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Update: Creating Threads- Launch Day Is Over (thank you)

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Well guys, it's been a bit of a weird week.


However, I think things have worked out for the best. From what I've seen here, it's been trouble-free, for the most part.


Congratulations to those of you who managed to get your hands on a Wii.

Comiserations to those of you who were unlucky, either through not preordering or being shafted by your retailer. Don't worry, the wait will be worth it.


So, this thread isn't so much a formal post as it is thank you for helping this launch be a trouble-free experience on the forums. I think a shout out has to go to the staff who put every spare minute they had into making sure that this week turned out ok. I think Hero-of-Time deserves a mention, as without him, this week would not have been as bearable.


However, I have to thank you guys on the forums, too. A huge shout out goes to people who suggested threads in the suggestion thread, as well as people just generally post with good intentions to make sure that this was a damn good launch for us all. A shout out goes to flameboy, Conzer16, Dante, The3rdChildren and Solitanze. There are many, many more people I could mention, but, quite frankly, I want to play some Zelda tonight!


So, thank you guys. Enjoy the rest of your launch day.


WII 2!!!


Where the wole console IS the remote......


Oh and BTW enjoy the last 5 mins of Wii Day


Hope all you guys had a Happy Wii Day!!


(this is worse than new years, a Wii only comes once...)




Well, launch day has come on gone. Very little hassle, which I'm glad to hear about.


I think its time to turn the thread creating permission back on.


What this means is that you guys can now create threads again. However, if a post can be fitted into another topic rather than creating a new thread, please do that. Let's try and keep this as tidy as we can.


Thanks very much guys and gals for your patience during this time. It's been a good launch. Nice one.

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