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BBC - Nintendo Wii "burns calories"


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"Computer games 'burn up calories'


Players use body movements to control the action


Playing new style computer games can help people burn up a significant amount of calories, research has found.


Games consoles such as Nintendo Wii require players to use body movements to control the action.


A study by Liverpool John Moores University found regular use could help shift 27lb (12.25kg) a year.


The study was carried out to establish whether computer games can contribute to the daily activity recommendations for children.

Parents should encourage other physical activities and outdoor pursuits in order for their children to lead well-balanced live

Professor Tim Cable

Liverpool John Moores University



The researchers compared activity levels during gaming using the Wii with those achieved using traditional seated joypad-controlled consoles.


They found more active forms of gaming increased energy expenditure to a level which could help lose weight.


Heart rate


Lead researcher Professor Tim Cable said: "Through our testing it is clear that the motion sensor-controlled console can make an impact on a child's heart rate, energy expenditure and the amount of calories burned.


"Research from GameVision's Consumer Intelligence Report shows that, on average, gamers in the UK currently spend around 12.2 hours a week playing computer games.


"Therefore, it is important to promote as much activity as possible during this time."


Professor Cable said active consoles such as the Wii could provide a means of motivating children who are less active.


But he added: "Parents should encourage other physical activities and outdoor pursuits in order for their children to lead well-balanced lives."


The study measured the impact on five girls and seven boys, aged between 13 and 15, of playing both an active and inactive console.


During 15 minutes of play using a traditional joypad operated console, energy expenditure increased above resting values by an average 60%.


In comparison, when using the Wii console, the participants' energy expenditure increased 156% above resting.


Based on the average gaming week of 12.2 hours, this translates to a potential 1,830 calories burned per week when using Wii - 40% more than when using a traditional format console.


In both conditions the energy expenditure of boys was greater than that observed for girls.


Heart rates were also much greater when using the active console, reaching values of 130 beats per minute, compared with 85 beats per minute for the traditional console."



Very positive article relating to the Wii, good publicity for it. :)

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yeah actually the sun had an article in the other day:




poor picture I know but was very quickly done on my camera phone! but they praise the wii based on the very same report from John Moores...


like fresh said though it does depend what your playing...


It is great though to see the Wii getting even more publicity, and for another reason. it seems there is nothing the console can't do, bring families together, get oldies playing, get girls playing. My girlfriend said earlier today it's doing so well because it isn't a geeks console!

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Just visited one of my friends who works in a large public library.

They had bought a wii for the childrend section.. it's a HUGE sucess.. and it was such a laugh seeing the children going all out on the tennis game.. my friend (girl) even now is thinking about bying a wii herself

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