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Everything posted by MilaGi

  1. I'm level 12. Haven't even been in the DZ yet!
  2. Yeah, I can do Saturday afternoon. Might be out in the evening, but not 100% sure yet
  3. I've only played it for a couple of hours so not really able to report back on anything. Literally only up to the start of the Base of Operations. Will be playing it a lot more over the course of Friday evening and the weekend
  4. Absolutely! Should be good fun! I might even have time to install it later on this evening before I head out EDIT: I'm leaving work at 4pm so should get home for around 5:30pm
  5. Got an email notification to say that mine has been dispatched and should be with me tomorrow - just a shame I won't be able to play it until Wednesday!
  6. Anyone fancy helping me get to the Lighthouse? I'm getting jealous of all of your visits there :P
  7. I bet that golden gunner was well pissed off!
  8. That was great to watch! Shame you weren't streaming it like the last one lol. Well played though! That Drago guy has a headshot percentage of 84.5% with the sniper (in Trials). Pretty damn ruthless! I was on Destiny Tracker earlier on and there's a guy who has a Win % on Trials of 96% :\ - mind, that's on Xbox rather than the PS4.
  9. Sometimes I hate you :P lol
  10. Really enjoyed playing the beta over the weekend. Had a day off on Friday and nothing planned on the Saturday so ended up playing this for quite a number of hours! Reached level 8 in the PVE area and either 11 or 12 in the Dark Zone. I did encounter a couple of annoying glitches, with the most notable one being the cover element failing to be recognised! So I'd often be pointing the right thumb stick towards a car and no prompt would come up... even failing to do it when beside something that *should* allow for cover. Having said that, when it works it's great and pretty fluid. @Map and I spent a good amount of time in the DZ as a 2-man team or in a fireteam of 4. The latter provided a good sense of security (the whole "safety in numbers" approach) as not many other agents tried to steal our drops. In fact, we became the instigators of rogue-play... to the point of reaching the "Man-Hunt" status, whereby you have to try and survive for a certain countdown. Failure to survive results in a significant loss of XP and DZ currency, so it's a good deterrent to stop people from continuously going rogue. When it was just me and Map, we often got into situations where other agents would be hovering around drops to see whether we'd pick up. We generally waited for them to disappear as there was always a higher chance of them turning on you, which we certainly found out a couple of times. Opportunist buggers! That was mostly on the Saturday morning and in the evening it tended to be a bit more 'friendlier'. Looking increasingly likely that I'll end up pre-ordering
  11. That moment when @Sheikah decides to snipe you whilst in the middle of a super...
  12. I played my first game of 5-a-side football of the year last night. Last time I played was back in July last year, so I knew it would be tough. Felt like I'd got through the game relatively unscathed which is always a bonus*. Never felt out of breath for too much of the game too (granted it wasn't the most frantically-paced games)! Was great to be back playing considering I'd been out injured for a considerable length of time last year due to a knee injury. Just hope I can continue to improve on my fitness as I'm hoping to do the Great North Run for the second time in September. *today I feel like I've been drop-kicked in the thighs by Chuck Norris.
  13. Yeah, I'd probably agree with you on that. Mind, had it have been 5 or a full raid team then I'd have been able to play. Figured we wouldn't have enough tonight so opted to play my first game of 5-a-side football since July instead.
  14. Really sorry but I won't be around tonight @DriftKaiser
  15. @DriftKaiser yeah I'm up for it. Won't be around tonight to help, but certainly around tomorrow, Thurs and the weekend
  16. It's not too shabby! @Sheikah and I had a few games yesterday. Good fun although we had a couple of rather frustrating games where we got beat 5-4 when we should have won comfortably. Think we would have done had I been in beastmode like Sheikah was!
  17. Anyone fancy helping me out with the Crimson Doubles this evening?
  18. I'm really liking the look of this! Might actually take my attention away from Destiny for a while haha!
  19. That's cool with me to be fair, I see it as more of a laugh than anything else. The loot is more a bonus (although a 320 shell wouldn't go amiss)
  20. I'd be up for it @Eddage, but only if you could get a full fireteam Otherwise I'm interested in the Crimson Doubles if anyone's interested?
  21. I'll help you matey, but I won't be around until tomorrow
  22. I'm happy with whatever really. Might be good to have a fresh challenge as the season just past was a bit of a struggle to be honest (in terms of motivation).
  23. @Rummy - what Eddage says
  24. If you're at 310+ light level then your exotic engram is guaranteed a 310 decryption. If you're less than 310 then it's more likely to decrypt to the 290/300, but there is slim chance that it will be a 310 - you just have to be pretty lucky!
  25. Welcome back! Just don't climb that bloody tree again! :P
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