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Does anyone here seriously follow a football team


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Seriously no-one has a problem! It's that you called it chavball that started this argument. Do you think people who like football are not going to be at least slightly offended when you say stuff like that, which makes you seem ignorant, regardless of whether you are or not?


Surely they can ignore one person who doesn't like football and who calls it chavball?


If you don't like football then why is evry other post in a football thread from you? Seriously do you think it makes you a "big man" because you call it chavball? Do you think you're better than us for "seeing the truth that chavball is crap"? Just get a life.



Wow, yet more abuse thrown at me. How clever. Do you think it makes you a big man for telling me to get a life?


I don't think it makes me a big man, I call it chavball because I find it funny to call it that. Sorry and all.

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Motion you are yet again stereotyping the sport....it's showing the ignorance and lack of knowledge you have of the sport...


Believe me I AM RIGHT


Like you've never stereotyped.


I say what I feel. Forget the chavball name, why do you all care so much what I call it?


Motion you are not getting abused.....Please


Never said I was being abused. I said I was getting lots of abuse.


Being told to shut the fuck up, get a life, get lost and being called a moron, a wanker, a stupid fuck who needs to get a life isn't abuse?


All I've done this whole thread is state my reasons for disliking the sport. Oh and defending myself when people are rude or say that my opinions don't count/matter and are less important/valid than theirs.

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Surely they can ignore one person who doesn't like football and who calls it chavball?


You didn't just call it chavball. You made a post about all the bad stereotypes of football, and people responded to correct you.


Also people would get over you not liking football, as you claim, if you just wouldn't post in a thread about football.

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Like you've never stereotyped.


I say what I feel. Forget the chavball name, why do you all care so much what I call it?


Wether I have stereotyped or not is irrelevant, you are doing it now and in the argument of which we are having...


I care about what you call it because it is wrong...


If I called Rugby a game for pussys because all they do is feel men up and pass oval balls to eachother and is watched by snobs , I call it Snobby, how would you feel?

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I like calling football chavball. I've been doing it for years.


You don't like it? You can fuck right off.


if your gonna be childish, ill be childish.


When did i say i dont like you calling it chavball?


You stupid cock sucking motherfucker

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You didn't just call it chavball. You made a post about all the bad stereotypes of football, and people responded to correct you.


Also people would get over you not liking football, as you claim, if you just wouldn't post in a thread about football.



I don't see them as stereotypes.


To me, racism, homophobia, abuse to refs, violence, segregation of fans due to violence, corruption, hooliganism ALL have happened in football.


I'm not saying football is a racist sport, far from it. What I'm saying is, all these things have happened and that's inexcusable and tars the image of the sport.

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Like you've never stereotyped.


I say what I feel. Forget the chavball name, why do you all care so much what I call it?




Never said I was being abused. I said I was getting lots of abuse.


Being told to shut the fuck up, get a life, get lost and being called a moron, a wanker, a stupid fuck who needs to get a life isn't abuse?


All I've done this whole thread is state my reasons for disliking the sport. Oh and defending myself when people are rude or say that my opinions don't count/matter and are less important/valid than theirs.


You didn't just call it chavball. You made a post about all the bad stereotypes of football, and people responded to correct you.


Also people would get over you not liking football, as you claim, if you just wouldn't post in a thread about football.



Exactly, I don't appreciate being called a racist/homophobe and a chav all because I go to a football match...


We are only going around in circles with Motion, and he isn't backing down, because he is to ignorant to realise that the flaws and the wrong understanding of the game of which he is posting...

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I don't see them as stereotypes.


To me, racism, homophobia, abuse to refs, violence, segregation of fans due to violence, corruption, hooliganism ALL have happened in football.


I'm not saying football is a racist sport, far from it. What I'm saying is, all these things have happened and that's inexcusable and tars the image of the sport.


All have happend yes, but not any more, they very rarely happen in England anymore, but because you read something in a news article, you claim it to be correct....

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Exactly, I don't appreciate being called a racist/homophobe and a chav all because I go to a football match...


We are only going around in circles with Motion, and he isn't backing down, because he is to ignorant to realise that the flaws and the wrong understanding of the game of which he is posting...


When the fuck did I call you or anyone on this topic a racist/homophobe?


I never said that, I never called you or anyone else one.


I said those two things are PRESENT in football to some degree or another, that's all.


All have happend yes, but not any more, they very rarely happen in England anymore, but because you read something in a news article, you claim it to be correct....


So how do you know they don't happen? Based on the 1 game you go to every week or 2 (assuming you do?) Surely the media is a more reliable source of information that you stating they don't happen.

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I don't see them as stereotypes.


To me, racism, homophobia, abuse to refs, violence, segregation of fans due to violence, corruption, hooliganism ALL have happened in football.


I'm not saying football is a racist sport, far from it. What I'm saying is, all these things have happened and that's inexcusable and tars the image of the sport.


When the fuck did I call you or anyone on this topic a racist/homophobe?


I never said that, I never called you or anyone else one.


I said those two things are PRESENT in football to some degree or another, that's all.




So how do you know they don't happen? Based on the 1 game you go to every week or 2 (assuming you do?) Surely the media is a more reliable source of information that you stating they don't happen.


If such a thing happend then believe me it wouldn't be off the news..., Major hooliganism happens very rarely, the last major incident was in 2001

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Or hooliganism is so common that it's not worth writing about anymore.


Or the enormous amount of police presence keeps it down. 50% less coppers and who knows what would happen.


Again, you saying "it doesn't happen anymore" holds no weight because you're not at every game in the UK/World to know.

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Bravo. You've just destroyed what little credibility you ever had.


He was impersonating you.


Also, you didn't respond to how other people interpreted what you said. Regardless of what you think about it, you should have realised that other people see them as stereotypes, and by saying that you are insulting them. And seeing as you didn't realise, that makes you ignorant.

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Why should people be offended when I say that there is hooliganism and racism in football?


I'm not attacking them or calling them racist. I'm just saying the reason I don't like the sport is because those things are present and I don't like it.

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