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Everything posted by phez_boy

  1. it seems there r some pretty awesome ideas goin round... 2 bad n-space is taken... that would have been good. hmmm.... what about N-gage? oh wait.... damn.... um..... N-sync? oh SHIT! well.... lets just go with N5 then ay?
  2. Im annoyed that they arnt goin 2 keep 'revolution' as the name.... it is so fitting after all. and that also means that as soon as we find out we'll have 2 put up with the usual 'the nintendo revolution.. ahhh i mean nintendo *actual name*' whenever refering 2 the console. But otherwise beside that i dont really mind on the provision it is a cool name... but if its not!!!!! *raises palm in preperation for potential back-handng*
  3. ...that would be... AWESOME!!!!!! nintendo would win the next console wars 4 sure! :lmao: yeah id have 2 agree with that... there being quiet... 2 quiet...
  4. Damn it i hate all this speculating!!!! if only we had some sort of concrete evidence. but regardless of all this futurna picture i reckon that nintendo still have big suprise in store 4 us. everything they are doin is just way 2 secretive. and is it just me but are all these rumors starting 2 link up in a strange way? first Miyamoto says he wants games 2 leap off convention t.v screens... then we had SG007 (most likely) bogus story... now we have not only this strange patent but some crazy ass pictures of what is believed 2 be a nintendo console projecting 'something'. its all seems a little suspicious to me... but i reckon there are still a few suprise's round the corner...
  5. wow... if that wasnt the biggest load of crap i have ever heard... i really cant understand people like this, at some point, at some time, he will be proven wrong... then he'll just look like an idiot (if he doesnt already)
  6. yep hes on drugs... u gotta b wacked out on something 2 say that. if it werent for people like miyamoto, we will still be playing the same crap the same way in 20 years the only difference is 'better graphics'. so if thats what u want... then you r very closed minded. oh and by the way... i know if i spent all my time designing a game, (and i have designed games b4), im not really interested in playing it. i mean sure you may play around with the finished product 2 see how it plays, but i wont be making any effort 2 finish it. after all, if your the creator of it, u know all the ins, out, locations of everything in the game... wheres the challenge? wheres the fun? so instead of playing games and just basically recycling other peoples idea, He instead spends his time looking for inspiration and trying to create new ways of having fun. that is how a true artist works, and thats what miyamoto is.
  7. Shigeru Miyamoto truley is a visionary in the eyes of the video game community. thank god we have some1 like this man to continually stretch and break through the confines of what is considered 2 be 'convention gaming', otherwise without visionsaries like him we would never move forward... we would just continually amp up graphics, and once we have reached the highest plato, then where do we go?
  8. well i guess this rumor died b4 it even began considering we just had jim merrick telling us that we (unfortunately) wont be seeing any games this year... sorry spong
  9. wait wait wait.... if http://www.n-next.com is a credible site then why do they say that the information comes straight from nintendo? if infact the information comes from some dodgy game helix site? also cant we somehow confirm these details? (say contacting the guy who made the claims) Though if there is any truth to this it would be the smartest move that nintendo, or any gaming company for that matter to make. IF nintendo did indeed launch the system at this time the sales that they would get would be absolutely outrageous (not to mention a nice start on sony), which if the company wants to truly succeed in this console race would be a hell of an advantage. Lets just hope that this source is true, coz if it is, i have no doubt we will see a revolution in gaming.
  10. oh ok, that makes me feel better, coz i actually dont have a dvd player, i have an xbox (which i won, never bought) and the only reason i keep it is 4 the dvd feature. oh and ive got halo, thats it
  11. i know its a stupid question but I'm not exactly sure if it will b able 2 or not, can some1 clear this up 4 me?
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