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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Hotel Transylvania (3DS) Full Review http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/3ds/hotel_transylvania Ouch...
  2. It's a good thing I've watched this vid, actually seeing some of the weapons in action had me thinking of a whole lot of different set-ups. What I enjoyed most about this video was the speed and intensity, it was at a very high level, although I know there were many different clips he put together it still impressed me. Also I think that was a very nice stage.
  3. Terrific price, nice one @Katie.
  4. -Dem0-

    I watched the 1st One Piece movie a few days ago. Even though it looked and sounded pretty bad, I still really enjoyed it...

    But it made me watch the episodes again :(

    13 episodes in 3 days.

    I must say those episodes were great, especially as it draws nearer to end of the arc. The most recent episode had a moment where my jaw literally dropped.

    Now I'm up to date, and I can't wait.

  5. Yeah, Mole Mania looks great, Definitely a purchase for me. Also here's a review of The Denpa Men. From Nintendolife http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/eshop/denpa_men_they_came_by_wave_eshop and another from Nintendojo http://www.nintendojo.com/reviews/the-denpa-men-they-came-by-wave-review
  6. JP only for now. Their 1st pack will be released on 2/10/12 for 200 Yen.
  7. So, what do you think?
  8. Well, if it ever happens, I'll hold out for the Trilogy.
  9. Full interview with ONM: http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/42284/features/trine-2-one-of-the-best-games-for-wii-u/?page=1
  10. So is that showing the Zombie campaign? it does look better than BLOPS Zombies. Does this mean that you have 2 modes for zombies, Campaign or the arcade version from the previous game?
  11. That's shocking actually. They still made the same mistakes as last time. I remember when FIFA 12 came out for the 3DS it was released after PES 2011 and yet it didn't improve on PES 2011's mistakes and now it's hardly improved over it's own game from last year. Still no basic online gameplay!? People if you want a footballer for your 3DS, stick with PES. it's better than FIFA in almost every department atm.
  12. Final Boxart.
  13. Personally I found the keyboard to be both visually appealing and physically comfortable to use. You get a good response from the keys too, I really like it. Also to answer your question, Yes. I was able to connect it to my Samsung Note. Was really simple to connect, it took no more than 30 seconds and you're ready to go. All you have to do is switch on the bluetooth on your device (in this case an android phone) and search for other devices. Next you have to hold down the Fn (function) button and switch on the Nintendo keyboard, afterwards you should be able to see the keyboard appear in the bluetooth devices list on your device, select it then you will get a message that tells you to key in the number that's shown on the screen using the Nintendo keyboard. Once you've correctly keyed in the number press the enter button and now the keyboard should be successfully paired with your device.
  14. Story info: The way that bullet point was delivered just cracked me up
  15. Mine has arrived today! Having an absolute blast with this, I want my little sis to eventually have a go with this too! anyway here's some pictures of the keyboard in all it's glory...
  16. In the meantime you can shoot down some chickens if you want?...... in 3D?...... £1.80 / €2.00 It's doesn't sound good at all. http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/eshop/crazy_chicken_pirates_3d
  17. Epic Mickey 1&2 (Wii):
  18. I think I've seen a few of the TV Specials, they were a while ago now and I can't remember much of them.

    I'm going to watch the first Movie tonight, it will be the first bit of One Piece I've seen in a while now.

    btw if you get the chance give me your impressions of Pirate Warriors.

  19. -Dem0-

    Yup, The replacement hasn't arrived either :angry: it's been 13 days since the replacement was dispatched too. I'll give it maybe another week max and if it still doesn't arrive I'll get a refund instead and buy episode 2 elsewhere.


    That's what I'm doing now, watching the Ace, Luffy & Sabo episodes. I skipped them first time round.

    Also I've been wanting to watch the movies but keep forgetting, have you seen them?

  20. Bought! I'm looking forward to this!
  21. Well I think it was around £35 for a year subscription in the UK when it started last year, but if it does come to the WiiU we should probably expect a similar price.
  22. -Dem0-

    Lot's of One Piece sounds great, but I've been saving up the episodes since the Straw hats actually began the fight against the New Fishman Pirates.

    About Pirate Warriors, what do you mean by installing? is it like the 360, where installing reduces loading times?


    And finally, no. I STILL haven't got Episode 2. I probably won't be going back to them ever again.

  23. Was thinking about waiting this out for a while. Thought the previous price was good. But now I'm sold, don't want to risk the price going back up.
  24. This is the final interview of a 3 part feature from ONM. This interview tries to provide tips in how to survive in 'Survival Mode' Great read. http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/42112/how-to-survive-in-zombiu-3-top-tips/
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