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Over use of the word chav


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Its not about acting normal, its about others percieving you as not normal.


For example chavs believe that emos are not normal because they don't fit in their social group and have different aspects about them i.e. Stupid hair, girly fits, crying and the holding unto the ideal they are so "different" than normality.


however vice versa, emos see chavs as the popular, idiotic lower-class population who's purpose is to ascend through life with violence, cheap thrills all acompanied with non-comprehensible banter that no doubt finds itself on paper due to drink/drug/idiocy etc. that has killed off all the brain cells that allow for spelling.

Things such as "Haw" "Whit" "Naw" "Ya mad Gay" "Pure goth man"(Regional dialect applys)


Morale of the story is normality doesn't exist because everybody is different. You can create a medium between extremes but that only accomodates very few percentage of the population.

We'll all continue to have our little groups as we'll all continue to have seperate countries and races.


I myself don't think I'm in a "group" as such. Associated with popular culture as it mostly is I find myself detached from such things but that doesn't stop me enjoying the company of people from these groups. Infact I do have friends who are actually Neds(Scotlands Chavs) who are not so bad with loitering and beating innocents and emo's who don't brag about how many viens they slit the last time they were administered to A&E.

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This ones been brewing in my mind for a while and I think its finally time to let it out. For a while now whenever someone uses the word chav it really makes me cringe because sadly its one of those words that is just far to overused and has now lost all meaning.


The word was great about three years ago when nobody used it and usually the people that were called chavs were actually chavs but now people seem to call anyone that isn't a rocker or anyone that wears sports clothes a chav.

A fine example is when hanging around with my friends that went to Sixth Form i'll be walking through town with them and there will be some kid in sports clothes minding his own business and my mate still feels the need to point out to me that he is a "chav".


As far as i'm concerned calling someone a chav is as narrowminded as racism. Its pretty much the same thing instead of judging someone by the colour of their skin you're judging them on something they choose to wear.



no, it isn't. Some chavs just recently spat on a friend of mine's head, on a bus. Being a chav is talking a loadof crap like 'blad'. You don't choose the colour of your skin, you do choose whether or not to become a chav.

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no, it isn't. Some chavs just recently spat on a friend of mine's head, on a bus. Being a chav is talking a loadof crap like 'blad'. You don't choose the colour of your skin, you do choose whether or not to become a chav.


Its not about choice its about people judging people on something as silly as how they look. I'm sorry that your mate got spat on but that doesn't make it ok to brand everyone in sports clothes a chav.

Its clear that some of you are into this whole group thing a bit to much its all a bit sad really but I spose in the end it is you guys that will suffer with a much smaller friend base than someone that is open minded and doesn't judge people on how they look.

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well no use of Chavs here... as im from denmark.. I don't really think we have a word for that "type of person"... the closest to it was in the 80 og early 90'ties.. we had a term called "a real Brian"..because a lot of young males who pretended to be tough and ride around in flashy cars.. were called Brian.. a very very popular name at the time..


and kudos on the avatar Mariosmentor.. I really need to read that series again

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Chav isn't an overused word. After all, there's many Chavs in this country, there are just too many Chavs these days. Infact I've noticed loads of Chavs around recentley... :heh:


Okay, seriously though, I can see your point. Though it's the same for any other stereotyped culture. I wear black a lot and t-shirts of rock bands, I get called a greebo a lot. :/


Though I do have a low opinion of Chavs. I was assaulted by a gang of them a while back, some of you might remember the post I made here about it. They haven't done anything like that since, but they still cause trouble and shout abuse. Another annoying instance is when your sitting on the bus and they turn their phone's volume up to full blast whilst playing their crappy music.


I hate chavs, they're nothing but scum.

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There is an overuse of the word chav in my area, thats because its got an overpopulation of 'em. There isnt a bus stop where you dont see a group of the horrid little shits wearing their baseball caps underneath their hoodies.


If it was down to me I would have just labelled them as tw4ts.




You're me, aren't you? Becuase you have just taken the words right out of my mouth.

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When I was walking home this afternoon, some geordie **** shouted 'excuse me mate' from his car window. And you know what? I fucking ignored him. Why? Because he was a chav, and I don't care what you say about judging people, I could just tell. The car he was driving, the clothes he was wearing, his tone of voice, everything. They just said 'chav'. So I stand by everything I have said in this thread. I fucking hate chavs.

