate of any British sport fans. They'll sing to show the love of their team, and the hate of their rivals.


Liverpool and Chelsea have had a rivalry in the past few years, so when they meet there will always be a tense atmosphere. But if Liverpool play Derby County the atmosphere may be quite friendly because there isn't a rivalry between the two clubs. There won't be any Liverpool fans singing "Billy Davies is a Scotch Tw*t!" or anything like that.

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Motion it's tongue in cheek, it's just wit it's nothing violent


Don't pick holes in it motion lad, I know you like Rugby an all bit if you actually understood the wit and the context it was used you will understand.


Ant I know it's tongue in cheek/said for a bit of a laugh, and I'm sure many people found it funny but I personally feel it has no place when the crowd is full of young kids.


At least we aren't singing about people dying etc etc


Instead a bunch of Arsenal fans started chanting and throwing abuse at the Newcastle manager saying that they wish he'd died a few years back when he had a tumor in his brain? Calling him tumor boy etc?


I'm not trying to start another fight, it just really angers me is all.

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Football fans are the most passionate of any British sport fans. They'll sing to show the love of their team, and the hate of their rivals.


Some football fans are TOO passionate if they "hate" their rivals (strangers) to that extent.

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Instead a bunch of Arsenal fans started chanting and throwing abuse at the Newcastle manager saying that they wish he'd died a few years back when he had a tumor in his brain? Calling him tumor boy etc?


I'm not trying to start another fight, it just really angers me is all.


Those were West Ham fans, don't go tarring us with the same brush as them!

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Violent is the one word I wouldn't use to describe alot of what happend yesterday....


I didn't mention violence in this argument, I mentioned language and respect.


Those were West Ham fans, don't go tarring us with the same brush as them!


As far as I'm concerned, they're football fans.


Ant you yourself told me on msn that football fans can be TOO obsessed at times (after more fighting on this thread between you all).


Spotted this post on the internet, and I can't help but agree:



I went to the FA Charity Shield on Sunday at Wembley - courtesy of a free ticket from girlfriends place of work. Wembley is pretty spectacular - but was greeted by literally tonnes of rubbish just flung on the floor outside left by the fans that had already gone in (we were late).


Our seats were in the Chelsea end. I spent the next hour listening a large population of the '@#$%& of the earth' reminding me in no uncertain terms why I will NEVER EVER go to a football match again, and I shall elaborate:-


1) Rather large female Man U fan in the Chelsea end constantly being greeted with chants of 'you fat sl*g'by the so called fans.

2) At half time seeing Dads walking around with their young kids chanting 'Who the f*ck are Man Utd?' Good example that.

3) Taking to some older fans who plainly said one thing and did another - one in particulars son was saying about a Man U fan in the the Chelsea 'enclosure' - ' look at him walking round thinking he's f*cking it' - this lad was probably about 12. Dad oblivious to it all.

4) Excuses along the lines of - 'well thats just the way it is.' Ah, well thats ok then.

5) Another Chelsea fan telling more Man Utd fans to 'f*ck off to their own f*cking ends' on a regualar basis.


Do they not realise that they are breeding the next generation of @#$%& who will travel Europe and the world to wreak havoc when Engalnd etc play? If this is 'sport' and what the kids will perceive as being the 'norm' then its a disgrace.


I want no part of this whatsoever, and god forbid this ever ever happens in rugby. Banter with Leicester/Scotland/Wales/Sarries fans is what makes rugby a joy to support. And then having a beer at half/full time etc without the need for segregation is superb.


I was appalled, disgusted and shocked to be honest, It will take a pretty convincing argument to make me take my children anywhere near a match in the future - for even if we don't partake in this kind of behaviour, then we still have to witness it. Football and everything about it sucks.


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Ant I know it's tongue in cheek/said for a bit of a laugh, and I'm sure many people found it funny but I personally feel it has no place when the crowd is full of young kids.


Instead a bunch of Arsenal fans started chanting and throwing abuse at the Newcastle manager saying that they wish he'd died a few years back when he had a tumor in his brain? Calling him tumor boy etc?


I'm not trying to start another fight, it just really angers me is all.


If it angers you motion, ignore it then mate because at the end of the day it's the fathers choice what they want their child to be, being a football fan and being subjected to lanuage isn't a bad thing, it's reality.....


I for one thank my father for getting me into Football, I'm a nice person, being a football fan hasn't affected me for worse.


Granted their are some games you can't take children to, but thats football simple as you either love it or hate it...


It's clear to me that you hate it motion so allow for some understanding because what you are saying is not what it is about....

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But it wasn't even tense on the terraces, it was fiery and lively...


Violent is the one word I wouldn't use to describe alot of what happend yesterday....


Tense was the wrong word to use. I do apologise.


Some football fans are TOO passionate if they "hate" their rivals (strangers) to that extent.


Now what's wrong with a bit of passion? What's wrong with The Holte End singing "We're walking along, singing this song, shitting on the City as we go!"?

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And how the fuck is that disgusting Immy?


