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The Easter Holidays


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I've been spending most of the day outside reading a book in my boardies and listening to Zero 7. I've just come inside for a bit to try and avoid my geeky pallor becoming too singed.


It's a bit of a staccato early start to the summer, though, as whilst I have today off and Sunday, the same can't be said of tomorrow or Monday. Naturally I can't wait to serve all the people that have run out of Rustlers microwaveable burgers and other crappy instant foods over the oh-so-grueling 24 hours that the stores are closed.


Still, at least the weather's nice.

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Targets attained: complete phoenix wright 2.


Targets started: learn kanji, study go, play go, finally sort out Minish Cap.


Targets I'll be starting today: Play FFXII.


Targets for next week: Go to my 18th.


I've already been on holiday for a week, but that doesn't count as I was dragged on a holiday with my parents that I didn't want to go on.

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Just the four-day-weekend for me, so far i've just enjoyed the sun and relaxed a bit. Bought me a new DS lite since my one broke after getting milk spilt on it (only cost me £12 with a game though!), so i've been playing on that.


Today and tomorrow will be more of the same, i'll probably get a phone call from my parents tonight and tomorrow go to the beach if its nice with my girlfriend, then maybe out for a meal.


I got a few eggs, one from my g/f, one from her sister and another from her dad. Didn't get anything from my own familly however! But to be fair, they'd have to send them in the post and they'd get broken anyway, so i forgive them.

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