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Super Unofficial Sim City 4 Appreciation Thread


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I found my Sim City 4 disc, and have been killing a few days making some cities - and having mixed results. Thought I might make this thread so we can all discuss cities, tricks and tips, etc.


I've been making a city which so far has been all low density - starting to slowly introduce high density housing to some of the more affluent areas of the city. Currently have 800,000 in the bank, and a mayor rating of 70. This is probably the best city I have.


Anyway, get discussin'!

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The thing I loved about Simcity was the music. Yeh I know ive got problems but it was just so nice in the background. Also what a good looking game! As for tips well just build a balanced city I guess. I have the expansion as well! Rush Hour I think its called.

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My City:

Finanicial District:



Twister Building(With Sim City Stadium):


Building overlooking city campus:


The Village:




I've been working on the city for a while now, 100 major rating and too much money to even bother, haveing some growing issues and recently out-grew the biggest airport so had to make my own. Right now doing a Greenfield situation in an attempt to ristrict growth to specific areas.

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Come on, lets see your creations!


My latest City, been working on it for about an hour. Grown quite well having no problems atm.


New City Downtown:


More downtown showing majoral elections videos on the screen with the new modern museum tucked away if you can see it:


Residential Area, I used to tax the wealthy people alot but i just lowered it to 9% with the following result:




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I like looking at Freshy's pics of his city. I've not played Sim City 4 (twoulda killed my old PC) but I reckon I might get it in a month or two, I'm a big fan of the games like. I have the Millenium Edition or something, and before that in my boyhood I liked Sim City on the Snes... though I was wick at it without the money cheat lol. Ive been playing it on the VC lately and its such a great little game.



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Thanks darksnowman :)


As my city continues to grow i thought it was about time i looked at a district i haven't seen in a while. The area was built to provide low skilled jobs to the masses however it has became a bit overwhelmed by workers now commuting to the city because of my new superhighway. Here are some pictures of the regeneration.


Before, Low pay, High rises.




Before, Heavy dirty Industry




After, New Euro contemporary mid suburbs providing jobs for themselfs in midsize office areas.





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Haha, yeah gmac, I'm just the same! You start the game with great ambition, and a fairly decent kitty to get you started... and you go overboard zoning as much as you can and watching the place grow like nothing you've seen before! ...only to be broke for years to come and unable to adapt to the needs of the people. Like an expensive airport or sea port. Argh, patience is of the essence. :red:

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I'm willing to offer help if you guys need it.


Operation Regeneration continued in another of my cities.


Before, Low wages, no schools, one small medical centre.


Old Coal powerplant right next to homes


More dirty industry


After, Very rich mansions and luxury homes


No -one opposed my new Radio tower near people homes so up it went


A handful of appartment buildings have sprung up





Super Highways is finally complete! You can see it below acting as a ring road around the entire city.


Live view of region


Transportation view, the Highway is in red, offering links to the entire city




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Curses! The RCI demand meter is really low in my city, and the population is just under 25k. I need to get it higher so I can earn a bit more cash, then spash out on some lavish things. Any idea how to get the RCI meter up? Cos otherwise people only very slowly move into the newly zoned areas, and i want to get the population up!

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Curses! The RCI demand meter is really low in my city, and the population is just under 25k. I need to get it higher so I can earn a bit more cash, then spash out on some lavish things. Any idea how to get the RCI meter up? Cos otherwise people only very slowly move into the newly zoned areas, and i want to get the population up!


Look at the more detailed RCI and tell me how that looks. What are your taxs? How is your education? Healthcare? Police? Fire service?

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