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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. ONM's Review http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/44294/reviews/zombiu-review-review/
  2. Don't know. The 3DS XL was the 2nd console I've ever purchased online, and both times I was home to accept the delivery.
  3. So have you chosen your game yet? EDIT: Do we select the games now? I don't see an option for that anywhere on the page.
  4. New Style Boutique for me too!
  5. Mines been dispatched too!
  6. What could it be?
  7. Came home an hour ago and saw these two emails from shopto waiting for me. I've joined the party too!
  8. Miiverse. eShop. Web Browser. In that order, then I'll play some games.
  9. Ah man it's out of stock. Great price though!
  10. Nintendolife Review http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/wiiu-eshop/mighty_switch_force_hyper_drive_edition
  11. Tekken Tag 2 Review: http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/wiiu/tekken_tag_tournament_2
  12. www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-black-ops-2-wii-u-face-off
  13. Amazon are pretty good with launch day deliveries (in my experience). I say if it's 1st Class then you'll most likely get it on launch day.
  14. Oh yeah! They were meant to start processing by the 23rd (yesterday). I'm in the same boat too, Shopto haven't sent me an email/notification about my order.
  15. How you finding the game? has it taken all your free time yet?
  16. I thought they start processing on the 23rd? Either way, I got no emails today.
  17. Don't know about that, but there will be a ZombiU demo out before December 15 on the eShop.
  18. WiiU Launch Trailer
  19. Not WiiU footage, but impressive nonetheless.
  20. Thanks, looks like I'll take my time practicing as so that I can get used to Wiimote+Nunchuk, Gamepad & WPC controls. Someone playing in the toilet.
  21. http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=191299
  22. It was midnight for some other eShop Friday releases, like NSMB2.
  23. One more review, this time from Gamesradar. http://www.gamesradar.com/fifa-13-wii-u-edition-review/
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