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Routers - what you got and did it work?


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I bought a wireless router a few months ago, in order to get both of my laptops online. I also wanted to use this router to get my DS online, and then the Wii.


This router has been a godsend. It's the Linksys WRT54G. Sure, sometimes it disconnects, but it's usually pretty stable.

Getting online with the Wii and DS was simple. Just a case of searching for the access point, and that was that. Barely minutes work.

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I use the D-Link GT604 (running with australian firmware - DS had wifi probs with the UK ver)

It works great with Wii (altho you have to set the broadcast channel no. to 10 rather than the default 6).


Thanx for that info, it helped sort my connection out :laughing:

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