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Everything posted by Noku

  1. BONESTORM! I'm like Bart. But mind you, think that the Lisa-side of me (like you know, whatever) is expecting this to be more fleshed out story-wise than you'd expect.
  2. Looks to be more of a montage than actual gameplay. And the animations are far from blocky, that's beyond subjectivity if you ask me. Big ass lol at all the "needs to be less generic" comments across fora.
  3. You know, Russell Crowe... http://wii.ign.com/dor/objects/14350710/gladiator-ad/videos/gladiator_trl_extremeviolence_52609.html Trailer over at IGN. For my own part, I think that any doubts surrounding whether or not they have successfully captured the atmosphere are hereby removed (or should be). What it does do however, is raise questions with regard to the gameplay itself, which seems to be some sort of over-the-shoulder-cam, locked or not in horizontal axis at all times (hope not).
  4. Nope, you aren't. Methinks the problem is that people nowadays just don't find ancient Rome to be such a cool setting anymore. Feed'm sci-fi and gore and they're happy, but venture where only few devs have gone before and you get comments like "can Gladiator because it's a guaranteed flop," and of course the apparently obligatory "game art is generic" remark. Cue random facepalm gif. As I said somewhere before, I'm beginning to love Nofsinger and co. Not supporting them while at the same time crying out for more and better Wii exclusives is immoral imho. Worthy of being yelled at by Mr. Garrison with caps lock on (as in, "you die, you go to hell and you die"). On top of that, nobody's even played their first Wii title yet. So at the very least, the benefit of doubt is still on their side. But hey, that's just me. People seem to be way too critical nowadays.
  5. I don't think this'll be anything like any game we (the plural "I") know. Tactics will play a huge part, and I expect set pieces with carriages and team brawls and the like. Really, really don't understand how some people aren't hyped. This'll be like The Gladiator, but, you know, without the scrotum.
  6. Noku

    The Grinder

    Yeah dude, if you don't put your money where your mouth is (and buy The Conduit), this might not even get published...
  7. http://kotaku.com/5270108/majesco-flips-at-e3 Time for some of you to change pants: Tommy Tallarico doing the score. More on Kotaku
  8. They confirmed they weren't going for WiiWare :P http://wiiware.nintendolife.com/news/2009/02/animales_de_la_muerte_officially_not_coming_to_wiiware
  9. Unless of course it's a reannouncement of Animales de la Muerte.
  10. Thinks you're all overexaggerating a bit. It's got left to right, right to left and overhead. That's three. Heavy and light. That's six. Three different angles per side-swing. That's 12. Plus parry, dodge and block. Plus finishers. And the promise of it not looking mechanical. Seems ample to me.
  11. Sweetness. Hope you can claim parts of enemy's armour and weapons after you defeat them.
  12. The forum can always try to incur major head trauma by ways of relentless hammersmashing of the cranium? I'd say that'd about just achieve the same effect
  13. Yeeeeeep, that's the one Suppose this can be applied to paintings as well as to robots. Thanks! And once again, the internet saves a life. But the earth just keeps on turning.
  14. You made me laugh Thank you.
  15. Right, so Button in the pole then! Your thoughts? How do you Brits (pardon me if this is derogative in any way) cope with Hamilton's suckiness this season by the way? Does Jenson offer a good enough substitute?
  16. Yep. Doing some crazy assignment for Introduction to the Arts, and I realized that I'm more scared by Realism than by real life. And so, my question arose: what was the name of that curve again that showed that when something becomes too real, it's scary? And google gave no answer. And so posted this here. And so I pull out my gun! And I said, if I don't get any answers I'm gonna shoot someo-ooone!!! Oh boy, oh boy oh boy, way too much time spent in front of the computer today Anybody with ideas?
  17. Now Skeeters you ain't hurtin' nobody...
  18. Wasn't the lock-on in mp removed from this re-release? And yeah, saw all the trailers, it's not like I've been living in a cardboard box for the past decade or so (it's not true I tell you!). Hyping for this quite a bit actually, the three of them in one near-seamless experience shall present me with a gaming-a-thon the likes of which my girlfriend has never witnessed, I hope So no bots then?
  19. Echoes mp doesn't have bots? Well that's lame Still going to pick this up though, think I'm one of the few who haven't played any of the Prime series.
  20. Wow. What a complete load of crock. 8/10? Even without having played the game, Mr. T has lost any integrity he had as a reviewer for the Wii. Lack of destructible environments? Where's he been living? In a box on Mars? Save for the Red Factions, no console FPS I can think of has destructible environments. The AI is unimpressive, but does somehow force you to abandon the run-and-gun tactics of olde. ASE is underused. Right. Especially for "Capture the ASE." Yeeeeeep, this reviewer spent a whole lot of time with the game. Not exactly an "in-depth review" either, so screw Nintendo Power Magazine altogether
  21. Looks good. Hope it actually has the production values it looks to be having - and the gameplay to go with it.
  22. You see, if I were more eloquent in the early hours of the morning (and not so sleep-deprived tbh), I'd come up with that reply. Hats off to you for perfectly stating my sentiments about the review! Any here subsribers of NP who can confirm/ deny the review with certainty?
  23. A one page review? Hmpf. Why do reviewers claim to hope for sequels, yet fail to rate the base title appropriately (ie, with overly high scores). And how the hell is ASE underutilized?! To my mind, it's essential for unlockables and some of that "we want you to look this up on wikipedia"-stuff. And isn't this still a bit soon-ish a review for a game that doesn't release until a month from now? And and and... Bla bla bla... If this doesn't sell, it's because of people like mister Steve T. How I pity the fool.
  24. Ooooh, that looks good! Very manga-like. I like.
  25. If that's in-game, and it plays as well as it sounds (i.e., nothing like the previous NFS's), I'm sold. More pics leading to my belief that it's in-game at http://www.gamespot.com/wii/driving/needforspeednitro/images.html?tag=gallery_summary;image_index
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