It's humour


It stems from a rumour than John Terry's Mum gave Carra's brother a blow job...


Jesus it's not racism it's actually freaking hillairious and only someone with a bar up their arse would not understand the humour it represents...


At least we aren't singing about people dying etc etc


I hardly think it's the right environment to let young children be in. Football needs to decide who it is catering for as this experince can be seen as obviously detrimental to a childs upbringing. I don't mind the banter, it is of course needed but surely it is too far to be talking about sex as off hand as it appears to occur at anfield at i'm guessing other football grounds around the coutry, although i'v never heard it at the madejski. If english football is ever to escape the perception that tarnishs then it must mature.

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I hardly think it's the right environment to let young children be in. Football needs to decide who it is catering for as this experince can be seen as obviously detrimental to a childs upbringing. I don't mind the banter, it is of course needed but surely it is too far to be talking about sex as off hand as it appears to occur at anfield at i'm guessing other football grounds around the coutry, although i'v never heard it at the madejski. If english football is ever to escape the perception that tarnishs then it must mature.


It's humour simple as it's wit the Kop has given to football for many a year....

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If it angers you motion, ignore it then mate because at the end of the day it's the fathers choice what they want their child to be, being a football fan and being subjected to lanuage isn't a bad thing, it's reality.....


I for one thank my father for getting me into Football, I'm a nice person, being a football fan hasn't affected me for worse.


Granted their are some games you can't take children to, but thats football simple as you either love it or hate it...


It's clear to me that you hate it motion so allow for some understanding because what you are saying is not what it is about....



I do try and ignore it Ant, I really do, hence why I don't go into this thread too much or read the news about football much... - and of course you're a nice person. I'm sure the majority of football fans are nice people, it's the fact that there's a rather large segment that take things too far.


I'm curious as to which games 'you can't take children to'?


To be fair ant, all I started off by saying is that I was amazed dad's have no problem subjecting their kids to such foul and disgusting language. Hey I swear to high heaven with the best of them, but I know how to control my emotions and how to enjoy standing next to an opposition supporters (or 20) on the terraces.

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I do try and ignore it Ant, I really do, hence why I don't go into this thread too much or read the news about football much... - and of course you're a nice person. I'm sure the majority of football fans are nice people, it's the fact that there's a rather large segment that take things too far.


I'm curious as to which games 'you can't take children to'?


To be fair ant, all I started off by saying is that I was amazed dad's have no problem subjecting their kids to such foul and disgusting language. Hey I swear to high heaven with the best of them, but I know how to control my emotions and how to enjoy standing next to an opposition supporters (or 20) on the terraces.


I reckon most parents will swear whenever they like in front of their kids, but won't do it in front of anybody elses. It doesn't matter at a football match.


Simple as this: The swearwords are learnt at home.

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Tense was the wrong word to use. I do apologise.




I was just merely stating a point, it may of been tense on the pitch :heh:


Also what about You'll Never Walk Alone, I Would love my kids to hear that


Football is about Passion, different fans express their passion in different ways, the majority now in my eyes express it through humour, loud chanting. Especially on the Kop


Yes Football songs contain swearing, but so what? It's humour it's wit, it's about time people removed the cotton wool off their eyes and accept football for what it is, yes you do have the un-savoury incidents and you cannot defend such beheaviour, but they are then banned from Football Grounds...


All I'm going to suggest is people who are offended by the John Terry chant should get off their high horses because this stuff is nothing but humour, tongue in cheek and the kind of wit that is seen across the Country in your local football ground.


If it was "Die Terry Die" then you would have a point, but it's not...

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I reckon most parents will swear whenever they like in front of their kids, but won't do it in front of anybody elses. It doesn't matter at a football match.


Simple as this: The swearwords are learnt at home.


My parents never swear in front of me or barely at all. Just because the lowest commen denominator behaves in one manner doesn’t mean everyone has to

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I reckon most parents will swear whenever they like in front of their kids, but won't do it in front of anybody elses. It doesn't matter at a football match.


Simple as this: The swearwords are learnt at home.


I hope you don't have that attitude when/if you eventually have kids.


My point is, passion in football goes too far. Yes taking the mick out of opposition supporters is funny, but once again... some fans take it too far and it crosses a line.


My parents never swear in front of me or barely at all. Just because the lowest commen denominator behaves in one manner doesn’t mean everyone has to


The man speaks a lot of truth.

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If thats the idea of wit........ I can see why people prefer to go into boxes then be subjected to that.


Oh "Golly Gosh" What Ever is this atrocious language that I am hearing, How Obsurd.....


Jesus stop being a fanny and take it for what it was a light hearted, funny swipe at an opposition player....

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My parents never swear in front of me or barely at all. Just because the lowest commen denominator behaves in one manner doesn’t mean everyone has to


Aren't you the pampered little boy?


I hope you don't have that attitude when/if you eventually have kids.


Well if I wasn't going to be the one teaching my kids swearwords, then who?


Swearing and cursing is part of the English language, get over it for fucks sake!

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