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Everything posted by WiiUMarryMii

  1. Oh, yeah I wanted that too. Wii U sounds kinda wonky. But as long as they kept the Wii brand alive was something that I thought was very important. Because lets face it, the Wii U is barely going to be 50% more powerful than what is already out there. And that's enough. It will keep productions costs down and devs won't have to spend millions creating every Wii U game. So it makes perfect sense to just make the Wii U a continuation of the Wii. Using the same popular brand names to get its foot in the door. And not have to re-introduce the console. And therefor, being at a disadvantage with the Sony and MS, who are keeping the brand names of their consoles practically intact with every generation. Xbox users simply moved up to the 360. 360 users will move up to the 720. Nintendo could use that same tactic, at least for the next generation coming up. After that, they can start from scratch if they want. Probably will have to anyway. Unless the motion control interface continues to be relevant and is not replaced with something better.
  2. But the Wii U was always suppose to be a continuation of the original Wii. Thus why you get to use the same controllers and add-ons. Plus the backward compatibility. And more importantly, how else would Nintendo cash-in on the million selling franchises they created on the Wii? Mainly Wii Sports, Wii Fit and Wii Play (and Wii Music, that game even sold millions). If they named the console something else, they would need to re-introduce themselves with mainstream gamers. Basically, start from scratch. And also they would need to rename the Wii franchises. Instead of just directly making profitable sequels that employ the same brand names.
  3. Whadda you mean? The 3DS can't be hacked, can it?
  4. Indeed. The Pres of Nintendo did say that they wanted to avoid the same mistake they made with the 3DS's price. Lets hope they stick to that and sell the Wii U at an affordable price.
  5. Well its a shame that you don't find it interesting enough to watch. Because Hellboy 2 is very much influenced by mythical lore just like Thor is. I would think it would be something you would like... if you claim to LOVE Thor, that is. I didn't find Loki very intimidating. Or convincing as a supervillain. He seemed more like a pathetic weakling that was more like an annoyance than a real threat. Like a little boy who's been given too much power. And who lashes out because he doesn't get enough attention. I think Thor needs a more formidable foe or nemesis.
  6. Yeah I understand that. Its like GameStop does here in the US with pricing games that are yet to go "gold" higher than the actual (final) retail price. Still, y'know how users on the web react to this. Especially the ones that are Wii U detractors. They're going to have a field day with "OMG Wii U is going to cost ya $600 dallerz!". Oh well...
  7. Well who hasn't seen it yet? Its been years since it came out. Yet Thor is barely out of the gate, relatively speaking. So more people have not seen Thor than Hellboy 2, I think.
  8. Yeah but regardless of that, many users at GoNintendo are going bonkers over that suggested price the Wii U is going for there. Paying $600 dlls for a console is too much. Even Sony had a hard time making that price point palatable for its core base.
  9. IMO, the best one for that is Hellboy 2. The colours come out looking fantastic. The golds and reds. Beautiful to look at.
  10. Behind the scenes Mario Kart real Karts video! This is a new one, different from the last one seen on the web.
  11. It was good. But to be honest, there wasn't a lot for Thor to do in it. Give him a bigger challenge next time and I'm game.
  12. GoNintendo is reporting that a french retailer has listed the Wii U up for pre-booking. Here an image of it (IE users might not see this .png image) Source: http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=167961&sid=f7fef4c777110f0be1027d9910c7f09b
  13. The first film was kinda wonky. I hope they get a more solid script. But I guess all origin stories are like that. Hope that they can get their act together by finding a new director.
  14. Have you considered owning a 3DS? Lots of good stuff available and coming our way next year too.
  15. I could've done a lot worse if I knew there was an award on the line. But I'll take it. Other suggestions for new awards this year: I like how you create new ways to celebrate mediocrity! You must be fun at parties. Merry X-mas!
  16. Can the team rosters be updated online? Can you at least do it manually? Do you know if the American Soccer league is included?
  17. India? I dunno... the way things are done down there it takes ages for anything to get done. They won't be a superpower for many, many decades. Its like in Russia... you have to spin around several times before things happen. So much red tape to deal with.
  18. I'm actually an older member that forgot his password and had to come up with a new account, but I'll take the award. Just don't tell anyone my secret. :wink:
  19. I felt amused by the situation. And wanted to share it. It does seem to me however, that its YOU who is getting all butthurt over me doing that. Amiright? Fact is, I didn't post this so everyone would take it seriously or find it relevant or to go out of their way to CARE about it either. You're just assuming things. People can write what they want and give their own take on this. I might reply to them (or you) if I feel like it. Its a free forum, eh? Now, I posted the OP because I found it amusing enough to post. I did. Call me egotistical but I did what other users do here. Posting stuff that they (or in this case, I) find interesting to share. Especially on this section of the forums. What users don't find interesting, they ignore. Maybe you should've done the same and not add more posts to it. Its already 2 pages too long. See? This is not THAT important to me. But I like to debate. So I will discuss even something as irrelevant as this. Because you DID care enough about it to post something here... And I do care about your opinions. So, see u around! : peace:
  20. So how does Jill sound in different languages?
  21. Well I actually think most of us should learn to speak and read Chinese. How else we're going to understand our grandchildren when they all work for some China-based big arse corporation.
