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Everything posted by Smiter

  1. CYBERNATOR! I loved that game as a kid, and was saddened when the cart gave up its ghost a couple of years ago. Now I can play it again.
  2. No mistake at all! Winter Sports 2008 - Amazon.co.uk It's picked up a good review on there. As it's just £25, I might think about getting it as filler before Zack & Wiki comes out at the end of next month (after I get all 242 stars in SMG, of course).
  3. Wow. I'm sold. I've been looking forward to this game for a long time, but I wasn't sure what the gameplay would be like. Thanks, RedShell and tapedeck. Going to order it online now!
  4. Actually, the Sony Defense Force is a spoof website. :P That said, I have also seen some ridiculous claims from PS3/360 fans on other sites. They always seem to believe that if a game doesn't have HD, it's inferior and a cheap cash-in. Would Capcom relegate the status of one of their most wanted sequels into a cheap cash-in? I think not. I'm looking forward to see how the game unfolds. Remember PSO came out on the Dreamcast, which didn't exactly have structured online, and it did brilliantly.
  5. Smiter


    That'd be Tenebaum. Personally, I thought Langford looked cute. Shame her in-game model didn't match her portrait. I'm currently playing through Bioshock a second time, it's just amazing. I loved System Shock 2, but I love this just as much - if not more. I do have a couple of niggles, though: 1) Can't see how your character is set up without going to a gene bank. 2) Can't see how much ammo you have (and the maximum you are allowed) when inventing ammo. There were a couple of times I had to leave ammo lying around, reminding myself to come back for it. I haven't seen the "good" ending yet (saving all little sisters this time), but I'm really hoping that 2K/Irrational can add on expansions. I want to see so much more of Rapture! Right now, I'm going to be content wringing every little achievement I can out of that game.
  6. Beautiful work! I've taken the 1440x900 version for my desktop. It looks stunning. But if you do make a 1680x1050 version, that would be awesome and perfect for my monitor.
  7. Like most people, I just play whatever game grabs me at the moment. Right now, I'm completing Paper Mario on the Wii, and I'm deciding whether to get Bioshock for the PC or 360. Probably 360 since I always seem to get a painfully tense neck whenever playing PC games. I haven't played any proper games on the 360 for a couple of months, only demos. I'd wager the Wii will get almost all of the gaming time when it gets to the final three months of the year, and then when Brawl and Mario Kart come out here next year! Hmm, maybe I'll grab a few minutes of some nice, relaxing, Wii Sports now.
  8. Didn't Sakurai say that each character could only do ONE Final Smash per match? That means, once Samus fires her Zero Laser, she's used up her Final Smash so Zero Suit Samus cannot use any Final Smash. So it doesn't matter if Zero Suit Samus is an unlockable character and has her own Final Smash. It would contradict nothing.
  9. Well, you never know, Sakurai might allow you to unlock her as an alternative character. Zero Samus just seems too good to only play after a Final Smash.
  10. Samus Final Smash: Zero Laser Don’t fire! Do NOT fire that laser! Why? ...Well, because it really hurts! MAXIMUM CHARGE! Now, fire! Whoa, that’s huge! That weapon is extremely powerful. Her opponents’ damage meters skyrocket! ...But afterwards, Samus has a problem. All of her armour fell off! Now she’s just Zero Suit Samus. That really was her last trump card. She used a weapon so powerful, it destroyed her Power Suit. Now it’s time for Zero Suit Samus to show what she can do. It looks like you can throw the pieces of her suit that end up on the ground. Hey. Stop that... QUIT IT! I mean it! Take that! ----------------------------------------------------------------- So THAT'S how Zero Suit Samus turns up! That means she may not be a normally selectable character, unless you can unlock her. P.S: LOL at everyone throwing pieces of armour back at poor Samus.
  11. Drought? I'm still trying to complete Pangya, and I'll pick up RE4 next week! Before Pangya, however, I did play on my PS2 and 360. Mostly FFXII and DOA4. Of course, that's just my gaming time. I still do things like practising web design, visiting friends/family, and reading.
  12. Actually, the sections expand as they get filled in. The veterans section used to be a single line. So the final number of newcomers and veterans is anyone's guess. I'd definitely think Zero Suit Samus is seperate from regular Samus, since their fighting methods appear to be quite different. Damn, I love Wario's expressions. You can really tell the Smash Bros team have put a lot of love into their baby.
  13. With today's update being Wario, I think we only have 2 more characters that have previously been shown - Snake and Metaknight, right? After that we should finally get to see new versions of veteran fighters and maybe even brand new characters. EDIT: Oops, forgot Zero Suit Samus (assuming she is seperate).
  14. You're right about that, I just tried out left-handed mode and the character is still right-handed. An oversight there by Tecmo? Maybe it was too much work for them to mirror the animations? Yeah, the swing takes some getting used to, it is more complex than Wii Golf's simple swing mechanism. I suppose the upside is that the spin on the ball is more accurately portrayed. The putting works better than Wii Golf imo. It's much easier to gauge power and it seems to pick up small putts far better than Wii Golf. Admittedly, I mostly play using the button input now, it can be too frustrating to try and use the swing mechanism if I'm tired from working all day. Ahh, Cecilia... Best looking golfer ever.