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You're me, aren't you? Becuase you have just taken the words right out of my mouth.


lol....maybe. Someone ought to check the IP on the accounts.:geek:


They are worst thing to have hit this country by a mile...Im sure there is some type of Dr. Who style plot going off where there is a facility that clones them and releases them onto the streets at night in packs. It certainly isnt natural.

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I despise Chavs.


They push you around to impress their 'mates' who they constantly have fights with. Anyone seen Kidulthood? I actually think this film underates Chavs but it does give you the general idea of what they are like.


Oh, and I think I'm an Indie. I wear mainly Next tops and scarves and am heavily into the NME type of music. The awards tonight should be good!

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Piss off


I loled. They are a load of bollocks, thick pieces of shit that are for the use of a better word anti-social. For example I know of a crowd that are going 'drinking' at a boating lake tonight. A regular meeting place to consume an alcoholic beverage, and trash the place.

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Q. Two neds jump off a cliff, who wins?

A. Society.


Q. What does a ned girl use as protection during sex?

A. Bus shelter.


Q. What do you call a 30 year old ned girl?

A. Granny.


Q. What do you call a ned in a box?

A. Innit.


Q. What do you call a ned in a filing cabinet?

A. Sorted.


Q. What do you say to a ned in a suit?

A. "Will the defendant please rise"


Q. Why did the ned cross the road?

A. To start a fight with a complete stranger for no reason what so



Q. What do you call a ned girl in a white tracksuit?

A. The bride.


Q. If you're driving and see a ned on a bike why should you try not to

hit him?

A. It might be your bike.


Q. What's the first question during a ned quiz night?

A. What you looking at.


Q. Why are neds like slinkey's?

A. They have no real use but it's great to watch one fall down a flight

of stairs


Q. Two neds in a car without any music, who's driving?

A. The policeman!


Q. How do you get a hundred neds in a phonebox?

A. Paint 3 stripes on it.


Q. What do you call a hundred neds at the bottom of the river?

A. A start.


Q. Where do you take a ned girl for a decent night out?

A. Up the !!!!.


Q. Why is 3 neds going over a cliff in a nova a shame?

A. Because a nova has 4 seats.


Q. What do you call a ned with 9 gcse's?

A. A liar.


Q. What do you say to a ned with a job?

A. Bigmac please.


Q. What's the difference between a ned boy and a ned girl?

A. A chav girl has a higher sperm count.


Q: What do you call a ned in a box with a lock on it?

A: Safe.


Q: What do you call an Eskimo ned?

A: Innuinnit.


Q: What's the difference between a ned and a coconut?

A: One's thick and hairy, the other's a coconut.


Q: What's the most confusing day of the year for a ned?

A: Fathers Day!


Q: What do you call a ned in a tastfully decorated house?

A: The burglar.


Q: What do you call a ned with half a brain?

A: Gifted.


Q: What do you do if you run over a ned?

A: Reverse just to make sure


Q: What do you call a ned at college.

A: The janitor


Q: Why did the ned girl open the car door?

A: She wanted to know what it was like having sex with the light on.


Q: What’s the difference between a ned girl and the Grand Old Duke of


A: The Grand Old Duke of york only had ten thousand men…


Q: What’s the difference between a battery and a ned?

A: A battery has a positive



Ned = Chav by the way..

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When I was walking home this afternoon, some geordie **** shouted 'excuse me mate' from his car window. And you know what? I fucking ignored him. Why? Because he was a chav, and I don't care what you say about judging people, I could just tell. The car he was driving, the clothes he was wearing, his tone of voice, everything. They just said 'chav'. So I stand by everything I have said in this thread. I fucking hate chavs.


i would have to agree.

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When I was walking home this afternoon, some geordie **** shouted 'excuse me mate' from his car window. And you know what? I fucking ignored him. Why? Because he was a chaRv, and I don't care what you say about judging people, I could just tell. The car he was driving, the clothes he was wearing, his tone of voice, everything. They just said 'chaRv'. So I stand by everything I have said in this thread. I fucking hate chaRvs.


Agreed mate.

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