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I noticed a severe lack of Pokemon D/P on that DS list. Non-importers won't be happy.


I'm also frustrated at a lack of definite date for Eledee's. I may or may not get Mario Strikers, depending how long Pokemon, Picross and Eledee's last me. Probably wait for reviews...

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Well, Brain Training is Q3 title in USA (5th of June), and Mario Party 8 is very close of being Q3 title (29th of May). So... we get Super Mario Strikes, yanks get Super Paper Mario and Mario Party 8. At least NoE is compensating lack of SPM with something.


I would love to agree with you, but i'm sorry i don't.


They've put May and June as Q2, haven't they? Not Q3.


I doubt Nintendo will release anything July/August...so that means September, which is slightly worry as, i also doubt Nintendo would release Super Paper Mario two months before Mario Galaxy.


This list will either be updated soon or One BIG title is definately heading towards 2008, and that will be Smash Bros.


I can't see how it's weighed up either. The only reason why we got Mario Strikers first is that USA and Japan don't like football.


and that list of games your getting...Eledees has taken roughly 6 months to get here and Trauma a massive 9, not exactly 'fair' is it?

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I would love to agree with you, but i'm sorry i don't.


Didn't you notice how I fixed my post? ;)


But anyways... Funny statistics:


- During last generation, Nintendo has always released at least one 1st party Gamecube title during August. In USA, that is. That never happened with Europe.

- During last generation, Nintendo has three 1st party Gamecube title during July. In USA, that is. That never happened with Europe.


and that list of games your getting...Eledees has taken roughly 6 months to get here and Trauma a massive 9, not exactly 'fair' is it?


Nothing is fair in this life, but if you want to blame someone, blame Konami and Atlus. Personally, because I don't live from videogames, later release dates don't annoy me that much.

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That release list is awful - no wonder they left it so long to announce it. I thought that 2007 would be a great year for games, what with the Wii having been released, but once more, it looks like Nintendo have left everything until the Autumn / Winter, when no doubt they'll release all the good games within a few weeks of each other, and we won't be able to play them properly.


There's nothing on the Q2 list that I'm really interested in playing, either on the Wii or the DS. There's no excuse for Super Paper Mario, Eledees, Trauma Center, Brain Training or Pokémon not being on there, and I wouldn't be surprised if Metroid Prime Pinball is never released here now. I really hope that some more surprise releases will be added to this list, and that NoE release something over summer for a change.

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This list will either be updated soon or One BIG title is definately heading towards 2008, and that will be Smash Bros.


Smash Bros is sales-wise most important Wii title that there is, so there is no way that it will be released in 2008.


There's no excuse for Super Paper Mario, Eledees, Trauma Center, Brain Training or Pokémon not being on there, and I wouldn't be surprised if Metroid Prime Pinball is never released here now.


Metroid Pinball Prime is there, same goes for Eledees. Pokemon won't naturally be there, as even english translation for D/P isn't done yet. D/P has over 600 pages of text, so it is going to take while before its done.

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Didn't you notice how I fixed my post? ;)


But anyways... Funny statisctics:


- During last generation, intendo has always released at least one 1st party Gamecube title during August. In USA, that is. That never happened with Europe.

- During last generation, Nintendo has three 1st party Gamecube title during July. In USA, that is. That never happened with Europe.




Nothing is fair in this life, but if you want to blame someone, blame Konami and Atlus. Personally, because I don't live from videogames, later release dates don't annoy me that much.


Whats that supposed to mean?


MY opinion is that the release-date is shit and that Europe are being unfairly treated when it comes to Super Paper Mario (a BIG Mario platformer, which is needed now).

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Whats that supposed to mean?


Heh, sentence that didn't translate very well from finnish to english. I'm just saying that videogames aren't matter life and death for me, and I have no real problem with waiting. You people, in the other hand, are getting overdramatic and highly emotional about release dates. :)

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Metroid Pinball Prime is there, same goes for Eledees.


Ah, you're right about Eledees, I didn't spot that, although the lack of an exact date for it is slightly concerning, considering that it's supposed to be out this month.


As for Metroid Prime Pinball, it's been on the release lists for a year now - it just seems to be going the same way as Wario Ware Twisted, and I'd still be surprised if it ever does get released.


Where Pokémon is concerned, NoE could have had people translating it into European languages from as early as September last year, when it was released in Japan. As it's one of the most eagerly anticipated DS titles this year, you'd have thought they could have made the effort to get it out before summer, especially as the release list is hardly flooded with other quality titles. I mean, is anyone really looking forward to Wario: Master of Disguise or Kirby after all the poor reviews?

