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Atomic Boo

Wii Remote is not working.

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Hi, Ive posted in the wii problems and issues thread but no-one has responded.

Badically, my wii has power and is able to turn on to the menu screen but my controller is dead. You cant point it and the lights at the bottom of the controller dont turn on. I put in new batteries and tried syncing them but still nothing.

Please help, cheers.

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If you're having trouble getting your Wii Remotes synced to your Wii Console, or your Wii Remotes were synced previously and now the blue lights on your Wii Remote just flash and nothing happens, try the following.


* First, make sure you have a fresh set of batteries. As the battery life depletes, the Wii Remote may begin to experience issues syncing properly.



* Take the batteries out of your Wii Remote and wait one minute. Reinsert the batteries.



* Turn on your Wii and wait until the Health and Safety Screen appears. (Don't press the A button.)



* Now, press and hold the SYNC button on your Wii console for 15 seconds. This will delete all synced remotes from the system.



* Now, re-sync your remotes one at a time. Open up the battery cover of your Wii Remote, push the red SYNC button inside, and then push the SYNC button on your Wii Console. Repeat this once for each controller.



* If you're still experiencing issues, try to eliminate any wireless interference between the Wii Console and your playing area. Items such as cordless phones, microwaves, and other wireless items can prevent the Wii Remote from communicating effectively with the Wii Console.

Source: http://forums.nintendo.com/nintendo/board/message?board.id=wii_tech&message.id=11415

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..on a couple of occasions my remotes have stopped resonding to the Wii, but that was solved by unplugging the Wii and plugging it back in. Though you say your lights aren't working s that may not solve it. In my cases, you pressed a button the lights flashed as usual like they would when the Wii is not on before going off.

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Problem is my remote buttons dont flash at all ever at the moment

it must have malfunctioned because there are no signs of life

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..don't like to sound pessimistic.. but that doesn't sound good at all :hmm: ..hopefully it will sort itself out as the having to shell out £30 for a new remote seems very harsh..


..good luck!

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..don't like to sound pessimistic.. but that doesn't sound good at all :hmm: ..hopefully it will sort itself out as the having to shell out £30 for a new remote seems very harsh..


..good luck!

i was thinking about getting a second remote but now it looks like it'd just have to be a replacement :( cant afford that

i just hope that im missing something very simple

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..obviosuly you're putting the batteries in the correct way, so I won't insult you with mentioning that as an option :heh:


Have you dropped the controller or hit it against anything recently? It may end up ok.. remove the batteries and just let it sit for a wee while (not that that will do any good) and give it another try in an hour or two..

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I accidentally dropped it in a plate of pizza a few days back but i cleaned it quickly and ive played on it a few times since so it probs isnt that.

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Probably not.. though I'm reminded of an unfortunate accient I had one time with my TV remote.


I was lying in bed, glass of water lying down at the side of my bed. I was leaning over to reach for the glass and whatever way I depressed the matress, the TV remote dropped into the water (it wasn't even a wide glass.. it was so unlucky!)


..anyway.. I brought it out, dried it off as best I could and it worked fine. However, in the morning when I woke up, most of the buttons had stopped working and I had to buy a replacement due to the buttons on the front of my TV deciding not to work either :hmm:


..can only hope it sorts itself really, there doesn't seem to be much you can do..

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Have you tried unplugging your Wii and then plugging it in again? I've had the same problem twice, and doing that fixed it.

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i was thinking about getting a second remote but now it looks like it'd just have to be a replacement :( cant afford that

i just hope that im missing something very simple


Isn't there a one-year warranty required in the European Union? Ah well, since in Belgium you don't pay for warranty and you get a year, anyway.

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It sounds like its gone to the giant Wii in the sky! Call Nintendo, ask for a replacement.

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yay its working now, i found out that the 'new' battery had blown and is faulty.

all is fine now. im still gonna ask nintendo for a free controller! nah just kidding, but they are quite generous so its worth a shot.

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Remember kids when your wiimotes stop working just spank it.


Good to hear you got it working.

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..good lad.. consider yourself added to my Wii.. and some of you others probably are too.. you lucky people..

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..good lad.. consider yourself added to my Wii.. and some of you others probably are too.. you lucky people..


ill add you soon nando: peace:

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