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Everything posted by MilaGi

  1. No worries - was happy to help and glad we helped you get it finished too! Teenagers like to talk a lot, so it's no problem. Being told I have no life because I have all the Trials gear was an interesting introduction to the group though haha!
  2. Yeah, should be fine
  3. @Agent Gibbs yeah I'm up for the Raid but will be doing Trials with Deathjam and Daft at some point too
  4. Some vids for your viewing pleasure from Trials...
  5. Yes please I'm off work ill today, thus, won't be leaving the house. I'm happy to gives you guys a hand with the opening bit if you need players for that until you wait for some of the others
  6. I think with a bit more playing time we'll become more decisive on our decision making and hopefully cut down on some of the errors we made. If we didn't play those lag switching f*ckers, I reckon we'd have had a great chance of getting to the Lighthouse, but it wasn't to be. I'm more relaxed about it. If it happens it happens, but if not then no big deal really. Yeah, I'm up for that! Will bring my Titan depending on what light level I'm likely to be at. I'll not be online until at least 7ish.
  7. Ah ya buggers - I'd have put my name down for the HM Raid but I can't do Tuesdays boooo lol @Daft & @Deathjam - cheers for the Trials again on Friday - was great fun! Not the greatest of maps for it (well, at least I didn't think so) but we didn't do too bad! Got to 7-0 with a little help from the mercy but we dispatched some very good teams in the process. Still a lot of 'dodgy' teams out there, but other than that we made some very good progress. I'll upload one or two vids of good and bad moments a bit later on! Just need the chest piece to have full Trials gear too! @Map we got unlucky when me, you and Tompa played!
  8. @Agent Gibbs I'm still at my mate's house so don't think I'll be back in time for the raid won't be home until after 8.30 so feel free to get someone else to take my place. Sorry lads
  9. Really sorry, but I've got family coming around so I'll not be online. No idea how long they'll be here for.
  10. Can possibly do from about 7pm onwards!
  11. I think the biggest difference with ToO is the level of ruthlessness required in order to be successful. I probably played a bit too cautious at times and those moments of hesitancy likely cost us some quicker rounds, especially when we were in a commanding position. @Zell I pretty much held back a lot like you did. That seemed to be the same line of thinking as most opposing team snipers as any time I showed more aggression I ended up being taken out. I also agree with @Daft about the importance of sticking together. Especially when the map is unfamiliar, so communication is that little bit harder. I'm sure we'll improve though. We made great progress, although getting beyond the 5th win is certainly a challenge in itself!
  12. I should be around
  13. Yeah I'm up for that. I don't actually have any plans this weekend (for a change)! Thanks to @Daft and @Map for helping me to complete the Black Spindle mission! Also cheers to @Deathjam and Daft (again) for the games on Trials! Good laugh too! I got pretty lucky with some of the stuff I got... 310 Monte Carlo, 300 Glass Promontory (sniper rifle), 308 boots, and 300 cloak I see that the ToO weapons give random perks. I got Hidden Hand with the ambush scope on my sniper, so pretty pleased with that. Icing on the cake would have been firefly and triple tap. Just need some higher light level weapons to infuse into it.
  14. I'll be on doing Black Spindle as soon as I get home which will be around ~6.30pm-ish. Got a delivery coming anywhere between 7-8pm so hopefully it'll come in the earlier stages of that timeframe!
  15. Yeah, definitely - I'll be on! Already bought all the boons! Yes yes yes yes yes!
  16. Okay, cool. I'm at my parents house for Sunday lunch, but will try to get back ~2ish. Can't guarantee. If I'm not on by 2.30 then how about tomorrow evening instead?
  17. I'd be up for some Trials, but I'm out later this evening. I'll be free this afternoon though! Are you doing the HM Raid?
  18. I think Saturday is the only day I can do an Alt run (from roughly 6.30pm onwards). Otherwise I'm pretty much free next week (except Tuesday), for a fresh run. EDIT: Didn't get great loot, but RNGesus will love me some day soon I'm sure! Got 2x hunter cloaks which were both lower light than what I already have (so infused into my legendary Queen cloak). Managed to get 303 light level boots, which is an improvement. My exotic special weapon engram turned into a 310 Fourth Horseman so I was pretty pleased with that
  19. @Deathjam and I bought it too - simply had to be done! @Zell @Blade @Agent Gibbs @Deathjam @Map Was a good effort last night guys - nearly got the Warpriest down. Would have definitely managed it had Matt not been booted to the title screen! Cruel twist of fate! We'll definitely get him next time - very confident of that happening. Here's hoping that RNG is in our favour and we all get some decent drops for the raid tomorrow.
  20. yes please
  21. Yeah, for sure. Think we may need to do a few more normal mode raids before tackling hard mode just to get some better weapons and gear etc.
  22. I'm pretty sure that @The Peeps and @Aqui1a play RL on the PC. Could be wrong though!
  23. Saturday is fine for me too
  24. I'm above 300 now. Got the scout rifle, auto rifle and another shotgun (higher light level). Also got the chest piece, and another hunter cloak, plus a 308 kingslayer shell. Not a bad haul! I'll give you a hand on nightfall tonight
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