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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. I hope I can finish some of my eShop titles and climb up the rankings in MH before FE arrives.


    I've got it pre-ordered on ShopTo as a backup because I've been on the look-out for any pre-order promotions/deals but haven't come across anything of the sort. There's a possibility that we may get something from Club Nintendo, but as we get closer and closer to launch that's looking unlikely.

    If anyone one us finds something I'll let you know ASAP.

  2. lol, thats happened a few times ;)


    I agree. Even though I initially said that I wouldn't play the demo, I still want to give it a go, but then again I want to experience Awakening in it's entirety when I play through the complete game... I can't wait!


    Actually scratch that, I've got enough games to keep me busy until FE arrives, I'm not playing the demo.

  3. I think this might be my new favourite 3DS game. I was waiting for a game to dethrone Kid Icarus: Uprising and this may very well be it... until Fire Emblem that is.
  4. Just a heads up, Ike posted the QR Code for the Fire Emblem: Awakening Demo in the thread. You going to give it a whirl?

  5. You going to give it a go?
  6. I just need a few more points cards until I can get the SNES Classic Controller.
  7. Did you let your eyes get accustomed to the darkness, I wasn't able to notice straightaway but I waited for about 5 minutes (in complete darkness) and the Glow was easily visible.
  8. Gunman Clive outsold both iOS & Android versions combined. Bertil Hörberg: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=51612495&postcount=461
  9. Like welsh said, only those who got it from GAME. I started playing a bit earlier and I'm already loving this game. So far I've explored EVERYTHING along the way. I don't want to leave anything behind, doesn't feel like a chore either it's just so great to watch Luigi slowly progressing through these haunted mansions and his reactions feel so real. Not a spoiler but just in case
  10. Just noticed that the case looks a bit different. If you look carefully enough you can notice that the "Luigi's Mansion 2" Logo and the ghosts have an extra layer to them. I'm guessing those are the only areas that glow in the dark.
  11. I got the game too. Will try it out in a bit.
  12. You're most welcome.

  13. My friends dad thought he was watching a movie as he had left the room on a cut-scene and came back into the room later still watching cut-scenes. You can see what Kojima wants. He wants to either make a film or some kind of story/novel. MGS has been going in that direction too over the years in the form of more cut-scenes.
  14. Looks hella fun! I want to see that 3D effect.
  15. Enjoyed your 'Legend of the River King' review, I spotted a mistake on the 2nd paragraph, 2nd to last line.


    valuable EXP points which everntually

  16. I read somewhere (late last night) that there was a patch that would arrive within 24 hours, meaning at the latest it should be with us by the end of the day.
  17. Thanks it worked, totally forgot about that before you mentioned it. Nope, if anything it's the same. Havent noticed any difference.
  18. Can that happen while a game is running?
  19. Pretty much sums up how good this game must be Funnily enough, like Debug Mode, I was also planning to start the EO series that's due to the fact that Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey uses the same game engine as Etrian Odyssey and I'm really enjoying that game.
  20. Nintendolife Review: http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/eshop/harmoknight
  21. Still doesn't work. It keeps on giving me a message about an error and then the system just restarts. I'll try again tomorrow but if this persists then I'm going to have to contact customer support.
  22. These are all the games I know that have CPP support: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Resident Evil: Revelations Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D Kid Icarus: Uprising Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Nano Assault EX
  23. Ooh, nice. Good to hear that's the case, but also I'm buying it because I've had it pre-ordered for ages. On another note, I can't seem to update my 3DS. It just stops part way through and tells me that there was an error and then it restarts. This happening to anyone else?
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