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As for Metroid Prime Pinball, it's been on the release lists for a year now - it just seems to be going the same way as Wario Ware Twisted, and I'd still be surprised if it ever does get released.


BTW... Did you know what delayed Wario Ware Twisted on the first place? Gyroscope in Twisted used certain plastic elements that were patented / illegal in EU, and Nintendo was basically forced to re-design, re-patent and re-rate gyroscope, so they would get permission to release Twisted in Europe. Talk about bad luck. I wouldn't be honestly surprised that Metroid Prime Pinball's rumblepak has similar problems. :)

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BTW... Did you know what delayed Wario Ware Twisted on the first place? Gyroscope in Twisted used certain plastic elements that were patented / illegal in EU, and Nintendo was basically forced to re-design, re-patent and re-rate gyroscope, so they would get permission to release Twisted in Europe. Talk about bad luck. I wouldn't be honestly surprised that Metroid Prime Pinball's rumblepak has similar problems. :)


Well the rumble pak is out in Europe now, isn't it? I think it came with Actionloop. There's no reason for Metroid Prime Pinball not to have bee released by now, and considering that it was out a year and a half ago in America, I'd say the chances of it actually coming out here now are pretty slim. Some of NoE's decisions really baffle me sometimes.

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Where Pokémon is concerned, NoE could have had people translating it into European languages from as early as September last year, when it was released in Japan.


No, absolutely no. Nobody does that for few, programming related reasons that I have listed here for few times. Furthermore, there isn't simply enough translators on the market. There isn't simply enough people who can translate japan to directly to specific European language, and know about programming. Those few that match in both requirements are in much better paid jobs.


Some of NoE's decisions really baffle me sometimes.


NoE is responsible for following things; logistics, legal paperwork, spending and allocating marketing budget, contracting distributors, doing PR and coordinating localization efforts. They don't take part in strategic decisions such as pricing and release dates. Those happen in Nintendo of Japan.

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What I'm wondering is, which title will Nintendo use for the big Christmas push? Galaxy or Brawl? Surely they can't release their two biggest games at the same time.


I would believe they are using Brawl, because of its online features and bigger sales. Usually Nintendo puts four 1st party titles close to holidays. Two of them are big titles, and other two are "niche" titles. Christmas will be pretty insane this year anyways... I mean.. if release scheducles don't change, we are looking at following games in the holiday season:


- Gran Turismo IV

- Halo 3

- Metal Gear Solid 4

- DMC4

- Brawl

- Galaxy

- RE: Umbrella Chronicles

- Sonic & Mario at Olympics

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What I'm wondering is, which title will Nintendo use for the big Christmas push? Galaxy or Brawl? Surely they can't release their two biggest games at the same time.


Nintendo always release their big games within the last few months of a year, so I wouldn't be surprised if they did that with these two. You never know, Prime 3 could come out in the same time scale.


Teppo - I can see what you're saying about the lack of translators, but didn't Nintendo say a year or two ago that more and more of their games were being translated into European languages directly from Japanese? That's one of the reasons why we got Minish Cap so early.

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Teppo - I can see what you're saying about the lack of translators, but didn't Nintendo say a year or two ago that more and more of their games were being translated into European languages directly from Japanese? That's one of the reasons why we got Minish Cap so early.


Yeah, they do that more, but like all other companies, they are still lacking on that department. I just wonder what titles they are currently priorizing.

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I'm really quite disappointed that Trauma Centre is still missing - I wanted that to be one of my first Wii games (I'm gonna get the console in a month or two - hopefully), but god knows where its got to.


SPM is hardly a surprise, despite my hopes to the contrary, and if we see Galaxy before 2008, then I will happily eat my hat AND my head :grin:

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Hmm, it looks to be a somewhat dry spell, doesn't it?


Pangya (Why JUNE!?) and maybe Eledees for me. There's always the chance of a release coming from the blue - certainly didn't see SSX Blur and Godfather coming.


It's a shame Paper Mario is nowhere to be seen, was really looking forward to that.


I'm not a big football fan, so I'll wait and see what other online games Nintendo and third-parties release in the future.


Ah well, at least this will give me a chance to complete all the Wii games in my library before buying any more games. :P

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Guest Stefkov

First time in ages I com in to th Wii board but


YES!! Pangya is coming out over here. I've wanted this game for ages.

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Oh yes, forgot. Boycott the 3rd parties!

What are you talking about now? I have no problem with buying third party games...when quality ones comes out I will definitely buy, but for now, none of those games appeal to me, regardless of who the bloody developer is.

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