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Everything posted by MilaGi

  1. Cheers! Received I'll try and get them answered this weekend if I can! I can't get relegated so that's a bonus! Plus, my remaining 3 games are all at home too
  2. I'd be up for that!
  3. I got: The Devil You Don't 11 Ascendant Shards The 4th Horseman I really needed those shards! :P At least the 4th Horseman provided me with an exotic shard. I already have a maxed out one (that I'll probably not use) but I'm keeping it anyway.
  4. I've done the nightfall with all 3 characters, but will help if nobody else is around. Obviously priority needs to be given to those who haven't done any
  5. Just did the nightfall solo with my Warlock... guess what I was rewarded with? ... The Devil You Don't Want
  6. Yeah I heard that too. I think from the same guy who says Xur will sell Hard Light this Friday... guess we'll have to just wait and see Almost got my Warlock to level 32, which would complete the set. Just need another million hadronic essence though!
  7. Thunderlord - I think it was both @Deathjam and @DriftKaiser that got awarded one each I'd rather get bugger all than No Land Beyond lol
  8. Can always rely on them to be way out on their predictions haha
  9. I was expecting 6 points to go to @Tales - certainly not the other way around! Very lucky I think... especially today's where I had only 2 shots but scored them both! I still have to play @The Peeps at home so could make it interesting!
  10. Yeah, I'll probably only be around until ~10:30-10:45ish Will use my titan as I don't think we'll have one otherwise
  11. Yes please
  12. I'm in favour of boosting
  13. Materials are an issue, but then again, I wouldn't be using it straight away if I did get it as I've other things to level up anyway Might just buy it incase I do fancy levelling it up. I'll be up for both with my warlock. Will be on after the Newcastle game ~7.20pm... or beforehand if we're getting humped by 6 or more lol
  14. Bought about 60 Heavy Ammo Synthesis packs. Also managed to get Heart of the Praxic Fire on the first roll of the exotic engram dice too! Question is... he's selling Voidfang Vestments which I already have (Light 36, Strength 139), but the ones for sale go to 155 Strength. Is it worth buying them, levelling them up and then sharding the other ones? Or will the additional +16 strength not have that much of an effect?
  15. I'll be buying my fair share of heavy ammo synths for sure! Also, this website is quite useful if you want to find out what Xur's sold since the beginning of time! Not sure if anyone's used it before... http://www.destinyxur.com/
  16. Haha! Can't believe how much of a nightmare I had whilst up the top! Casually walking off the ledge and then trying desperately to recover to get onto the ledge and falling ever so short was the highlight for me! Mind, blowing myself up against a rock wasn't one of my brightest moments! I got super lucky with drops. Also got Corrective Measure which I've not previously had before. I got the Crux on Tuesday night :p @DriftKaiser - you did well with the relic to be fair! I only took over because I needed to stop embarrassing myself! @Sheikah - If you can't get anyone else later then I'll step in, but I don't think I'll be lvl32 in time, which won't be at all beneficial to you guys for taking down Crota.
  17. Awesome stuff! So for VoG we have: Me @Shorty @Deathjam @Agent Gibbs @Map @DriftKaiser 8pm okay? @Map - yeah I'd imagine we'll do the switching
  18. If I can get my Titan to lvl32 then count me in. I have enough shards (and plasteel plating) to level up the chest piece I got last night. Still have the nightfall to do with the titan as well, which I'll hopefully do tonight. I should be home by 5.30pm-ish if anyone's up for the nightfall/weekly? Alternatively anyone fancy doing HM VoG tonight? I need all the chances I can get of obtaining gjallarhorn
  19. I'll be on in 2 mins
  20. Can I provisionally book this space? I'm hoping to avoid going out tonight so would like to take part in this one if possible! Happy to distract the knights too if there's enough people with Gjallarhorns/HoC's
  21. Here's hoping it doesn't take us very long we got pretty close last night!
  22. I'm still up for it! Will we be starting in the afternoon? Say 3 or 4pm?
  23. Cheers for the mention, but I won't be around tonight Can't even get an early finish to get on for nightfall either! Will be around Weds & Thurs if anyone fancies doing the nightfall/weekly x3!
  24. I reckon I might get back before 7ish if that would be better? Have you leveled up your Gjallarhorn yet? :P
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