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Everything posted by MilaGi

  1. No worries! I won't be around tomorrow as I'm off to see the Avengers film Got plenty of time though to get it sorted
  2. I'll be around on Fri, Sat or Sun for doing a Raid @Zell - I'm around tonight for Nightfalls if you want?
  3. I'm not around tonight but I'll be on tomorrow
  4. Yeah I'm up for that!
  5. After a home draw with Eights, I'm currently on a run of 3 away games to Inter (lost), Silverdale (draw) and next up is Lylat... so no doubt I'll be staying in the drop zone! Haha
  6. I've already done it 3 times, but happy to help you out if nobody else is around to help you!
  7. I'll help with the Nightfalls
  8. I suppose it all depends on what the upgrade path for weapons and armour entails. If it's the same as last time then I can imagine they'll lose a LOT of players. Hopefully it'll be something similar to how the crux works (except it just upgrades weapons to next level rather than from legendary to exotic).
  9. Mate, I support Newcastle Utd... I'm like a glutton for punishment haha! I generally do some of the bounties with all three characters as well as the nightfalls. I'll do the Raids on occasion whenever they're happening. It does get stale, admittedly, but I only keep playing because of the desire to level stuff up (otherwise I wouldn't be on). I'm disappointed that Bungie have made the decision not to include a Raid in the HoW but something fresh may just bring players back and keep the current ones playing (depending how well the Arena is received). I'm still looking forward to the DLC though. Will be nice to upgrade stuff like Fatebringer etc! At least they won't be making such weapons obsolete... I guess time will tell.
  10. It seemed to be raining exotics. Especially for @Eddage! haha At least another one to tick off your list! Nice to see @Agent Gibbs and @DriftKaiser get their Mythoclasts after waiting a lifetime! I got my 2nd Thunderlord, so not too disappointed.
  11. I'm up for VoG HM on Sunday @Shorty Solo'd the nightfall with my hunter - my reward was an exotic shard in the form of Dragon's Breath
  12. Yeah I'm up for that
  13. @Eddage Here is my view of the Crota fail... You got 4 hits on him and he got back up lol
  14. Yeah I'm up for it!
  15. I'll probably be around from about 7ish at the earliest
  16. I'll be around tonight, so happy to do 7ish onwards
  17. Got a second Black Hammer (which I may as well level up) and also finally got myself a Gjallarhorn from last night's Raid Here's hoping that @Sheikah and @Eddage will finally get theirs soon too
  18. yeah, sounds good
  19. Yes please I'm up for x2 nightfalls as well Deathjam and I did one last night - he got a Badger scout rifle (that he already had) and I got... 8x ascendant shards! Woohoo!!
  20. I now have a maxed out Hunger of Crota and Red Death I'll be available to Raid next Tuesday (a rare opportunity). I'll be around from tomorrow to do Nightfall/weekly with anyone who wants/needs to do them and would be up for doing VoG at some point as well (since I'll not really get opportunity for CE this week).
  21. Finally got the Hunger of Crota last night! Only annoying thing is not being able to level it up until I get back from hols haha Here's hoping Xur doesn't sell anything decent (that I want in particular) whilst I'm away. I'll be checking!
  22. Awesome, cheers fellas. @Eddage nightfall sounds good too!
  23. Did you guys end up doing the raid last night? Anyone around tonight for one or at least the nightfall?
  24. As Peeps says, it's pretty crazy that neither of them raised with such high DV! They probably had a skill increase just unfortunately not a visible one, so that should hopefully mean that if they have a decent DV set by end of next season (should you continue to play them) then there's the potential for them to double-jump and get back on the curve.
  25. Wish I could take part in tonight's Raid but I'm out . Anyone available for one tomorrow night (even just normal Crota) as it's the last chance I'll get until next Monday?
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