Nintendork Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 No, not even by freeloader by all accounts. Mod chips/hacked firmware should take a couple of months. I'll be waiting for a near final or final firmware before I get mine chipped so I don't have to update it anymore. PS. don't be bad mm'kay?
Smiter Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 Sorry to say, Play-Asia tested out their US and JP Wiis with a wide range of games. They found the Wii is fully region-locked, with no chance of JP software playing on US machines and therefore no chance of it playing on EU/AU machines. At least Action Replay plays imported Gamecube games on the Wii, and some Freeloaders might (but not the latest one - Play-Asia tested it and it failed). I'm hoping for a boot disc to come out. Although, I suppose it is possible that there might be problems using import games with WiiConnect24.
Charlie Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 No, not even by freeloader by all accounts.Mod chips/hacked firmware should take a couple of months. I'll be waiting for a near final or final firmware before I get mine chipped so I don't have to update it anymore. PS. don't be bad mm'kay? I don't think there will be a "final" firmware until Nintendo release they're next console, Nintendo will always be releasing small updates to it.
nekunando Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 ..remember the discs that came free with CUBE magazine? I use one for Winning Eleven 6 FE on my GC.. much chance of that working with the Wii do you think..?
scubahood Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 I think it all depends how the hackers hack the console. With the 360 for example the last updated only bricked consoles made after March with Samsung drives.
Nintendork Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 Well really.. if you have access to the weather, news, browser, games, the virtual console, settings, data management and Mii then I'm pretty much happy. Sony released the PSP late and has had many firmware updates.. I don't think Nintendo will do this really. It's as functional as I could want (for a games machine) so any updates after say.. March 07 are gonna be no use to me really.
nekunando Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 ..oh Perrin Perrin.. ..booger..? ..cocaine..? ..hand puppet..? I'll have what she's having.. (if what she's having is reggie.. OH YEH!) *not gay.. ask my girlfriend *actually don't, she'll just say I'm gay
Dante Posted December 1, 2006 Posted December 1, 2006 No, not even by freeloader by all accounts.Mod chips/hacked firmware should take a couple of months. I'll be waiting for a near final or final firmware before I get mine chipped so I don't have to update it anymore. PS. don't be bad mm'kay? I remember reading somewhere that freeloader only works for US but not Europe.
Nintendork Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 Yup, perhaps to be fixed by a firmware.. perhaps ignored by Nintendo USA because who in their right mind would import $90 3 month old games from Europe when you can get them for $50 down the road 3 months early. It had a minor problem when you quit the channel. Apparently the ActionReplay works fine though on US ones.
Flaight Posted December 2, 2006 Posted December 2, 2006 Luckily, the low price point of Wii means you could buy Wii from all regions... ... eventually But seriously though, that may be the definitive way forward this gen. It's harder to do that with the other consoles.
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