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Everything posted by Apple_NdiB

  1. What I find interesting about the Dark Walker level is how the dynamic of the fighting shifts when it starts roaming around. Everyone heads inside and the battle changes from a shock-fest to close-quarters combat. Of course, what could also happen is that everyone who isn't in the Dark Walker temporarily turn their weapons away from each other to take it out before who ever's in it goes on a rampage.
  2. That's okay, that's what I assumed he meant.
  3. Aah, so how do they fit all of the old stuff as well and keep the file size roughly the same? Or are the modifications tiny in terms of how much room they take up on the hard drive (forgive my lack of technical expertise)?
  4. My hard drive has been filling up quicker than I'd have like it to, so I've been on a mad deleting spree to try and save space. This includes all of my old Nvidia drivers for my graphics card, all of course except for the latest beta drivers (163.75). After I'd done this it occured to me that all the updates are around the same size, which made me think that by deleting them I've lost the benefits that the previous updates brought. I can't seem to find these drivers on the Nvidia website, and If I'd just bought my PC then I'd never have been able to find them anyway, my question is, will I need to track the older 163 drivers down or am I as up-to-date as I need to be?
  5. Happy Birthday! Here's a special message I recorded for you.
  6. Sorry to do this to you McPhee (if you haven't sorted it out yet)... This Demo hints at UT3 being the game that can put the demons of UT2k3 to rest. The GUI is Smooth with a remixed version of the theme from the original, I would've preferred the Windows-esque interface of UT and 2k4, but it does the job. The game runs smoother than any other game I've put in this computer so far, providing I leave V-sync off, and looks impressive, though I'm sure we haven't seen the best yet. Where this game really nails it is in it's feel; UT players will know what I mean - it's closer to the original, brutally quick, and the characters can't jump around like blue-arse flies anymore. I can't seem to get online with it atm, but the Botmatch is, like it always is with UT, pretty damn good anyway. Very happy.
  7. 22.140499337999994 for an e6750, 2 gig of RAM and an 8800gts with the core bus OC'ed 20% and the memory clock speed at 1.7ghz. Or something.
  8. Decrypting is taking a while... Have you seen the Demoman's taunt? When he lifts up his "kilt" to reveal a piece of paper with a smiley face scribbled on it covering his caber and two haggis?
  9. Because of the defecit between my last non-dell-cheapo-"ooh let's get that regardless of whether or not it can play the games Duncan likes" PC and this one I missed out on HL2 the first time round. I downloaded it on Friday and loved every second of it.
  10. First impressions of TF2 is that it's, and I quote, "fucking mental".
  11. I downloaded the Orange Box from Steam, and since there's no botmatch I can see on TF2 I was hoping you guys could show me the ropes. What say you?
  12. Nah, just take a gun into school and kill him, wearing a trenchcoat and listening to Linkin Park. Get your school to bring his parents in and tell them about what he's been doing. Let them know that you know he's been taking drugs, and make sure you walk to and from school in a group.
  13. Recommended specs for UT3, according to IGN, are: Dual Core Processor at 2.4GHz 1GB of RAM 7800gtx or x1300 http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/824/824746p1.html Everyone sorted then eh?
  14. Oh, silly me, why didn't I think of that?
  15. What? How are you playing this game? Why can't I play it? I wants it!
  16. Sorry to bump an old thread, but I didn't see the point in making another, as this seems to be the de-facto "official" thread. I bought it today, despite not enjoying the demo, to hold me over until something a bit more substantial comes out. So far I'm beguiled as to what I'm supposed to be doing, and every level seems to be heavily inbalanced in favour of the defending team. In one map I was playing on the GDF, trying to help the MCP get past a never ending supply of turrets and over-powered vehicles. I switched over to the Strogg and realised that with or without my involvement the battle continued as a shooting gallery for the defenders. I haven't played this online yet, but I fail to see how, unless the attacking team is considerably more skilled than the defenders, the result could be anything else. If you're in two minds I wouldn't bother.
  17. You're probably getting stuck into Halo 3 at the moment, but since I don't own a 360 I've been having a look at the Clive Barker's Jericho demo. It's a Lovecraft inspired FPS that deserves a download, if you can wade through the cheese (shoot the bald guy in your squad and you'll see what I mean) then the 10 minutes worth of gameplay show a lot of promise. It looks sublime as well.
  18. The susceptibility to hype that made me buy an Xbox for Halo 2 is kicking in again, I may have to go for this.
  19. I guess the whole keeping quiet about it thing was a bit too much to ask :P
  20. The Demo is capped at 30fps, I was running FRAPS, and from the most basic settings to everything maxed out it never moved a dicky from 30.
  21. The first card you linked to isn't overclocked, the 8800gts comes in two flavours, 320 and 640MB, and that's a 640. Bare in mind the size of your monitor, if it's above 22" then go for that one, but at resolutions of 1600 x 1200 or below, or anti-aliasing settings 6x and under the 320MB card will do just as well or in some cases better. I have a similar system to you with the GPU I linked to earlier, and my 3Dmark06 scores are between 9330 and 9360, that's pretty good for a card that cost under 200 quid.
  22. Has anybody played the demo of Quake Wars? I was pretty nonplussed by it, it reminded me of a slower version of Onslaught in 2k4.
  23. Of course, for me overclocking is in "fucking with that which ought not be fucked" territory, but for those with the know-how it's probably a safer bet to do it yourself.
  24. I have the SuperClocked variant of that card - http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?rb=0&action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=125117 which just about shaves into your budget, if you're looking for a little extra punch for your pounds it's the one for you.
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