  15. Like almost everyone here has already said, the Wii is already "outdated" in terms of graphics, and that doesn't seem to have done its sales much harm. Nintendo DS, anyone? It takes far more than simply ramping up graphics power to create innovative games. The standard button interface has been around for decades. More freedom in interfaces can only mean more freedom and innovation for games. The Wiimote gets me more involved in the games, because I'm actually feeling more feedback from what I do in-game. That just heightens the experience. The Wiimote hasn't been fully harnessed yet, developers are still learning to use it. Unimaginative developers simply won't bring the best out of it, but if powerhouses like Nintendo, Square, Konami etc. can harness its potential, then the games can only be awesome - and the 360/PS3 won't be able to run those games with their standard pads. Give it a year, and let's see just what the Wii can do. P.S: The last Sega game I loved was Skies of Arcadia (DC and GC). Since then, their games haven't lit my fire. Sonic Wii was OK, but not great.
  16. How do you mean? There's a left-handed option for swing controls. Or is there something I haven't heard about?
  17. Well, I know three of the courses are similar to each other - Blue Lagoon, Blue Moon, and Blue Water. Blue Lagoon is the original, Water is the harder version with higher winds and added obstacles, and Blue Moon is night-time. I don't know about the Wiz courses, have only played one so far. But there is a nice amount of variety, and I've just unlocked a course that's located on battleships, complete with firing cannons that affect wind! Compared to Wii Golf's 9 holes, Pangya is HUGE. There are weather effects you can select on any course on VS mode - either clear or rain/snow. No random option as far as I see, which is a shame but nothing major. Oh yeah, I just discovered something. You can use Tomahawks and Cobras in button mode. It's explained in the manual. Quickly tapping in a sequence on the D-pad AND hitting B at the exact right moment is definitely trickier than in Swing Mode. Now, I have a date with Cecilia tonight. If I beat her, I'll unlock her as a playable character.
  18. Well, a quick glance at a list shows 11 courses, each with 18 holes. That's 198 holes to play.
  19. The button controls are good for when your arm's feeling too sore - or when the Wiimote's motion sensors seem to be out of whack (when you never get a Pangya no matter what). It's just a shame you can't get the Tomahawk and Cobra power shots if you use buttons instead. Beaten Kooh on Uncle Bob's storyline and Max is my next opponent. The dolfino lottery is indeed fun, the match play is definitely the best place to get those tickets - save your hard-earned pangs for the upgrades instead.
  20. I haven't tried the dolfino lottery yet. Yeah, there's lots of stuff to upgrade with, plus it's nice to earn extra characters. Completed the Festa with Scout, and I can now play as Uncle Bob. Got his police uniform, gloves, beard, shades - now he looks like a hard cop. Maybe I'll get the 'fro next... :P I figured out how to consistently hit Pangyas, too. Just lean over, let your arm hang straight downwards in front of you. As long as you hit the ball at the same angle as you started the swing, it'll be a perfect Pangya. Hitting tomahawks and cobras is great fun too. Only downside is your shoulder can feel sore after playing for a while. Currently stuck against Scout on Uncle Bob's festa storyline. I'll play a tournament instead, get some points to upgrade to the Air Lancer II set, then hopefully I'll have better luck.
  21. Did anyone else get this game? Finally got to play it today, it looks nice. The pointer felt sluggish, it was a pity there was no sensitivity control. I also had to turn down the volume because the sound effect of the characters speaking annoyed me. :P The swing control is very interesting, I like how you can gauge your power before swinging. The only problem is that you have to swing back really high! I can't seem to nail precise shots yet, sometimes I can get a perfect Pangya, but sometimes I'll horribly shear the ball to the right - even if it feels like the same swing. I think it's to do with the angle the Wiimote is pointing down at? It's good that there's a regular button control (just like normal golf games on the PC and other consoles), so if you get too frustrated with your swing, you can just use buttons instead. I'll be trying to master the swing, though, it feels more involving. Only played a little, but will certainly put in more time to unlock everything! So, what did you guys think?
  22. Firefox for me. I tried IE7, it seemed nice enough but it doesn't display RSS links in the great way Firefox does. I have a RSS link folder in Firefox's bookmark toolbar, I only need to click on it and mouse over each link when I want to know the latest news/updates. Firefox is quick, easily customisable, and does everything I need it to do.
  23. Or, if it works, you could run up to your stunned opponent while firing, then firmly plant a boot into their face and send 'em flying.
  24. http://kotaku.com/gaming/mustard/madden-08-on-wii-surprisingly-generous-263894.php It's on Go Nintendo as well: http://gonintendo.com/?p=18635
  25. I'll expect nothing. That way, I cannot possibly be disappointed. (Unless they announce 3,784 minigame collections for the Wii...)
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