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Everything posted by MilaGi

  1. I'm up to 389 LL with my hunter (and pretty close with Warlock and Titan) so should be able to run through the Heroic Raid whenever there's space.
  2. If you don't have enough players for the alt run then I wouldn't mind being a backup
  3. I'm around tonight but not a high enough LL for heroic just yet
  4. Definitely this! ^^ Enjoyed the Raid last night! Thanks for putting up with me @Shorty @Zell @Map @Eddage @DriftKaiser :P Firing my shadowshot then falling straight down a hole was probably my highlight
  5. Could say you had Wretched Luck @Nolan! At least you persevered! @Eddage is there a specific class I should choose for the Raid tonight or just pick whatever?
  6. Haha go on then I was going to watch the Barca vs Man City game, but Destiny is more important :P
  7. It's a beast mode sidearm on steroids with burst fire that wrecks everything it comes into contact with.
  8. Thorn isn't the superpower it once was, so I'm less bothered about it. However, I would quite like the Trespasser, which Xur is selling this weekend!!
  9. I'd have taken it if I wasn't going out
  10. I'll be around for some IB from just after 7pm. Feel free to send an invite
  11. I'll be on from about 5.30-7pm or so, so up for some IB if there's space for me! The matchmaking in Trials was ridiculous last night.
  12. Yeah that'd be good
  13. Haha for sure! I'd hate to be on the receiving end of it. Mine has Hot Swap and Luck in the Chamber with the choice of Hammer Forged, Explosive Rounds or Oiled Frame. RNG was kind to me
  14. I'm hoping for more noob matches although if they're quick games either way then that's good too. I'll be using my Eyasluna
  15. @Daft I'm in no rush to be honest. You up for some Trials? @Eddage is interested too I think. Not too arsed about progression... more so the completion of a few bounties etc
  16. Aye, there'll be @Agent Gibbs @Daft @Deathjam and me so far
  17. haha I honestly wish it was that! At my mate's house on Saturday to play the new FIFA lol
  18. I'd potentially be up for that on either PC or PS4
  19. I won't be around on Saturday evening either! :(
  20. I'm on 349 but not around tonight or tomorrow unfortunately.
  21. That's what I'll be doing. Going to be ruthless!
  22. I'm at 346 so still a long way to go. I'm not around tomorrow night so if @Deathjam or @Map want to take my place then that's cool with me
  23. My bus was late so I'll not be on until 8ish
  24. I'd say anywhere between 7:00-7:20pm, and yeah, that would be cool If you're already in a fireteam before I get on then that's cool too
  25. I'm not online until tomorrow unfortunately, otherwise I'd have joined you @Eddage
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