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Molyneux founder of the Lionhead development studios spoke again about the Revolution controller:



He thinks that the Revolution controller could indeed trigger a gaming Revolution because it makes room for more ways in games. Molyneux claims that the controller will change game design even more than better hardware would do. Furthermore he is sure that it opens the possibily for whole new genres which consoles lacked until now.


The unique feature of the PC was the mouse and with the Revolution controller real time strategy games can easily made for the Revolution too. It is Molyneux opinion that there will be games only developed for the Revolution.







Surely he's thinking about porting Black & White 2 then.


This is the second positive comment to come from Lionhead Studios since the controllers unveiling............which surely points to Lionhead having atleast one title in planning stages at the moment. :wink:


Thats good news. I really like molyneux as a developer. Yes he completely overhypes his games and a few dont reach their ptoential, but he has amazing vision and tries to do things new and exiciting. I'm a little dissapointed at b&w 2, but its actully a good game, everyone expected the most amazinggame ever, so of course its a let down. If lionhead to make any games for the rev, was can safely assume they will make good us of the controller in a unique (or very practical) way.


Well Nintendo did the same thing with the stylus in the DS didn't they? They brought the advantages of the mouse to a handheld, and Black and White is being developed for that. Now they've done the same for a home console, but they've also improved it as well. Making it fully 3D, and not confined to 2 axis. I can deffinately expect Black and White to make it's way over to the Rev, along with many more gmaes that were previously not suited to consoles.


Oh I forgot about Black and White on DS! =D yay.


Well its all great n stuff saying Rev will be perfect for this and that but its all just words unless Nintendo actually manage to sell their console to developers.


I would LOVE Black and White 2 and all that, lets see if Nintendo handle this wave of possitivity well.

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