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Everything posted by IMJ

  1. Basically everything's been mentioned already, ie Super Monkey Ball 1+2, Wario Ware, Donkey Konga, Mario sports titles, Mario Kart. May I suggest Pikmin as well? They're cute, it's easy to grasp and it fun! Edit: You may as well just get the Nintendogs DS bundle for her. I got my girlfriend one and she's attached to her dog now
  2. Great thread this one. I'm joining in with the fun Intelligent Systems definately is one of my fave developers. In the NES/SNES era I always wondered what the fuss was all about the Famicom Wars and Fire Emblem games. I remember when the N64 was doing the business a new SNES game was announced. That game was Fire Emblem 5: Thracia 776. "That's just crazy" I thought. With the arrival of the GBA I finally could get my hands on the Advance Wars and Fire Emblem games. They're just freaking awesome! They even rival Zelda as my favourite game franchise. Anyway, I just love 'm! Shame we Fire Emblem 6 was never localized, but they made that up by releasing Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance yesterday Got my hands on Path of Radiance yesterday, will get Sacred Stones as soon as possible. Though Advance Wars DS has got my hands full already...
  3. Wow, they've cut down a lot of scenery details there. Still looks good in its own right though, just don't go compare it with the GC version. I'm very curious about the framerate too. Btw, I just finished RE4. What a great experience it was! Already started a second round and finished the Ada mission.
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