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Everything posted by phez_boy

  1. well i dont know about the rest of you. but i do find it hard to find time to focus on exercising. I'm personally looking forward to when the wii has its on set of exercise based games. just like the fact i love those DDR dance games. not only are they hella fun, but they get you sweating rivers lol. not that i am fat but if i had a DDR dance machine at home i would be sweating off kilos by the minute. so i say, ALL HAIL WII! thank you for breaking the stereotype and maybe even getting some of us some exercise!
  2. this would be very very good indeed! perhaps an australian launch b4 the end of this year? ahhh a man can dream...
  3. oh yeah sorry should have done that before, anyway you can download it here: http://media.wii.ign.com/media/821/821585/vids_2.html under the title of 'Meet Michel Ancel'. hope that helps. oh and 1 other thing: http://revolutionrumors.blogspot.com/2005/06/new-email-from-revolution-engineer.html this is very old i know. but the thing is this guy seems to have some facts. especially when he talks about a control which uses each hand individualy.
  4. you cant possibly tell me the only thing that goes in there is an (suggesting single) SD card.
  5. hey just wondering if anyone has watched the michel ancel video? the one where he is attacked by the rabbids? when he starts to go into the game he says "the one big feature will be, the fact that..." and then he gets taken out by the rabbids. i wonder what he was going to reveal. considering ubisoft are working so close with nintendo i wouldnt be suprised if the new what the last 'secret' is. also not that it is really that big of a deal but i find it wierd that in the rayman promo video, it shows a empty field with butterflys fluttering away then it goes back to the lounge room and the butterfly is still fluttering around.
  6. that would be so awesome! who would want to play that game on the ps3 or 360 if you have the Wii's controls!
  7. hopefully nintendo work out all potential speaker problems before the Wii releases. nice mock ups also redshell!
  8. you know what really interesting? the 'Wii' name is on bottom of the wiimote. and if the rumours of a mic in the top of the wiimote are true. then when you turn your wiimote around to use it for voip then u would have !!M at the top of your 'phone'.
  9. a suitcase would deffinately be cool looking to carry. best of all you can go round to you mates place and wip it out and prove how much of a mega nerd you are lol! my only complaint is it looks big and bulky. it should be more like a sleek weapons case. not a plush fluffy case that would most likely be found under your bed containing wips and hand-cuffs.
  10. oh this would be so awesome! i would love if nintendo came along and produced a service that blew xbox live out of the water!
  11. its not that i think its 3d projection. its just i am so sure its not something we would expect like a camera or microphone. all these secrets on nintendos part would have us believe it was something bigger. some thing that will make it so we have to have this console.
  12. i think that the small black dot is a camera, or projector, or my personal favorite a detachable kaleidascope! that would deffinately make it so we see games in a whole new way!
  13. HA! take that ps3! with your crabs and your massive damage spots and your RRRRRRRRRIIIIIIDDDDDDGGGGGGEEEEEE RRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! EDIT: oh yeah and while im babbeling here is a a rumor that the wii was 'realistic graphics' or something. unfortunately it was filled in 2000. http://www.codenamerevolution.com/?p=878
  14. hey guys just found this: http://www.nwiizone.com/nintendo-wii/nwii/nintendo-has-the-technology-for-3d-display-patented/ basically a patent for 3d technology of some kind.
  15. if this has any truth to it then it would be totally awesome! only one thing, its not really a gaming revolution is it?
  16. hmmm very interesting. good to see we finally kinda have a picture of whats under there. even though it doesnt show enough detail to actually see everything. I DEMAND A BETTER PICTURE!!!!!!!
  17. i play games while lying on my bed. so itll b fun when i have to jump around alot EDIT: http://nintendown.blogspot.com/ has a good article on the wii and the possibility of 3d display. the main reason i posted it is cos there is an image i have never seen b4 concerning the 'revolution' and it appears to have a helmet in the picture with it. wierd.
  18. well ull have to excuse my ignorance on the subject. I'm not much of a tech head lol
  19. but what this guy is trying to say is that ATI and IBM arnt building chips, but bridges to individualy handle a process i think possibly, perhaps, maybe.
  20. yay another pokemon... hooray... hooray...
  21. i dont know about you guys, but the more i see the 'Wii' name the happier i get because its all exposer and the more people see it the it reminds the of 'Wii'. Why do you think companies pay so much to get their name plastered on every piece of available space possible? and the fact that the 'Wii' name is being seen all over the place in regards to video games at the moment, be it a story on nintendo or not. to me it just a constant reminder of how happy i am that nintendo has chosen this path, and they seem to be succeeding.
  22. yeah he may have no clue, but all the stuff about smash bors has been posted on other sites
  23. lol, not that its a race, but i beat u all 2 it! I posted the link in my speculation thread earlier. i guess thats wot u get for spending too much time typing 'nintendo wii' into google *sigh*
  24. an interesting rumor concerning a instant messaging sytem on a nintendo platform. it reffers to some recent patents found. http://www.codenamerevolution.com/?p=800'>http://www.codenamerevolution.com/?p=800 also if u go to the home page (http://www.codenamerevolution.com/) there is also some info and rumors concerning a 18 000 yen ($160) price tag. and also some juicy bits to do with new smash bros characters! the reason i put all this here is coz im not completely certain if SSBB characters have been confirmed or if it is just a rumor (apparently it was announced on japanese radio of all places).
  25. lol i love that pre-e3 console wars video. so very appropriate. especially when microsoft comes along lol
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