  22. Well here's the thing... constructive criticism will always be considered a "personal opinion". Cuz when it all comes down to it, you're basically giving your personal take on a particular situation. So there's no confusing this for that when they're basically the same thing. It's an opinion. And the editor didn't made it clear that he only wanted a particular type of opinion, either. But judging the way he reacted to my opinion and other users opinions (he would go down hard on them if they said anything he considered "negative"), he clearly doesn't tolerate opinions that won't shower him with praise. In regards to me saying that its "utter bullcrap" that the 3DS is an unfinished product, again, that's my opinion. Where's the problem? Neither what I said or what the other user said was a "fact". Just an opinion. And we can debate the relevance, the veracity of it or whatever on a forum. That's what they're for, eh? The guy in question (Kris Graft -Gamasutra Editor in Chief) makes an article and then actively engages in a discussion with the readership about any reaction they might've had with said article. He seeks feedback from them. And he gets it. If you go around doing that, you can't expect everyone to go around kissing your ass for everything you write. He apparently does expect that. Because I simply gave him my opinion on his article, pointing out in the most nicest way possible that he should've been at the top of his game during the interview with a particular company that (as everyone with a forehead knows) has been VERY successful on the Wii (practically, the only 3rd party dev that is successful on it). The only insulting word that I used, if you can call it that, was "naive". I didn't call him an arsehat or anything like that either. I just gave him my personal take on the way the interview was done. I did that and moved on to other things. Didn't insist or wrote anything more on the subject. If you visit a lot of gaming sites, you will notice that (at least in America), Gamasutra is rather well respected site. Considered as one of the top sources of industry news. And I agree. Totally. The staff there is pretty good at their job. Like I said on my first post, didn't come here to make people hate on Gamasutra. What happened here was just between me and the editor in chief. And me explaining what happens when you post some constructive criticisms or just give your opinion to one of his articles. And me being amazed that he actually banned me for it. I've been on forums since 1998 and this is the first time something like that has happened to me. So yeah, I thought that was amusing. How the editor reacted. More so considering he wanted feedback from readers. Otherwise he wouldn't allow them at all and stop getting involved in the discussions with them. Well its not like I went to a horseback-riding forum and posted this there. I went to a gaming site instead. One that will post a Gamasuta related news article once in a while (or giving a source/link to Gamasutra). Who knows, someone from here could go there to seek more information on a particular news story. And he/she might try posting at an article written by Mr. Graft. I thought they should know what to expect... or at least, that they should write very carefully. Trying not to harm his feelings or question his gaming skills or whatever. Well I won't ban you I can take your opinions and deal with them alright. We can debate on this or other topics. And I appreciate your input. Especially if you disagree with me. Makes things more fun and interesting on a forum. Now... I'm not entirely sure why this was still so high here on this forum. I thought it would be buried and long gone... but I came here and found it almost at the top among several other topics. I guess its been a slow month.
  23. I don't hate it. But I dunno... it felt different in a way that made it unpalatable for me to play consistently. I'm not sure what it was exactly. However, with MK Wii, I really got back into that franchise - mostly because I could play online. Playing offline was better than DD, IMO. Looking at Mario Kart 7 (having seen the trailer on my 3DS in full 3D), I can tell that I could enjoy it very much. It's like having Mario Kart & Diddy Kong Racing all in one.
  24. LOL No, obviously I was a member before using a different user name than now. I just forgot what it was or the password. It was quite a while ago. And I usually would only post on the news articles. I think the missions in Epic Mickey are really good. In the sense that they are very imaginative what you need to do. There's a lot of variety. And so far, I've been playing the game making almost every single enemy into a friend, instead of killing them. I did that with Pete in that boss level where everything is based on TRON. I really like how things change or are affected when you do stuff like that. Like if you help someone, word goes around and another related character will help you back. That's very cool.
  25. Yeah, right. Such a memorable game that gets overlooked quite often. Instead of doing a typical list that covers the games that I liked back in the days, I will instead post a list of GCN games that I still play TODAY on the Wii: 1. Resident Evil REmake - One of Shinji Mikami's crown jewels - RE4 was the other one (but I play the Wii Edition not the original) 2. Killer 7 - Awesome and unique gaming experience that gets better every time. Thee twist ending is superb. 3. XIII - I really like the whole political stuff included in this game. FPS that plays like an HBO thriller. If you're too young it will bore you to death, though. Won't catch the references either. Like the Kennedy assassination. And of all the cube's FPS's its the one that has aged less due to its cellshaded graphics. 4. Eternal Darkness - Before Silicon Knights lost their game creating talents... they gave the world this awesome piece of software. 5. P.N.03 - I have a soft spot for this one because it plays like a beta version of the game Mikami could never quite finish (Capcom was cancelling all his games at the time and this one barely got out of the gate). Still, its a good shoot'em up that plays like those old games from Konami for the NES. Plus its quite challenging unlike most of the "core" stuff of today. 6. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II - Beautiful looking game that plays just as good. Puts to shame many Wii games in the graphics department. The 3rd game in the series sucked, though. Too short and those walking levels were awful. 7. Star Wars: Bounty Hunter - The spiritual sequel to the N64's Shadows of the Empire. Not a perfect game. Yet I still find it very satisfying. 8. Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events - Not the game you will find on any list here. But I like this one. Just love the weird vibe of it. I actually started playing this one with my nieces and I dunno... I still find myself playing it once in a while. Including Spongebob games (oh noes!) 9. Pikmin - Great game to make the old noodle work. Relaxing too. 10. Zelda: Wind Waker - Not because its last here it means its the one I like the least. This one is one of my all times faves. The art style still holds up after all this years. Aged better than Twilight Princess in fact.
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