Definitely this! ^^
Enjoyed the Raid last night! Thanks for putting up with me @Shorty @Zell @Map @Eddage @DriftKaiser :P
Firing my shadowshot then falling straight down a hole was probably my highlight
Could say you had Wretched Luck @Nolan! At least you persevered!
@Eddage is there a specific class I should choose for the Raid tonight or just pick whatever?
Haha for sure! I'd hate to be on the receiving end of it.
Mine has Hot Swap and Luck in the Chamber with the choice of Hammer Forged, Explosive Rounds or Oiled Frame.
RNG was kind to me
@Daft I'm in no rush to be honest.
You up for some Trials? @Eddage is interested too I think. Not too arsed about progression... more so the completion of a few bounties etc