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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. I don't think so its the cybermen from the parallel world versus correct earth. Allowing for introduction of Torchwood series in mid-October to take place. And introduction of doctors new assistant.
  2. Can anyone say Doom for this last episode to be fair it didn't explain how Rose and that other scientist managed to change over
  3. This will probably be decent if they keep it in the style of the jap version, will they butcher the USA version if they get one 100%. Will Europeans ever see this this game on the Wii in Europe 0%.
  4. Well lets see, non-gamers people who have never gamed don't see the point in it or look at watching a movie in a similiar fashion. Thus modern cheap normal dvd player I have seen as low as £50. Howver I have heard on the rumour grapevine that one Wii may be free when you buy 4 1st party titles and sorta stuff. Anyway I know hardly any non-gamers who actually want to game, DCK and Nintendo should first hype up the fact that its a dvd player -> then cheap internet suffer tool for other members of the family-> then target games.
  5. But I thought games were part of mass media - yeah i know they must make profit but surely it would be beter to have lower profit margins on all games - therefore tempt no-gamers to game.
  6. Fuck yeah i do, all i am saying is that if at £20 they sell 1 million copies, whilst at £50 they have a greater chance of only selling 500,000 copies - therefore they get more money. If we assume that every game can generate a £5 profit.
  7. if it wants to appeal to non gamers it needs to be pricedat between £0-50, all it basically is a dvd player as the games at first won't actually appeal to non gamers.
  8. Lets face it if it came out for in America at £249 thats still before their sales tax - which would still take the price up. TBH all technology no matter how small or big an improvement is way overpriced. E.g. when you buy a new PC surely it should be at least 25% cheaper than the earlier model whith everything inside it at least 50%(in terms of graphics cards and processors etc.)
  9. I would prefer games to be no more than £20 - as this is suppposed to me mass market entertainment and yet they still are more expensive than buying a dvd and a cd together. Fuck you Sony, fuck you Microsoft and also fuck you Nintendo
  10. I am glad you think that however I sent an e-mail off to Nintendo-Europe to see if I could actually use this name, and that it wasn't affecting copyright laws. So there!
  11. Nintendo should of stuck with the case though it tarnishes there names though.
  12. Can everyone remember when Nintendo sought legal action against the porn site because the girls profiles said they like Super Mario 64, etc. Nintendo could sue these for them saying these things
  13. Saw it as well it was shit, much better films - they should of gave marvel products what they deserve - the right to be shot in the head. Not one series Marvel has ever made was good, same with DC Comics and all the other crap its all wasted, the plots are all the same 'good guys win - hummanity is saved'
  14. At least I don't look like I have just escaped from jail Well I still play windwaker and I don't even touch my games such as Halo2 its repetitive and boring - I would rather have a fun game with no multiplayer, rather than a boring game with fun multiplayer
  15. I was just airing a view ya know, you young whipper snapper. :awesome: :awesome:
  16. Whats so good about Online gaming, having some random talking away to you, i don't see what the fuss people are making over it when they concentate on having better more elaborate stories - BTW Rockhed00 you MadOnion clans weblink has gone yah know?
  17. You speak the truth man, most modern universities like you study basic subjects for your A-levels with old RRR of GCSE's - english, english lit and Maths(+science especially if ya wanting to science at uni) But apart from that Unis like you to be seen as helping the comunity - and as I am 'youth committee chair person' on the Foresters community part of a charity based. I got in - also in other unis my grade requirement was normally 60-100 points below there normal offers for other unis.
  18. I would say in reply Halo is crap on both PC and Xbox, whilst the bits I have played on PDZ at a mates house was pure class
  19. I carn't see any problems with it, the only reason why Wild Fire will have a decent camera is its an on rails game, so you carn't compare the two apart from the fact they both have sonic in.
  20. I have been looking into 360 and although there are a few games that interest me : these are Dead Rising, Enchanted Arms, and ChromeHounds plus a few other titles. Like Mass Effect So I guess I got caught in the Sony's hype machine I'll get one when I actually know some more guaranteed games..... So any-who's ages ago I heard they were redesigning the chip to increase system performance and reduce crashes, does anyone know when these will be in new 360's. Any help is truelly appreciated. :awesome:
  21. When I said Viewtiful Joe and Okami those are Capcoms biggest franchises and presumbly they would go to either the Wii or PS3 not created on 360 Anyway someone said why am I called ZeldaFreak - think logically I am a fan of LoZ games that is all.
  22. But will FF XIII be available on it, will Okami be on it will Viewtiful Joe (hears just the wind and sees a tumble weed moving in the background) Thought so
  23. Games need 5 things: 1. Good Graphics 2. Good Audio 3. Good Gameplay 4. Good Storyline 5. Good Controls P.S. People have been posting anti-Sony things like they lied on specs and all that. Well I have something for you, Microsoft said in NA and Europe there would be 80 games by June 30th - they lied they'll only be 40 games for retail. You may say its Live games and retail games -with less than half of people who own one of these consoles are not on Live maybe that so you these developers should be releasing games in shops not downloading them, since the HDD is way to small at least 60GB they should of thought when designing the console not 20GB
  24. Who the fuck is Choze I am no ones junior
  25. Lets recap this game is exclusive to the PS3, it doesn't have the physics processing unit to calculate and create three full cities without a load time.
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