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Does anyone here seriously follow a football team


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Preferences no, but the opinions which make you chose your preference are totally incorrect


What bollocks.


I have my own opinions and preferences. Who the fuck are you to say that they're wrong. I don't like pro football, get over it and stop calling my personal opinions wrong!

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"gentlemen players" are you from the 1920s motion. Can someone please change the title of this thread to 'Motions little place of ego boosting by everyone commenting on his somewhat shaky theories of football fans"


Doesn't seem snappy enough though.


How about 'Search and Destroy: Opinions that don't conform'...:indeed:

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How about 'Search and Destroy: Opinions that don't conform'...:indeed:


Well said.


Opinions that are not based on true experiences. thats better.


Not well said.


As I've said who are you to say that my opinions aren't based on true experiences? They're my opinions, you don't like them? Tough.

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What bollocks.


I have my own opinions and preferences. Who the fuck are you to say that they're wrong. I don't like pro football, get over it and stop calling my personal opinions wrong!


I did not doubt your preferences, your opinions are wrong because You say something, which I prove to be wrong, not because I said it, because I have witnessed a football match...


I have countered your Opinions based on stories with facts


Yes I am not doubting the stories of which you have put forrward are wrong because I know they have happend, but you taking it all out of proportion...


If you like Rugby fine, I have no problem I follow the St Helens as I have said...but please don't go spouting stuff which is rubbish and nothing but a plastic opinion on a sport you know NOTHING ZLICH about

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What bollocks.


I have my own opinions and preferences. Who the fuck are you to say that they're wrong. I don't like pro football, get over it and stop calling my personal opinions wrong!


Well said.




Not well said.


As I've said who are you to say that my opinions aren't based on true experiences? They're my opinions, you don't like them? Tough.


Yet you feel the need to sterotype us all, despite the fact your experienced aren't indeed true, and your opinions are flawed and nothing but a mash of internet articles and news reports...


Right Yes....

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Firstly I watch union, not league.


Second, you should check the definition of 'opinion':


"the view somebody takes about an issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment"


My personal judgment is pro football is shite. I don't like it and probably never will.


How can you counter someone's opinion??? You can have your own opinion but it in no way couters another persons. Sorry and all.

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Yet you feel the need to sterotype us all, despite the fact your experienced aren't indeed true, and your opinions are flawed and nothing but a mash of internet articles and news reports...


Right Yes....


"my experiences aren't indeed true"


"my opinions are flawed"


Do you actually know what you're writing??

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Shimmins you follow the saints? I follow the Giants.. sort of, who won tonight?


Firstly I watch union, not league.


Second, you should check the definition of 'opinion':


"the view somebody takes about an issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment"


My personal judgment is pro football is shite. I don't like it and probably never will.


How can you counter someone's opinion??? You can have your own opinion but it in no way couters another persons. Sorry and all.


Your Personal Judgement is football is shite...Sound No Problem


HOWEVER My opinion does counter yours, it always has , I have had and continue to true experiences, I have been matches experienced football and Have done for many many years. I know that you are wrong because the rubbish you have found on the internet has put this view into your head of football, it's fans and it's players being the spawn of all evil...


Your opinions are based on stories you have heard in the paper which is stereotyping all football fans...


I understand you don't like the game but don't go posting how football is a haven for hooligans and racists etc, because you quite clearly do not have the slightest idea what you are talking about


"my experiences aren't indeed true"


"my opinions are flawed"


Do you actually know what you're writing??


Yes I do, because if...your experiences were true and your opinions weren't flawed then you would understand how wrong you are...

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"my experiences aren't indeed true"


"my opinions are flawed"


Do you actually know what you're writing??


EDIT. I hope the Giants actually make it to the play-offs this season, instead of stumbling again, as they seem to have done alot


Wonder how Wigan are gonna get back into the mix at the top myself


Wait, how's that right? My mum's at that game, and at half time texted me to sayt he score was 14-12 to the saints..


Not sure it was 18-14 I think I have been getting updates off my father

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Ah yeah because you both share the JJB, well doesn't Dave Whelan own both Clubs?


I know the Rugby team has far more support then the football team, I went to Wigan last year for the Liverpool game and it was empty!!!



Oh no crossed wires. I'm on about huddersfield the we have the same chairmen situation and from there is where the trouble stems. I remember going to Wigan not more than 6 years ago and there was only 5500 there and we took about a third of that number

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