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Everything posted by MilaGi

  1. Yes please
  2. Fri or Sunday are preferred dates but can do all of them
  3. Definitely for VoG on Weds but depends when I'm doing CE with @Blade et al as we usually do ours at the weekend
  4. I'd be up for running it with my lvl 31 Warlock if I can
  5. I'll be there
  6. I have it for the PC but haven't played it yet. I'd be interested
  7. Cracking write-up @dan\-likes\-trees Would say that's a very fair assessment of my team as well. I fully expect to be in a relegation battle, and if I do end up getting relegated, I know that it'll be harder to bounce back up again with the influx of new (and very strong) teams!
  8. Either day is fine with me
  9. Thurs @ 8pm is fine with me I won't be around tomorrow evening, but wouldn't mind running the nightfall and weekly if anyone's interested? Maybe Weds or Thurs (before the Raid) if possible!
  10. me and @Map were talking about doing hard mode. Can we take the last two places? Hopefully he'll be online by then
  11. Happy New Year to you too (and everyone else)! I'll be online for sure
  12. Enjoyed the Raid although defeating Crota was proving frustrating at times. I reckon we'll definitely get it done much quicker from now though! Got Black Hammer from the end fight so really chuffed with that! Nice to finally have a solar sniper, but I still want the Ice Breaker. Speaking of which... I helped my mate with the Nightfall earlier this evening... he ended up dead for most of the boss fight (other side of the map from the safe spot) so I couldn't revive him. Defeated the Nexus and he got awarded with... an Ice Breaker. Classic trolling. I'm available on Friday here's hoping I can get either the helmet or boots!!
  13. You're not missing much from Xur this week. He's selling the No Land Beyond sniper rifle which @Daft got... which I believe he said is pretty shit! Weapon upgrades include; Suros Regime, Red Death, The Last Word, Thunderlord, Super Good Advice, Hawkmoon, Gjallarhorn PSN is still down anyway I think...
  14. I got The 4th Horseman shotgun from the first loot chest in Crota's End as well as some shards
  15. Cool, I'll try to get on now
  16. Newcastle match is on TV so I'll be watching that so I won't be able to get on any earlier I'm afraid! I'll do nightfall if i can get on!
  17. @Map @Agent Gibbs @Eddage @lostmario From 7pm onwards would be good for me
  18. We'll get him next time mate
  19. I'll be on fellas!
  20. I do indeed! I'll be gtting a new gaming monitor after New Year which I'll be using mostly for my PS4, so will have more availability thereafter
  21. I don't think I can cos of the stupid Stoke vs Chelsea match Will let you know tomorrow for sure, but it's about a 10% chance I'll get online
  22. I find that incredibly sad! You feeling any better?
  23. Anyone going to be around tonight that could help me with the Nightfall?
  24. I have my work's do tomorrow, but could be back at a reasonable time (say 7ish), but Saturday is likely to be the better day for me
  25. @Map @Eddage @Agent Gibbs I won't be on until tomorrow. Enjoy the nightfall!
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