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Over use of the word chav

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"...the point's that there int no romance around there"


Not all 'chavs' are bad or supposed chavs. People seem to be getting confused as to what one is. Anyway people who wear sports gear who are not complete arseholes tend to be called townies round my area. Otherwise if they are indeed arseholes they are called chavs or charvers

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"...the point's that there int no romance around there"


Not all 'chavs' are bad or supposed chavs. People seem to be getting confused as to what one is. Anyway people who wear sports gear who are not complete arseholes tend to be called townies round my area. Otherwise if they are indeed arseholes they are called chavs or charvers

Yeah...The word Towny/Townie sorta died out about 5 years ago when chavs started 'arriving' more promenently...Though I wish people could tell the difference.

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Where i'm from about five years ago there was a "townie vs grungers" type thing. To me the townies were still "chavs" they just didn't have that name yet they were the type of people that used to go "fucking grunger".


Now I do a similar thing though although I think it in stead of say it , theres an area in my town that whenever you go there day or night there are always loads of "rockers, emo's, grungers, goths" or whatever you care to call them arseing about and being loud drawing attention to themselves and trying to claim that everything they do "is so random" whilst thinking they are completly uniqe when in fact they are part of another trend. Anyway when me and my mate are passing through the area we always look at each other and you do think fucking idiots.

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